The God Of The Undead

Chapter 46 - 42: Assault on a Piece of Heaven pt.2

*****Check author note******

(Rudy Gaines POV)

As I ducked down, pulling Gertrude with me, she looked at me with confusion. As she was about to whisper, I quickly put my index finger to my lips to signal her to remain silent.

What was going on outside was clearly a one-sided massacre, and it didn't help the fact that what was lurking in the darkness was something new and terrifying. All I could tell from my quick glimpse at them from the second story window was they were partially rotten yet strong, making them clearly undead. They weren't just normal undead, specifically the long large one on the roof across the street from us. I still swear that it looked directly at me.

I made sure to signal Gertrude to remain silent as, at the moment, I didn't know what this new wave of undead variants could do. From what I remembered, James had told me how the spiderlings moved about like spiderman on crack and could use spider webs as well. As far as I could see from the window, there were about 14 to 15 new variants, and each had varied differently.

As I look at Gertrude, I start using the sign language she taught me to tell her what I saw. She only knew sign language as it was needed to talk to one of her children who was deaf. After losing her deaf child, she didn't see much use for it until, on one mission, I mention how useful it would be to have learned it for when we went on missions to gather supplies in heavily infested areas that she began teaching me. 

"Stay silent and move with caution: a giant and large undead on the roof across the street. There's a large horde on the streets, so quiet movements only," I say in badly worded sign language as I was still getting used to it.

As she watched what I was saying, she nodded and said in sign language, "Okay, we have to escape, so what about making it to the truck and driving to Black Site. If the dead can walk past whatever mystical threshold that held them back before, then most likely Black Site is under attack. We have to save Susie before it's too late."

After seeing and understanding what she was saying, I quickly responded by saying, "One step at a time. First, we have to find a way to the truck without being found or bringing attention to ourselves. We can't save everybody, so whoever we come across or manages to hop in without us slowing down in the truck is who we save. Oh, and remember no shooting unless necessary."

She nods, and we make our way through the house in what clothes we could throw on and proceed to make our way to the ground floor where we see a broken window. It didn't take a genius to know that someone, better yet, something was in the house with us. 

The smart thing to have done was to silently check the other rooms on the second floor with caution even though we were supposed to be the only ones in the guest house, but then again, our goal wasn't to secure the house; it was to get the hell out.

The guest house was a standard 4 bedroom 2 bathroom house with a bas.e.m.e.nt that was used just for storage. There were two rooms on the ground level and two on the second floor that we didn't want to sleep on since it reminded Gertrude of her old home where her kids shared rooms on the second floor. Still, I convince her to sleep on the second floor for once, this time through my persistence. 

Our current objective was to simply sneak out the back door without fighting the zombie that was in the house. The only problem is that the backdoor was located in the kitchen past the second room on the ground level. I didn't mind that little detail, but when I heard things being broken and thrown around in it, that was a different story. As we approached the room, we could see that the door was opened when it was closed before, as Gertrude had made sure of that all door in the house was closed after being compelled by her OCD. 

To be honest, it didn't make much sense to me why a zombie would have opened the door here when it had broken the window in the living room to get in. They usually claw or break their way in, so something this time was different to me. 

As I peeked in, the rabid undead was frantically searching for anyone hiding in the room. Not wanting to stay until the zombie walked out, me and Gertrude snuck past the door. As we made our way into the kitchen, finally, we came across the broken glass from when the zombie seemed to have broken in. It was only a small amount but still enough to have allowed it to reach its hand through the door and easily reach for the lock and let itself inside. This was something that scared me as it meant that either they were becoming smarter or they were being led by something smarter. The latter was more likely since I remembered what James had told me about his brother being the one in charge and starting this whole thing. Me and Gertrude made it outside the house quietly when all of a sudden, we couldn't hear the crashing and frantic searching anymore. To be honest to me, it only meant that the zombie was done looking in the room and was about to proceed to search another. 

Sadly my imagination got the better of me; as soon as I turned around to watch our backs, it was standing right behind us. It was a saggy slob of a monster; I'll tell you that. It was as if it used to be on my 500lb life and cheated its way to 180lb by getting the fat s.u.c.k.e.d out, leaving the excess decaying skin to hand from its body. If it's hard to imagine, then think about if someone combined the creeper and tar monster from scooby doo and made a tall saggy monstrosity.

