The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 2055: : Secret Dragon Conference (1)

"It's nothing, as long as I can show me the captain of Dragone every day, it will be worthwhile for me to practice!"


Several recruits standing behind them whispered and exchanged obscene eyes.

One of the apparently old dragon soldiers in front of him, his face was quiet and he was seriously reminded.

"All give me the thoughts of my heart! The dragon captain is not a straw bag! In addition, she is the granddaughter of Elder Long Kui! You little wet, you have to be happy?"

The team of dozens of people is soaring and the voice is quiet.

After listening to the veterans, even the patrolmen standing in front of them were blind and locked, and their eyes were unconsciously squinting backwards, full of awe and fear.

What is the status of Elder Long Kui in the Dragon Family? As long as I stayed at the Dragon House for one day, my heart is clear.

He is not only the elders of the Shaogong Lord Long Cang from small to large, but also the strongest existence of the dragon family except for the old monsters of the Long Laohui.

Of course, in the Dragon family, no one is better than the Dragon God. No one's majesty can override the Dragon God.

In the hearts of the children of the Dragon family, the Dragon God is the head of the Dragon Family, and it is the master of the entire Tian Man Continent.

The **** of the dragon god, who can’t dare!

The throat was tumbling, and everyone's gaze quickly turned from a hot desire to a panic of horror. The look was serious and there was no more wretched and filthy expression.

Before and after, it was only a matter of time. I only listened to the front of Longya’s arm and gave a command. Generally speaking, “Go to the secret dragon room and ask the young master of Long Cang to come quickly!”

The secret dragon room, the important meeting place of the Tiangong.

Generally speaking, it is the top secret of the Van Gogh Palace.

At this moment, not far from the spacious space, the four walls and the pillars are engraved with dragons in the sky, lifelike and imposing.

The wall pattern in front of it is a large piece of gold dragon flashing in the clouds, lightning bolts, Shenweihehe.

Long teeth dance claws, golden light spit in the mouth, like destroying thousands of creatures in the world, holy hegemony!

The huge front paws are matched with the shining dragon scales, which are more colorful and more prominent, and highlight the golden dragon's honor and pride in the sky.

Indoors, only Long Cang and Long Ya, Long Cang sat on the top, Long Ya sat on the west side, the two were speechless.

After four months of recovery, Long Cang can already walk down the ground, but still pale, the lips and teeth are more morbid, and the eye sockets are deep.

After returning, Long Cang, already had no pride and ambition to participate in the Tianfeng qualifying war, and there was no frivolity and embarrassment to overlook the world.


Long Cang kept coughing and exerting excessive force. The surrounding air spread the sound of heart-to-heart collision.

Sitting on the side of Longya's eyes is cold, and the depths of his eyes are actually a bit of anger.

Sitting on the east side, Longya looked at the morbid Long Cang, and the tone was soft and soft. He asked: "Is the lord of the palace less okay? I still have a few bottles of medicinal herbs, and I will give you You sent it!"

In general, Long Cang’s eyebrows twitched quickly, and a kind of anger and humiliation that was despised was on the eyebrows, and the chill rose sharply.

"Are you pitiful or a joke to me?" Long Cang took Longya, who suddenly dropped the eyelashes and completely looked like a wrong thing.

"I don't have that meaning! I am just worried about your body!" said Long Yasheng, the cold arrogance just in front of the soldiers suddenly collapsed.

In the Van Gogh Temple, everyone knows that Longya worships the strong and worships the genius!

As the first person in the younger generation of the Dragon Family, Long Cang is naturally a romantic teenager in the heart of Long Ya, and is the best choice for the husband.

Even if Longya is four years older than Long Cang, who is only eighteen years old, Longya does not feel that she is in the Dragon family. Who can compete with her.

"Hey!" Long Cang took a heavy sigh, swallowed a sip of sorrow, and his cold eyes moved from Longya to the elders of the Holy Peak.

The dragon stunned the eyes, looked at the holy peak that had been dying on the stretcher, and asked the eyebrows: "What happened? How did he come back? Is it exposed?"

Longya nodded, and her thoughts resumed seriousness and sorrow.

"This time, the sacred mountain, the power that we have invaded for many years is completely annihilated. This holy peak is a strong presence even in the dragon family. The return of the dragon family secret report, the long wind, the holy fire, and the holy Qing, The Holy Ghost is also dead!"

Wen Yan, Long Cang's face suddenly ugly, twisted together with five senses extremely embarrassed, lost channel: "How can this be! Whoever has this ability!"

Longya took a deep breath and looked like a cold and resentful voice. The cold road: "The dragon family secretly came back after worrying about the exposure. The information brought back is so much! But he saw a person in the big ratio!"

Long Cang's gaze swept away from the volatility, and the knuckles holding the corner of the table began to panic purple. The cold whispered, "Who! Tell me!"


The door of the secret dragon room was instantly opened, and a golden dragon was swaying from the outside.

The space ripples instantly engulf huge energy, filling the entire secret dragon room.

"Grandpa!" Longya immediately showed her face, laughing and standing up, her eyes falling in the golden storm.

In the storm, a pair of wrinkled eyes are full of anger, it is the dragon parent old - Long Kui.

Long Kui shakes the purple robes, glances at the elders of the Holy Peak lying on the ground, and the slight invisible shock passes through the depths of the corners of his eyes.

"Return to the Palace of the Lord, is Su Yi! The holy mountain is destroyed by Su Yi! All the plans of the Dragon family have been disrupted!" Long Kui mouth twitched, and Yu Guang glanced at Long Cang.

Still because Long Kui arrived, and happy Longya listened to it, and the face suddenly gloomy, his mouth opened slightly, whispered: "Su Yi! Is that the Tianfeng ranks the war to defeat the main palace?" ”

"Su Yi! Su Yi! A good Su Yi!" A loud reverberation, under the palm of the hand, the table corner immediately turned into a powder.


The sound is roaring, and the dust and debris are suddenly floating in the air, turning into powder under the enormous energy of space.

A **** mist spouted from the mouth, and Long Cang was in a hurry to attack the heart.

Long Kui and Long Ya rushed to meet, Long Kui's energy is like a pillar, gently into the dragon's body.

After a long while, Long Cang gradually returned to calm, deep breath, endless, cold: "Where is he now! Why not catch him back!"

Long Kui shook his head and looked at Long Cang. His heart was disappointed by his anger and anger. "The dragon **** ordered that Su Yi is a very important piece of chess. You can't touch him without being in the place!" Someone in the dragon family protects him!"

Long Cang and Long Ya looked at each other, shocked and horrified.

In addition to the Dragon God, who else has such energy?

"Is it the old man! He can't even save me, why do you want to keep that bastard!" Long Cang hysteria, asked Long Kui with a tone of approaching roaring.

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