The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1431: : Floating Island

"Wei elders, Nangong Han Ge want to run!" Situ Muyang said to Wei Hong anxiously.

Looking at Wei Hong did not respond, Situ Muyang's face was anxious, like the ants on the hot pot, and shouted to the elders of Qingyanmen.

"Elders, Nangong Han Ge wants to enter the sea!"

Several elders of Qingyanmen would not even have a head, only to pay attention to Si Kongshang and Meng Zou elders, and turned a deaf ear to Situ Muyang.

Seeing such a situation, Shi Susu had a cold heart and looked at Wei Hong. Wei Hong still had no response. He only cares about the comfort of the elders.


Shi Susu smiled in the heart, shook his head and sighed, and then immediately encouraged the spirit, the wind attribute vitality re-formed in the whole body.

Xianzi 渺渺 登 登 登 登 登 登 登 登 登 登 登 登 登 登 登 登 登 登 登 登 登 登 登 登 登 登 登 登 登 登 登 登 登 登 登 登 登 登 登 登 登 登 登 登 登 登 登 登 登 登 登 仙 仙 仙 仙!

"Where to run!"

Situ Muyang and Shi Susu spoke loudly. The two men were already flying towards the entrance ban. Wei Hong wanted to pull it, and he sighed.

This trip to Jiuxing Valley has a complete and clear understanding of everyone's mind.

Regardless of Chen Chen or Nan Gong Han Ge's plan, everyone is finally played in the palm of the hand, of course, including their Cang Yun Temple.

They are just the companion tools in the contest between Su Yi and Jiu Xing Gu!

In this case, why should the Cangyun Temple be robbed of the sea at the end, not to mention that the danger inside may not be controlled by the Jiuxing Valley.

Cangyun Temple can come here, no loss is already fortunate, here to restore vitality, waiting for the Jiuxing Valley to open the valley, can go out neatly, for the Cangyun Temple, will not lose the first door of the chaotic domain face.

At the moment, the elders of Xuan Shuang are so seriously injured that they and Chen Chuan are only repaired by the Emperor.

Even the elders of Xuan Frost have consumed so much, and Wei Hong can't guarantee how far the road ahead can go, even if there is Su Yi.

This game, the Nine Star Valley is too big, relying on the Nine Star Valley, fear is not enough, the things involved in the back will only be more serious.

As the leader of this time, he has to consider no longer the opportunity, but the loss is minimized.

Qin Yusheng, who was next to him, saw a flash of his teacher’s voice. His heart suddenly had some anxiety, and he quickly converges and shouted.

"Su Su, wait for me!"

Wei Hong was upset and saw that Qin Yusheng had to join in the fun and screamed at the time.

The snoring sounds like a thunder, and the boundless breath is like a pair of big hands, and Qin Yusheng is nailed to the original place.

"Give me a stop! Is it not enough?"

Qin Yusheng looked at the back of Shi Susu, and slammed his head and continued to heal the elders.

"Muyang, teacher girl!" Su Yiqing's head yelled above his head, worried in his heart.

The teacher, who is closer to the demon lotus, rushed to the back of the demon lotus. Su Yi saw that the two immediately started, and the heart screamed badly. The black demon that could resist the light column Yu Wei was not ordinary martial arts.

At that time, Shi Susu’s body-winding attributes were in full swing, with an unstoppable power, the sword in his hand clenched, the handprints condensed, and a very dense attribute shrouded the whole body.

"Wind dance Xuan Tianjian!"

The wind blade whistling and dancing, vertical and horizontal, boiling and rushing, countless small and small curling blades with a sigh of breath to directly smash the surrounding empty, and turn into powder!


The teacher’s one stroke and one stroke are another, and it’s a squeaky, small, dense wind blade with an unmatched breath, such as Wan Jian’s return to the ancestors, stirring the surrounding world’s full of energy, swaying the space, straight Attacked and killed the devil.

The demon lotus is like a living thing left to avoid, easy to resolve the offensive, Nangong Han Ge wrapped it, leaving only a pair of eyes like a stagnant water, watching the wind blade from the spread, the corner of the mouth picked up a smile.

"I actually let the **** devils make a heart, so it is good to have a few funerals! Oh!"

The demon lotus body is full of black light, and tiny blood vessels are wrapped around the petals, giving off a fascinating scarlet scent, which is creepy and thrilling!

The wind blade of the sky is like a small, dense blade that constantly cuts the air, swells the boundless wind, and wraps it around the demon.


The whole body is black and demon, and suddenly the blood is rising, and the demon is elongating and creeping. It is like a long tongue, and the wind brought by the wind blade is blown away instantly.

"call out!"

The faint black penguin shadows the cold claws, the sharpness is extremely incomparable, the fierce eyes, the inexhaustible killing, the double wings agitate, and rushed straight to the black demon.

"Give me to die! Hey!"

Nangong Han Ge immediately rushed into the body, the sinister scarlet breath madly skyrocketed, the blood vessels above the petals flowed with vivid red light.

Near the entrance, several petals are opened backwards, growing wildly, and the long petals are like a long tentacle that will erode the sinful black peninsula.


Shi Susu and Situ Muyang were directly hit by the petals of the demon lotus. The chest was suddenly sweet and the body was thrown high!

"Green Emperor!"

The Qinghuang took the lead and accurately caught Shi Susu and Situ Muyang. I saw that the teacher’s mouth was stagnant and the breath was chaotic, and Situ Muyang’s imperial warfare was once again on the verge of breaking.

"Ha ha ha! A bunch of waste!"

Nangong Han Ge, who has been integrated with the demon lotus, has a flash, and has quickly entered the sea.


Su Yi's face was iron and blue, and in the sinking, several figures quickly fell into the white sea.

At this time, the entrance to the sea, the heaven and earth aura is like a thick paste. Once you step in, Su Yi feels that the heaven and earth energy like a mountain is pressing against himself.

The Green Emperor, as well as the Yin and Yang Erming, have been unable to withstand such a huge amount of heaven and earth energy. They have re-translated into a human form, looking at the foreground of the eye, and the face is full of surprise.

I saw a cliff and cliffs in front of my own eyes. Under the cliffs, a mile of whiteness, the sea of ​​fog, and the violent hurricane whistling.

Between the clouds and the sea, there is a long plank road in the middle of the sky, connected with nine huge sky islands.

The white sea is blue and the sky is astronomical. The nine air islands and the nine stars are arranged in the same shape.

Each island is suspended from its own, and the clouds rise above it. The light of the stars above the island is mysterious.

One is taller than one, one is closer to the sky than the other, and the tallest suspended island has fallen into the clouds.

Looking at the magnificent white sea underneath, Su Yi Deng recalled the nine spirits and seas seen in Lingbao Pavilion. At that time, Su Yi was caught in contemplation.

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