To be honest, I've been in this situation far too many times to tell that the first thing the zombie would do would attempt to pounce, but clearly, this was a variant of some sort. My usual strategy of whipping my trusty bowie knife out and stabbing it in the head far too dangerous considering this was a new threat, so instead, I pushed Gertrude, who was oblivious to the current situation, out the way before diving to the side.

I clearly didn't have plans on fighting this thing, nor did I have enough time in my original plan to f.u.c.k around trying to avoid it. As Gertrude got up and looked at where she was pushed from, she stared with extreme disgust at the grotesque creature. To me, I looked at it as I did them all; to me they were all the same. Let's say that last comment wasn't meant to seem racist to zombies, but let be honest, they're all dead, and they're all gonna be deader when I put them down. Yes, I said deader because it makes me feel better on the inside.

Before it make an attempt to run at one of us, it was as if the lord had made an angel for moments like these and name it Dues Ex Machina as the ceiling gave in crushed the bastard. I was sure that was it and was about to rush out the back door with Gertrude when I noticed it. Out of the dust from the broken ceiling, and I saw something that made me want to say 'f.u.c.k it' and piss myself. Whatever it was, it was big and only partially sticking a piece of itself through the ceiling and crushing the saggy zombie.

As it raised itself back up through the ceiling and out the rubble on the ground, it was a mass of decayed and fleshy torsos, and attached to it was evenly spaced arms and hands. It raised up, revealing its head that was a combination of upper halves of 5 people's heads with sharp teeth and no jaws. It had large mandibles surrounded by small arms that was clearly to help it feed. Without a doubt, I'm calling this big bitch a Centipede.

As it looked at us, I didn't stick around long enough to let try to take a bite as I knew for a fact that it wasn't going to end well for us. Now in the backyard and 3 meters away from the truck, I say 'f.u.c.k it' and break the silence and say, "Gertrude get in the car and drive. I'll shoot. F.u.c.k everything you see, whether it be a zombie or a living person, run them over and run this bitch till it runs out of gas. For now, wish them and us some luck."

"...But," Gertrude says before I cut her off.

"Gertrude, we both just saw the same damn thing get in the f.u.c.k.i.n.g truck and drive," I said loudly as we were already exposed by the centipede. I quickly hop in the back of the truck where we kept a good assortment of reserved emergency weapon for when we were on the road with a horde on our asses. 

As I hopped in the truck, the sound of breaking wood and something massive tearing out of the house caught my attention. I looked up toward the roof of the house and saw the massive coil I coined the Centipede. It was truly f.u.c.k.i.n.g massive as the only way I could really describe it as a giant train sized centipede coiled on top of the house like a snake. It made me wonder why exactly it didn't crush the house with its size.

As it raised its rather small head out of the house, its head grew to match the proportions of the rest of its body. Seeing this made me realize that this f.u.c.ker could just about wreak havoc anywhere if it can shrink in size. Not wanting to stick around for much longer, I brace myself and tap the hood of the truck, and Gertrude stomps on the pedal. Hitting a few zombies on the way out and being chased by a few, I could see from a distance the giant centipede looking at us as it unravels itself and climbs down to street level. In hot pursuit of us, it quickly zigs and zags about as I ignore the other zombies and attempt to blast its large fleshy yet skeletal head away with a nicely scavenged m16 assault rifle I found days ago on a corpse. 

Driving for no more than 2 to 3 minutes, Gertrude tells me to brace for impact, and it didn't take me a minute to tell we were already at the gate. I duck and lye low while still firing off a few shots to attempt to slow the centipede down, and just like the movies, the truck busts through the gate, knocking the gate into the air just long enough for it to fall onto the centipede. Got to thank Jord for making nice reliable trucks like the Jord F20*.

Although I wanted this to be the end of the f.u.c.k.e.d up monstrosity, the falling gate didn't even budge the bastard as it took it like a train would do a go-cart and smashed the hell out of it. I could tell that my face was telling the big bastard, 'Go f.u.c.k yourself.' I could tell that our way back to Black Site was surely going to be hell.

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