The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 1432: :airs vs.

At this time, the vast sea of ​​clouds that spurted out and swelled into waves, and the boundless sky was like a martial art in the world, which made Su Yi feel a psychedelic and fascinating.

Immediately in the mind of Su Yi, the mysterious light group was swaying abnormally, and it was full of wonderful light, and the heart suddenly burst into pride.

"Yun Haiyan, who can be called the king!"

Looking at the boundless white waves, the sky is shining and rolling in the clouds, like the flat spring thunder in the ocean, and roaring!

The opportunity is in front of you, Su Yi is full of expectations.

Su Yi then walked aside and looked at it, trying to find the figure of Nangong Han Ge, which turned into a demon.

As soon as he entered the sea of ​​robbing, the abundance of heaven and earth aura filled the atmosphere of Nangong Han Ge well, and his body shape was impossible to find in the white mist.

Fortunately, the entire terrain is unobstructed, and the long-air path is connected to the first island. Su Yi finds that the distance between each island is too high. Yuan Zongjing can’t directly use the vitality to fly. If Nangong Han Ge wants to appear, he will not escape. Easy eyes.

Then I no longer thought about it. Su Yi shrugged his nose. Just a huge impact made his clothes completely ruined. He was naked at this time, and he took out a white gown from the space bag and put it on.

After re-dressing, he turned to Situ Muyang and Shi Susu.

"The energy of the heavens and the earth here is so rich, teacher girl, shepherd, you can heal quickly, and leave the rest to me!"

I saw the wound that Shi Sisu had just hit by the black demon lotus petals. At this time, under the turmoil of heaven and earth, it has gradually healed.

In the eyes suddenly brightened, nodded slightly toward Su Yi, sitting on the ground and breathing.

Immediately, Su Yi looked at the eyes of the nine floating islands in front of him. Through the induction of the breath, Su Yi could clearly feel that the energy reserves of the nine islands are different, even the rules are different. The nearest island is only A long-lane path is connected, which is a must.

Between the thoughts, the incomparably Tang Yan behind him, the vitality has gradually recovered, watching the robbery of the sea, the eyes are full of strange eyes flowing, said to Su Yi.

"Su Zongzhu, the nine floating islands in front of the sky is the Big Dipper in the sky, followed by Tianshu Island, Tianzhu Island, Tianzhu Island, Tianquan Island, Yuheng Island, Kaiyang Island, Yaoguang Island, Dongming Island, Hidden Yuan Island, the ancestors should be on the last island. If you want to explore the secrets of Fenglei Valley, you must set the nine islands to be level!"

Su Yi's mouth slightly outlined a smile. From Tang Yan, he simply learned that the nine-star robbery is a small world of self-contained, fierce beasts, and the martial arts strong people lived together. It is the ancestor of the nine stars. Arrived, breaking the original world rules here.

On every layer of the island, the energy of the heavens and the earth will be more abundant, and the natural selection will be the best and the survival of the fittest.

After some fierce competition, according to the size of the force, each layer finally fixed the guarding power, which may be the martial arts sage, or the orc supreme, or even a heaven and earth illusion.

After all, after so many years, Tang Yan has only a lot of knowledge about the nine-star robbery, and the situation inside needs to wait for Su Yi to explore.

"What's the matter? I like it the most!" After listening to Tang Yan's words, Su Yi's mouth outlined a smile.

In the eyes of the emperor next to him, a brilliant light shot, looking at the long empty path.

"Master, that kid is over there!"

I saw a black demon in the path of the distant white, and the southern part of the palace was exposed. The blood red mark imprinted the body red.

The black vitality attribute is looming in the clouds, and is rushing toward the first island. The state is getting more and more difficult, and the pace is stagnant, like dragging heavy iron.

"It seems that he is a little hard to go?"

Su Yi smiled a little, and the aura of heaven and earth here is too rich. If you don’t immediately sigh and adjust, it’s like thousands of mountains pressing on the body. Heavy pressure will make it difficult for the repairers to move.

Suddenly, the first time, Shen Yi for a while, Su Yi running the mixed yuan to the merits, ample energy of the heavens and the earth, constantly pouring into his limbs, a deep breath, a feeling of refreshment.

Su Yi muttered to himself: "Sure enough!"

The imaginary deep sea that has just been consumed by the big cockroaches is once again full of filling, such as the violent torrents.

The green emperor on the side, the yin and yang, the expression on the face is also very stretched, the faint Jinhui shrouded, as the sound of the dragon's voice that passed through the ancient times reverberated for a long time, and the sea of ​​clouds and seas shook the turbulent space, constantly moving far The exhibition is on the rise.

"It seems that because of the nourishment of the dragon's breath, the energy of heaven and earth in the ancient times is not very restrictive to you! The Green Emperor is also."

Ling Qian Xueyue 熠熠 熠熠 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , high.

In the enchanting forest, because of the restraint of Lingyin, Su Yi could not run smoothly. Without the prohibition, in the abundance of heaven and earth, Su Yi was like a dragon in the clouds, flying fish in the water, and very smooth.

Su Yi heard that the full operation of the mixed yuan to the merits, the body's wide meridian vitality is not the slightest blockage, like the Yangtze River rushing, but now the heart is condensed, looking at the distant and **** figure, whispered.

"I see where you are going! Green Emperor, let's go!" Su Yi reveals white teeth, as if watching a clown acting.


Su Yi's body shape, the strength of the foot surge, the fire attribute strength rose from the soles of the feet, the whole body is like a fireball, and the wind flies straight toward Nangong Han Ge.

Feeling the wind whistling behind him, Nangong Han Ge, who was struggling, looked back in horror, and his eyes were black.

Su Yi and the green emperor behind him, as well as the yin and yang two meditation clouds stepping into the air, like the gods of the ordinary, looking at themselves with a smile.

At this time, Nangong Han Ge, hair is messy, his eyes are deep, and the black breath of the whole body is accompanied by mysterious runes, his face is gloomy, and there are countless thoughts flashing in his mind.

Feeling that there is no slight change in Su Yi's breath, the cultivation has not been reduced, and Nangong Han Ge's face reveals a horror, very doubtful.

Nangong Han Ge touched the four stars in his arms, three of which were in the **** devil, in a hurry, grabbed from Shuo Shuo, and one was in his own hands.

I did not expect that I had to work hard to make my own cultivation to be stable in the Yuan Dynasty, but Su Yi was like nothing!

"Why are your breaths not disturbed? You obviously don't have enough stars!"

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