The God Of The Undead

Chapter 32 - Chaper 28: The Adventures of Joselin part 2

It didn't take Joselin long to change out of the rags that she once sported as clothes and into the black victorian maids costume. She looked at herself in the mirror and felt wonderful to look how she believed princesses dress finally. After staring at herself in the mirror with a smile of joy for a while, she finally left the store and back onto the streets where her spiderlings stood guard in various spaces that many people wouldn't have expected them to be, especially at night.

She walked by many buildings that were either small or big, long or thin, burning or completely dark and silent. Multiple screams and terrifying roars and howls kept the city alive and fascinating to Joselin. It was around noon when she began to search incredibly fast around many nooks and cranny for signs of children she could add to her spiderlings group. After a while, she had found just under 30 children in various conditions. Some were injured, some were just badly bruised, while six were suffering bites from their zombified parents, friends, or neighbors. Although she wanted to work on them immediately, she was still caught on the earlier lesson of "If you want it get it yourself."

So after wondering how she could transport the 30 children and still make back up to her current location before dark so she could continue to enjoy the daylight while searching for fresh parts, she remembers how Dixie had told her about the connection between her and the regular zombies and followed it she could summon any of them no matter how far they were. After finding a suitable answer to her problem, she closes her eyes. She focuses on her soul, which Dixie showed her how to find and access, inadvertently entering into her soul cavity to see her soul that looked like a small red crystal the size of a small ball being wrapped and connected by red lines of mana to a giant-sized dark red crystal that gave an eerie glow. She couldn't guess the sized of it as it dwarfed the size of her own, but she could guess it was John's.

Without further ado, she looked at her soul and saw the branching red lines of mana and saw the millions of connections. She looked around and focused on those that were near her, and just over 60 crystals lit up as to answer her summons. She then commanded them to come and escort her "new friends" back to her playroom.

Now having given her command to the 60 zombies, she could hear many running feet around her as she left her soul cavity. As she opened her eyes, she could see the children being utterly surrounded by the small horde and dragged away, screaming and hollering for help. Joselin, at this point, could care less as they would soon be her friends forever.

Seeing that as over and handled, she hops on the back of one her spiderlings and has it climb to the top of a building with the other nine following behind. She soon reached the top of the 14 story building and peered out into the horizon while sending her other nine spiderlings out to search and notify her if they had found anything. It was indeed a beautiful sight before her as she looked on at the horizon decorated with rising smoke and ash from the buildings below with the tune of many agonizing screams. She couldn't help but continue to smile as it was the most enjoyable scene she'd ever seen.

After three hours of relaxing and enjoying several juice boxes that she had the spiderling she rode to the top of the building with go and search for she felt a tingling feeling coming from her c.h.e.s.t. More specifically, her soul cavity as she took a peek and saw that it was one of her spiderlings trying to get her attention. After seeing this, she saw begone to wonder what it was when she accidentally touched its soul crystal, transferring her vision to what it saw through its many eyes. She found it amazing as it was her first time looking through the eyes of someone else.

Through the spiderling's eyes, she could see a small group of survivors in the back of a building with several large carts filled with many guns ammo and first aid. This was something to be expected, except for the last cart being filled with small bags of drugs and large wrapped packages of something that looked like white powder.

This was a thing she remembered that her mother had told her to stay away from as it "had ruined her life and landed her deep in the sewers with kids she could barely get scraps of food for. Seeing it made Joselin angry as it was something she believed was why she was living as a sewer rat in the first place. Although she was young, she did understand that it was also her mother's fault for choosing to use the drugs in the first place, but she couldn't stand seeing it and commanded her spiderlings to converge on the glass windows above their location.

After gathering above the oblivious people below her, Joselin, who was hanging from a hand full of <Spider Thread> with all of her spiderlings crawling upside down toward them to gain an advantageous surprise on them the way Joseph had described how they should fight. Feeling the moment was right, she whispers, "Get'em."

The spiderlings all drop down simultaneously in different spots surprising the people. Two landed on the truck's back while two landed on the front of the truck peeking into the driver and passenger side at a young Hispanic teen and an old black man in a suit—the rest land on the ground on the sides of the cargo container. Screaming could be heard as the back people began to shoot holes into the ceiling of the container missing the spiderlings as they jumped around expecting such.

The two people up front driving who were supposed to be driving to drive the truck looked in shock as they didn't expect such an attack. As they stared at the new zombies before them, the young Hispanic teen recovers first and says while starting the truck, "Aye man shoot the f.u.c.ker, James."

Although both the spiderling could've tried to break the glass to get both they ignored James and tried their best to smash the front window and driver side window to reach the driver who was the Hispanic teen. Before they could successfully break the windows, two bullets are sent flying into the head of one, and the other goes straight through the center of the other's c.h.e.s.t with enough force to throw it to the ground.

Seeing her spiderlings struggling, she lowers herself by a little, just enough to be seen and to have a good angle to shoot her <Spider Thread> the windshield. She then attaches the <Spider Thread> to the nape of her costume and shoots a hand full of web at the wall behind her to gain support and with her left-hand shoots some at the windshield.

As the web hits the windshield, the two in the front are stunned to see a little girl hanging from very thin but tough threads that were incredibly hard to see if not for them glistening slightly. Wasting no time, James shoots three more times but misses, but with the last bullet in his chamber, he sends one straight through her c.h.e.s.t, leaving a small a clear hole tiny hole in her c.h.e.s.t. With the force from the impact of the bullet, she's sent flying to the wall behind her and knocking her unconscious, swinging back and forth while dangling from the thread on her back.

Feeling that their sub-master was injured and unconscious, the spiderlings that were assaulting the back of the 18 wheeler stopped and retreated despite successfully killing three of the survivors in the back and quickly ran up the building walls to snatch Joselin before anything else happened to her. After seeing this, The Hispanic teen quickly drives the truck away as fast as he could while saying, "Everyone hold on!"

While the Hispanic teen was driving frantically, James says, "Miguel take us to this address here quickly, were going to an old FBI Black site."

Miguel, still coming down from the frightening event just moments ago, says, " Yea! Yea! And then you can f.u.c.k.i.n.g explain why they didn't attack you and only me!"

While they were driving, they were unaware of the one spiderling that remained lying flat on the container's roof as when they were retreating, John, who was watching it all go down, commanded this one specifically to remain hidden and stay with them from hidden from their sight.


several hours later Joselin wakes up on a random roof somewhere in a startled condition thinking she had died again. She looks around and notices that it's dark once again as the voice of John says behind her, "Now what have we learned this evening."

Joselin turns and looks at John, who is sitting on a busted old AC unit. She then smiles solemnly and says, "Alot."

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