The God of Sky & Earth

Chapter 431: : Pretty monsters!

After a while, Xuanyang Golden Demon protects the law, in the hidden cave, Su Yi sits cross-legged and counts the harvest in these eight days.

Among these harvests, in addition to the sword stone, Su Yi got the most medicine and the elixir at the level of the elixir.

Where are these elixir, the most savage beast in the battlefield of Wanjian is the clearest.

After conquering the heads of the pretty monsters, all the good things fell on Su Yi.

It can be said that at least half of the Wanjian battlefield area has now fallen into the hands of Su Yi, and there is no need for Su Yi to take it.

However, from the mouths of the heads of the pretty monsters, Su Yi learned that this battlefield is not the same.

To the deepest part of the Wanjian battlefield, there are even more powerful savage beast heads, there are quite a monster king, of course, there are also many treasures.

Su Yi honed, this area outside the majority should be the disciple of the excalibur and the disciples of the inner door.

In the depths of Wan Jian’s battlefield, it is the place where the disciples are honed.

With the strength of the pro-disciplinary disciples, this outer region does not have any tempering effect.

And those real opportunities for creation are naturally reserved for pro-disciples, so in the depths of Wan Jian’s battlefield, there is a real chance and creation.

It’s just that time is almost out. I’m worried about the breakthrough of Xu Jiahui, Zhang Qing and others. Su Yi plans to continue deep into the battlefield of Wan Jian.

Calculating the time, in a few days, those pro-disciples will also come to the battlefield of Wanjian. In the past few days, Su Yi also has some things to do.

Put important things like swordstone and Su Yi in mysterious space to prevent accidents.

The accident that was suffered in the wild demon forest was looted by the woman, and Su Yi still had a shadow.

The elixir, the medicinal material, and Su Yi are all transplanted in the mysterious space. With the current area of ​​the mysterious space, it is enough to plant a large amount of medicinal materials.

O6 cool. Craftsman net D

And now in the mysterious space, it is indeed a big medicine field.

All kinds of medicinal materials and elixir are dazzling, and the scent of medicine is far more powerful than that of the same class.

Ordinary herbs come into this mysterious space and can be turned into elixir.

Looking at the medicine field that I personally planted, Su Yi is also very helpless. If he is a refining pharmacist, it is a pity that he is not a refining pharmacist. These elixir can only be sold to others.

Otherwise, the efficacy and efficacy of these herbs, the refining of the medicinal herbs, is much stronger than the same level of medicinal materials.


After half an hour, in the calm midair, a golden light and shadow spread out.

On the back of Xuanyang Golden Demon, Su Yi sat cross-legged, handprints condensed, and practicing 驭驭驭诀.

Anytime, anywhere, as long as there is time, Su Yi has never forgotten the practice, the mixed yuan is the most important, but the scorpio has not fallen.

With the cultivation of Su Yi, the Xuanyang Golden Demon squats on the back, with energy fluctuations lingering around Su Yi, exudes a touch of brilliance.


Wide caves, undulating waves, and energy fluctuations.

Xu Jiahui's body is covered with light, and a trace of energy lingers in the posture of the beginning of the curve, such as a snake snake swimming, the body's breath is climbing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

At the entrance of the cave, the black enchanting enchantment was alarmed, and the eyes were tightly watched.

Not far away, Liu Wei, Zhang Qing and others, at this moment are also shrouded in light, energy fluctuations, the body's breath is not known how many times stronger than a few days ago.


I don't know how long it took, and the breath of Xu Jiahui climbed to the extreme. With a violent wave, the body's breath suddenly climbed to a new level.

This breath has not stopped, and continues to climb.

Zhang Qing, Liu Wei, etc., are also on the body that lasts on the knees, from the inside out, the atmosphere fluctuates.

At the moment, Xu Jiahui, Zhang Qing, Liu Wei, Wang Fan, etc., in the spirits of the refining and chemical body, they originally felt that the spirit liquid is not a thing, but at the moment they take the spirit liquid after refining, this is the real It is clear that this spirit is so extraordinary that it is definitely a treasure.

The bones are washed, the soul and the body are tempered, and the soul is nourished. The role of these spirits makes Xu Jiahui and Zhang Qing stunned and ecstatic.

This is a heavy treasure, let them change from the inside out, they can clearly feel that their talents are enhanced under this spirit.

Of course, the sputum energy contained in this spirit liquid made Xu Jiahui and Zhang Qing suffer, but they all came over.

The enthalpy energy contained in the spirit liquid also gives great benefits to everyone, and it is repaired and smashed.

"grown ups!"

When Su Yi returned to the mountain, there were pretty monsters in front of him, and they looked awe.

"Nothing happened?"

Su Yi asked one of these savage beasts.

This is a whole body of dark yellow cracking tyrants, here, repairing is only the second time Xuanyang Golden enchanting, to the point of the demon spirit.

It is precisely because of this, the savage beast with the demon spirit, Su Yicai assured that Xu Jiahui and so on.

Among the disciples of Shen Jianmen, Su Yi seems to have not encountered the existence of Yuan Lingjing.


The fissure tyrants bears the beast language and told Su Yi that there are many humans coming around these days, but they are far away from them. There is no time for energy fluctuations in the caves. It seems that some people have broken through.

Su Yi nodded, and Xuanyang Jin Yao Yao entered the cave, want to see Xu Jiahui and other refining spirits to what point.


The energy in the cave is fluctuating and the energy is pervasive.


Su Yi looked at the black enchanting scorpion, the injury on his body was almost good, and the injury was no problem.

Looking at the eyes, Xu Jiahui, Zhang Qing and so on in the cave are still refining the spirits in the body, but the breath of the body is different from the original.

Knowing the repairs of Xu Jiahui and others, Su Yi also knows the terrible energy contained in the spirit liquid, so he has control over the weight.

However, Su Yi still underestimated the energy of the spirit liquid, and also overestimated the refining ability and tolerance of Xu Jiahui. If you look at this situation, Xu Jiahui, Zhang Qing and others want to thoroughly refine the spirit in the body, fearing that it still needs One or two days.

"You also let go of the interest rate adjustment."

After a while, Su Yi said to Xuanyang Golden Demon, these days Xuanyang Golden Demon 隼 is quite expensive, flying more than half of the Wanjian battlefield area.

Su Yi also sat down in the cave and continued to practice the scorpio.

Su Yi has been very satisfied with the recent progress in the level of cultivation, and the soul cannot be pulled down.

I have never shown the identity of the soul sorcerer, but Su Yi is very clear, the identity of the soul sorcerer is his own card, and he must remain at the peak anytime and anywhere.

Another day of the evening, in the battlefield of Wanjian, the sun sets and the red is covered.

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