The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 2054: :Long Ya

"Where is there still the rest of the people? I want to go back and see them! Now that my mission is completed, there is no other wish in this life. I just want to avenge my enemies and revenge for the people!"

Listening to the words of Shangguan Tianchen, Su Yi brows more and more tight, and for a moment.

After a few interest, Su Yi took a shot on the shoulder of Guan Tianchen, and relieved: "Well! Finally, I know why the Master asked you to send me off! This time, you must also leave the palace!"

His eyes smacked a touch of iron, and the Su Yi index finger was at the eyebrows of Shangguan Tianchen, and a piece of regional information was poured again.

Just in case, the things of the descendants of Linggu in Yucheng were transmitted by Su Yi in the secret law of Scorpio. In addition to the search for the secret, there is no risk of leakage.

The pupil was vain, and after receiving the news, the Shangguan Tianchen smashed the cold light, and a breath of breath rushed out.

Seeing Shangguan Tianchen, who can't wait to see it, Su Yi will take out the letter to his family at the same day, and hand it over to Shangguan Tianchen.

"You are going! You must think that you are in a hurry! I have a five-year contract with the Lord of the City. Now there is more than a year left. If you enter the city, you will take this thing in! They are also I am a member of the Overlord Corps, you have to carry the roses and they are fast and powerful!"

When Shangguan Tianchen heard the name of Shangguan Weiwei, he quickly became more and more radiant, and the sorrow in the depths of his eyes finally poured out a glimmer of hope.

After leaving, Su Yi was so eager to make Shangguan Tianchen receive the Shangguan Weiwei, try not to have big moves.

Now the dragon is watching, except for the Dragon family. Unknown gun middle-aged and scimitar veterans are still in the dark.

If you are found to be left behind, it is very likely that the last candle in this world will be extinguished.

Looking at the figure of Shangguan Tianchen gradually disappeared in the thin morning fog, Su Yi also slammed the direction, the strength of his feet rose sharply, and went away from the palace.

Looking calm and firm, looking back at the palace on the hill, Su Yizhen whispered: "I will definitely come back! If you, 筱man, wait for me!"

In the next second, Su Yi’s figure disappeared and the space was swaying in the air.

The Van Gogh Palace, the statue is beautifully painted.

The huge body hovered above the sky, like a proud and sulking Taikoo Golden Dragon, overlooking the heavens and the earth.

The five great families, each with their own methods of segregating the mainland, can isolate a small world in the Tianman continent.

The family can always contact Tian Man, but it will never be discovered by the Tian Manwu.

At this time, the golden light, like the dragon ship Tiangong in the warship, is imposing and imposing.

Similar to the tail of the hull, in the depths of a void, a roar of space tears.


The huge shock wave made the patrolling dragon soldiers extremely moving and rushed to the stern.

"Who!" An armed Jin Ge soldier looks like a gold long whip in the hands of the sky, leaving only a heroic eyebrow.

If the small world is invaded, it must be super strong!

On time, dozens of dragon patrols lined up behind them were all serious and eager to wait for the sky to crack.

In the depths of the void, the cracks in the space engulfing the silver arc instantly spread to both sides. In the dark space cave, a **** figure was thrown out from the cave!


The cracks expand and contract, and a naked old man is covered in blood and falls straight down from the sky, like a winged bird.

When the soldier saw it, he panicked and stunned, and in a flash he judged that the person had lost consciousness of action.

Only listening to the heavy muffled sound, the old man has fallen on the golden ground of the Temple of Heaven, raised a few flying blood beads, and the dragon is shining.

"Take that person!" The soldier grew up and shouted, and the Malaysian Golden Knife commanded his men.

"Let's let go!"

The soldiers screamed and sang, and the sturdy Yuan Zongjing was rebuilt as a six-strong man. The strong people pushed the people away and let a small road.

Looking down, the soldier's arrogant look suddenly changed when he saw the **** face of the old man.

"I want to see the dragon god!" After that, the old man’s gaze was once again scattered, and a blood spurted out and fainted!

I saw that the left half of the old man lying on the ground has disappeared, and the broken trousers are like shredded flags, and the horror flutters!

The blood was filled with blood, and the suffocating gas made everyone look at them. The soldiers showed their gaze and whispered: "The dragon **** has not returned yet. How can this be good?"

The soldiers on the side took a sigh of relief and looked at the old man lying on the ground. The repair was even more inscrutable.

Suffering such a serious injury, it must have experienced great changes.

"Captain Longya, who is this person?" The bold soldier asked seriously.

I saw the patrolling soldier's long-sightedness, and his eyes converge, and the helmet with the fierce dragon's head engraved on the top of his head was slowly unloaded.

The golden light shines, and a cool and radiant face is displayed in front of people.


"What a nice view!"

On arrival, the eyes of some people in the place were attracted by this wild but extremely delicate face, and the hot atmosphere instantly ignited all the male eyes.

"You have a lot of words! The thing of the Dragon family is that you can ask if you want to ask!" Longya was cold and stunned, and the fierce eyes swept over the scene.

Many of the lower-ranking Dragon soldiers consciously bowed their heads and their eyes trembled.

But more daring veterans are still enjoying the sights that are hard to see in the escorts.

The captain of the so-called Longya has a long, thick, golden wave and long hair. When the helmet is unloaded, it is like a waterfall, and it is fascinating.

The figure is even more irritating to the devil. It is comparable to the water snake's waist with a little brutal muscles and a pair of slender long legs. It is a killing weapon. If you look at it, it will be easy to blow nose!

The eyes of the two scorpions are full of coldness, the nose of Takamatsu, and the sublime in the air.

Obviously, Longya has adapted to being surrounded by men.

"Take me back to the back!" Longya's indifferent voice quickly spread, and the uniform retreat sounded through the air.

"He was actually hurt to this point!" Longya picked up Liu Mei and whispered.

Tilted down, the golden dragon pattern around the world filled the world, the snow powder neck is covered with Jin Hui, Long Ya tilted his head, carefully checking the old man's injury.

"I am so lucky, I joined the Dragon Guards on the first day and saw the true face of Captain Longya!"

"Since the young Master Long Cang came back from Tianfeng, the captain of Long Ya was almost an expression every day, and the training for us was even more demanding! Oh! It’s rare to have this blessing today!"

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