The God Of The Undead

Chapter 47 - 43: Assault on a Piece of Heaven pt.3

(Rudy Gaine's POV)

When people talk about their crazy mornings, most if any never mention being chased by the giant anthropoid equivalent to Tom Six's horrible cinematic wonder in a modded pickup truck, but yeah, life goes on right. F.U.C.K THAT.

I'd rather be being chased by the flying monkeys from the Wizard of Oz since I know they don't have bullet-resistant decayed flesh and bone. Notice I said resistant instead of bulletproof as some sections of its body, mainly the decaying yet elastic-like flesh that held together the many torso's, were being torn and shredded by the bullets I was sending its way. 

Joyfully sat with my back on the window behind Gertrude as I continued to carefully pick off the much smaller and regular zombies that ran like frenzied athletes behind and next to the Centipede. Although it was hard to notice at first because it was dark, after firing a couple of rounds at the Centipede and other zombies, I noticed the signs of higher cooperation than what they would usually showcase. Not just the usual 'go that way' or 'go this way' type of cooperation. It was clear undoubtable teamwork that showed sophisticated tactics as several times I witnessed the tactic of sacrifice when they noticed I was aiming for a pretty damaged area of the centipede a regular zombie would simply jump in front of the bullet in order to take the hit. 

Another pretty interesting tactic that I noticed was another sacrificial tactic: the centipede simply using one of many arms to pick up and launch a couple of zombies at the truck. To be honest, I was terrified as I was thinking to myself that if John is evolving and upgrading the tactics they use, things are going to be more hellish soon. 

As the number of lesser undead around the Centipede began to decrease rapidly while it was still taking rounds to its weak points, it began to crawl faster and faster to hurry and finish with the troublesome pieces of food that continued to elude it. As it gained speed and lessened the distance between it and us, several zombies jumped onto its back as to not lose out on a chance to devour some sweet, succulent flesh. 

As much as I would have liked to admit it, it did like fun to ride on, but at the moment, I was still apart of team living, and I currently had no plans to have chunks of my flesh ripped and gouged out by a crowd. As leaned my head back a little and yelled, "Hey Gert, we need to pick up the pace, I don't think big ugly and the chain gang like the fact we're not in their mouths yet."

"Well, we might just end up in them cause we never got the chance to refill on gas, remember. You wanted to wait till the morning with a nice plate of scrambled eggs and toast," Gertrude said mockingly with a nervous smile as a coping mechanism. 

"We probably just have enough to make it across the bridge over where we f.u.c.k.e.d for the first time," Gertrude said nervously as to keep her mind off the fact that they were cutting it close with the giant zombie-man bug behind them.

As she notified me of the several details of our current situation along with the reminder of those eggs I'm most definitely not getting the chance to taste, I smirked at the mention of our first time having s.e.x. It was on a bridge that crossed over a freeway that had a nice sizable horde of undead at the time. At the time, our mode of transportation was down for the count, and we saw a chance to blow off some steam while we waited for the horde beneath us to leave. Yeah, we're nasty thrill-seekers when the appropriate chance arises. 

After remembering that instance, I remembered the only reason we were on the road at the time was to trade for some explosives that we needed for a secret project that James called project Mole. A project that only he and several other Safe Haven leaders talked about and only allowed a select few to know about, but since I wasn't really apart of it, I stayed out of it and minded my own business. After coming back to my senses, I remembered that we had an excess of the explosives and that we always kept it in a trunk in the back of the truck with many other things that would have gotten us on the FBI's radar back in the day. 

I quickly search through the black and white trunk and find what I was looking for, which was nice and pristine as when I had got my had's on it and modified it. I nicknamed it the Norris after Chuck himself as it fit his description to the last detail, which was: 3 sticks of dynamite wrapped around a jar of nitroglycerin* that I'm unsure is stable or not. Wrapped around the stick of dynamite was nature scented car fresheners that I was honestly hoping would send out a nice smell as it exploded, but that was just hopeful thinking at best.

As I held the highly explosive bomb in my hand noticed we were crossing the bridge, and I really didn't want to bring Centipede and its passengers anywhere near Black Site since i'm pretty sure the Safe Havens weren't safe anymore as it was. I knew that the bridge had to go, and since it was already old and had a train sized monster on it already, it made it even more favorable to just toss the damn thing as hard as I could at the things hand feet. And so that's what I did, and boy was it beautiful. The explosion was huge as expected, and the bridge caved in, cutting the Centipede off along with its passengers. Although I enjoyed my less than spectacular boss fight, I did have a bad feeling that it wasn't the end of it. 

(John's POV)

"Hmmm interesting, I remember him from the base. He seems to have made your toy angry Joselin. Well, it doesn't matter as it was rather satisfactory seeing your centipede toy, but for now, let us go back to that Safe Haven. After seeing the minions having fun, I'd like to finish the night with a bang." John said as he flew high above in the sky with Joselin poached on his arms and Joseph with his partial body poking out of a spatial rip within the shadow provided by John's massive wings.

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