The God Of The Undead

Chapter 33 - 29: The Secret General

Sometime during Johns visit to James home.

Joseph stood solemnly with his eyes locked on to his undead squad. For the last couple of

days he had trained them each in various fields in such a short time he began having doubts about their capabilities.

In his career as The Secret General of the U.S., he commanded just an army of 100, no more, no less. Of course, it wasn't his choice nor preference to limit himself to such a small army, but it was the most he was allowed to have under his belt at any given time due to other official's disdain and jealousy of his skills and strategy at leading an army. Often they would throw incredibly ridiculous assignments and missions his way just to ensure his failure, which was always mostly in vain.

Most who knew of him and his army would refer to them as a night parade of a100 ghosts because of their skill in infiltration and assassination. Their missions were mostly nothing more than highly classified missions pertaining to infiltrations, assassination, and lastly Radius Sweeps. The latter was the one that gave them their reputation as no one was as skilled as them when it came to killing and making entire towns or half of a city of people disappear within a night like they did.

His success as The Secret General was one of the two things that made him happy, the other being his wife and daughter. Failure wasn't an option in his line of work as it would either mean being decommissioned or permanently decommissioned. While the former meant never seeing the light of day again, the latter most definitely meant death for anyone who failed.

Waking from his thoughts of similarity between his new army and the former one, he began making his way towards a gate with a very large yard with trees behind a fence with many zombies trying to find there way through. Beyond the yard was a very large white building with searchlights, tanks, and heavily armed military personnel who were either standing still or quietly shaking in the knees from the sight of what stood between them and the fence.

Joseph standing with his army of 10 were greatly mixed in with the large crowd of undead pushing on the gate with all their might. Whose gate were they about to push down, might you ask? Who else's but the president of the United States.

Before arriving outside the fence, Joseph had advised that they take out certain problematic individuals and organizations before they had a chance to regroup to unknown areas before John got the chance to assign undead birds to monitor them. Especially those groups and individuals that Joseph knew were heading below ground and blasting away any trail they might leave.

Eventually, Joseph had convinced John and let him possess his body to have a line of sight on who was all going to be teleported by a shadow he was summoned for them from across the country. At first, John himself didn't know how Joseph's mission would go, but seeing how confident he was in using his newly trained forces; he gave Joseph a gift in allowing his small army of ten to use their full motor functionality and sending them outside of the white house's lawn by possessing an undead outside the fence surrounded by a small legion of undead.

As the fence creaked and began to bend inward Joseph began to move his forces out of the crowd towards the sides. He'd seen situations like these where warlords would have a rebellion of angry farmers pushing down their gates in order to get at their throats for their constant abuse. In that case, which was very similar to his current predicament with the exception of angry farmers for zombies, he waited for the gate to fall which was followed by gunfire that mowed down most of the farmers which let him and a small group of his forces to infiltrate the compound and get the job done.


The fence had fallen and hordes of zombies began to sweep the lawn of the white house as the soldiers unleashed walls of bullets many in the swarming horde in the c.h.e.s.t. Although many bullets managed to make their way into the skulls of many zombies, thanks to the help of those who could tell what they were up against when regular bullets to the body didn't faze them at all, the horde continued to gain ground at a frightening pace.

While the soldiers were busy being preoccupied Joseph and his forces slipped through the right side that he commanded many zombies to leave open for him to slip through. After making a successful infiltration and managing to hide behind several trees near the white house. Joseph then commanded his forces to climb the walls a break in through any window they could find and secure any room they ended up in, but left a specific mission to capture the president specifically.

There were many reasons for Joseph's request to take on many organization and individuals who who had the resources to escape to hidden and unknown safe locations, but his reason for going after the president was complicated but simple, he took everything from him. Joseph could still remember the short-lived surprise attack that was ordered by the then U.S. General that took his small army. Even after surviving the attack those that he loved weren't as lucky when he found them tied and tortured in their two-bedroom suburban home. Even after that, he was labeled a terrorist along with anyone who survived the surprise attack.

This wasn't only just a mission to ensure that certain individuals couldn't regroup, this was personal. Although it was too late to go after everyone who had had hand in the downfall of his forces and the killing of his family, it wasn't too late to find answers.

After looking through the eyes of forces to see that several had already killed those hiding in various rooms which didn't matter at all as they didn't have who he was looking for, but was a good start in taking the white house. Because the sound of breaking glass could still be heard over the chorus of gunfire and explosions many soldiers were distracted losing focus on the front line to start shooting the intruders who made who was climbing through windows on the second floor.

Because of the loss of support, the defense began to crumble as the horde came within just meters as the soldiers began to run for their lives even though it was fruitless as they were to still close to hungry zombies who were already at full sprint. Those in tanks began to cower seeing what was going on and began to shut their hatches but it was too late and many necrotic and cold hands grabbed hold of the edges of the hatches before they could be closed shut. This clearly resulting in the end of those within the tanks, and with the defense having perished this left the people inside the building with no salvation to what was about to happen to them.

Joseph knew what the outcome of the perimeter defense was going to before it even concluded but he himself couldn't wait as he knew that his target couldn't wait either. So as the horde began to sweep the first floor Joseph and his force made their way to the roof where a helicopter with many important figures were in the middle of escaping. Surrounding them to the last stand were a group of 8 secret service men stood guard with their guns drawn on Joseph and his forces. With a care one of them fired first and like a row of dominoes, the rest followed his example by letting it rain on the unknown assailants.

Joseph and his forces split and hid behind several AC units and leveled ground. Although Joseph didn't use guns as his was an expert at throwing knives and other weapons that tend to go unheard during the night. With a slight peek and movement he had thrown 4 small and slim knives at 3 secret servicemen striking either their throats and out the back of their spine or their hearts.

Although he was privy of taking on more than these goons by himself he needed his forces to show how well they could handle what some called the best of the best. As they began to engage in combat quickly and picking off one secret serviceman after the other and assisting their comrades where they saw fit Joseph threw with his inhuman strength a knife at the pilot of the helicopter before he had the chance to lift off the helipad. With the pilot leaned back with a knife in his eye socket Joseph began to walk toward the helicopter in a manner of someone with a serious purpose.

With the sight of the door being flung open by a swarm of zombies, the group of people in the helicopter began to run with only their lives in their hands, If only they remembered they were on the roof of a building that had no ladders that lead down to anywhere safe. Just as the president was about to get out he received a small knife to his right patellar tendon (the tendon that connects the tibia to you patella for those who didn't know).

The scream the president made was music to Joseph's ears as he had wanted to hear them for so long. As he walked up to the man sobbing and screaming for help and later for those that weren't around anymore, he began crying and saying, "Please lord, If you help me now I promise I'll forgive any debt you've incurred with me from the past."

Hearing his ignorant and outrageous plea Joseph says, " Shut. The. F.u.c.k. Up. My lord doesn't want anything to do with you other than to feed his dogs with fatty. So now that were alone hows your term been these past few years pre. si. dent. Grump."

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