The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 430: : Accept the savage beast!

Let Xu Jiahui and so on retreat here, Su Yi is also very assured.

This is the nest of the Xuanyang Golden Demon, with many wild monsters. Before the pro-disciples have not come in, those inside disciples are afraid that they will not have the strength to break in, far away from the time.

The black enchanting scorpion also has a wound on his body. He has conquered the black enchanting sorrow. Su Yi is also not guilty. He took out a few good healing pills and gave it to the black enchanting scorpion, so that he can also heal the cave in this cave. .

As for the spiritual liquid in the mysterious space, the effect on these wild monsters is even greater.

But this is the pretty monster in the battlefield of Wanjian. Su Yi still doesn't know if these pretty monsters can finally be brought out, so this spirit is naturally reluctant.

After all, the preciousness of this spirit is not at all comparable to that of elixir.

In the cave, Xu Jiahui, Zhang Qing, etc. immediately sat cross-legged, took the spirit liquid, and suddenly the body was shrouded in light, with energy fluctuations in his body.

The black enchanting cockroach swallowed the elixir and healed it.

Arrange everything, Su Yi came out of the cave, told Xuanyang Golden Demon, let a group of wild monsters protect the law in the cave.

"Adult, where are we going?"

Xuanyang Golden Demon 隼 eyes see Su Yi, slightly fluttering wings, feeling Su Yi seems to have some arrangements.

"The head of the pretty monster in this square, should there be swordstone in the hand?"

Su Yi smiled a little and stretched a lazy waist. This battlefield seems to be a bit interesting.

"It should be there. As far as I know, there are some dangerous places, and there are also sword stones." Xuanyang Golden Demon replied.

"No hurry, I will first look for those pretty monster heads, their nest, you know?" Su Yi said.

"All know, but there are quite a few heads of pretty monsters inside, there are some big heads, more of the sword stone on the body." Xuanyang Jin Yao said.

"As I wish, hehe."

Su Yi smiled and smiled at the corner of his mouth, and he had plans in his heart.


Immediately, the golden light expanded, and the Xuanyang Golden Demon smashed its wings and disappeared into the low air.

Not long after, in a few dozen miles, there was an amazing beast, and a white demon with a few feet long squatted in front of Su Yi.

At dusk, in the gorge, the beasts are endless, shaking the valley!

A savage beast like a sly cockroach, on the head of the skull, with a single horn, the letter of the son swallowed, squatting in front of Su Yi.


Time has passed and it has been a few days since entering the battlefield of Wanjian.

For the environment inside the Wanjian battlefield, all inside disciples and outside disciples have a certain understanding.

Especially the foreign disciples, almost all of them have been accepted by the inner disciples, and there are dangerous places. The first is to explore them, but they also know the dangers.



Without time, these outside disciples, inside disciples will be attacked by the wild monsters, and there are injuries, and they are full of dangers, but they are also rewarding.

Wanjian battlefield is a mysterious and ancient space. There are also many opportunities and creations. The most common ones are many herbs, and some even reach the point of elixir.

These are all worthwhile, and they can exchange for the medicinal herbs with the Excalibur. It is rumored that there are some scattered treasures in the battlefield of the sword. The organic source can know.

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"Be sure to be careful about Su Yi, he will grab someone when he sees you!"

"That's too strong, and we can't afford it until the disciples come in!"

"See Su Yi, avoid it immediately!"

"Fireproof anti-theft and anti-Suyi!"

In the past few days, among the inner disciples who scattered around the battlefield of Wanjian, the news was also spread. The fire-proof anti-theft and anti-Suyi, no one wants to see the guy.

But these inner disciples are more concerned, and these Tian Suyi simply do not have time to pay attention to them.

Su Yi these days are too busy, riding the Xuanyang Golden Demon, shuttled in the battlefield of more than half of the sword, relying on the body of the super-power, to conquer a big monster head size, looking for elixir, which Have time to find the troubles of these inner disciples.

However, these inner-door disciples have not thought of it yet. It will not take long for an eternal nightmare and blow to fall on them.

Eight days later, the towering peaks are surrounded by clouds.

On one side of the mountain, there are three empty sides, behind which is a piece of cliff, the front of the clouds is foggy, the old trees among the rocks are towering, twisting and vigorous.

On the cliff boulder, Su Yi quietly stands, the robes are hunting, the black hair is light, and the broken sword behind it is very eye-catching, and the tough and deep scorpion has a red flash of light.


The beast is low and echoes the forest.



In the distant mountains, the beasts resounded, and the fierce birds spread their wings and swayed the wilderness.

In front of Su Yi, there is a bunch of pretty monsters at this moment, attacking and standing.

There are 翎 璀璨 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

A total of no less than thirty savage beasts, are the size of the savage beast in the battlefield of this sword, but at the moment they are all gathered together, and the fear of meekness is in front of Su Yi.

If someone sees this scene, it is enough to be stunned.

Su Yi mouth, with a touch of smile, looking at the front of the group of pretty monsters, the size of the head, the mood seems to be good, especially the body has been forty-three swords stone to hand, which makes Su Yi more happy.

"Adults, the front is the land of the king, and the danger inside is getting bigger and bigger. We dare not go in many places."

A singularly savage beast and big snake animal language tells Su Yi that the letter is swallowing and screaming.

This is a big devil's big head collar, the strength is better than the Xuanyang Golden Demon, but in front of Su Yi, the demon spirit is repaired, all are to be suppressed and conquered.

"Time is almost the same..."

Su Yi is eye-catching and looks ahead. According to these heads of the savage beast, there is a monster in the front, and many of them are very strong and dangerous.

Calculating the time, these days have also traveled more than half of the Wanjian battlefield area, with the Xuanyang Golden Demon flight, the speed is naturally not the need to climb the mountain and wading quickly.

Xu Jiahui, Zhang Qing and so on are still in retreat, time is almost the same, and perhaps there is a breakthrough.

"Follow the plan." Su Yi waved his hand.


A very savage beast head suddenly dismissed, and some savage birds vacated and disappeared into the air.

"Adult, are we going back now?" asked Xuanyang Jin Yao.

"Go, go back first." Su Yi smiled, although these days have worked hard, but the harvest is extremely huge, it is worth it.

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