The God Of The Undead

Chapter 53 - 49: The Battle of Allen's Bunker pt.4


Nature is something that is ever-changing, yet someone can hardly say that it is truly chaotic, but when chaos and things of unnatural origin run wild similar to using a fire to put out another fire, it will use a chaos of its own making to bring order. It has been seen when man wages wars, it will bring about a plague. When man chooses to pollute the oceans with trash, oils, and non-decaying debris, it'll make tsunamis of unheard-of proportions to flood cities drown those who chose to pollute and play ignorant, all the while returning what trash they have let pollute the ocean.

In the case of now, even the forces of nature are finding it hard to watch as the living dead run amok and rip and tear their way into the last vestiges of humanity and adding to their forces. Behind an undead young woman with spider-like appendages, a face quietly, yet quickly, forms into the bark of the tree she stands upon. With the look and appearance of an old goat, the face slowly bulges out of the tree, revealing its rather thick and long spiral horns that pointed backward, with the intention to not alert the young woman. As it finally exists the tree, it freezes as one of the young woman's spider-like appendages twitches.

"You know, while that little trick that you just did was pretty cool and all, I don't know you, nor do I like the aspect of someone sneaking up on me. Not even father sneaks up on me as he hardly ever hides his presence, although joseph does in order to keep me on my toes," said Joselin, who had turned her head slightly just enough to put one eye on the figure behind her.

The goat-like figure behind Joselin, who stood directly behind her on the branch she stood on, remained silent with only a simple head nod that signified that it recognized her admiration of its stealthy appearance and her cautious attitude that hid a deadly warning behind it. Without further ado, it breathed in profoundly with a little elegance before exhaling profoundly and looking down at the horde of undead that slowly approached the wall of light with the help of Paladins and their extremely robust shield arms.

"You know, while your army is strong and rather significant in quality and quantity, all of your times have come to an end. You all must cease this senseless violence and return your bodies to the earth and souls to the void of reincarnation as it should be." The goat figure said while remaining hunched over with a wooden cane to support itself from tilting forward. 

Finally, having had her attention pulled from her assaulting forces to the small goat person who immediately didn't have to guess if it was a supernatural entity hiding its real appearance along with its power. By appearance, the goat-like figure had brown fur on its hands and forehead touches of gray hair here and there. It wore a brown robe that had a gray trimming running all around it in a majestic fashion.

This intrigued Joselin, and if she knew her adoptive father well enough, he was also watching this encounter through her eyes, so she turned her entire body around to face the waste high goat person. She raised her hand in a questioning way, just barely above the height of her stomach with her palm facing up, and asked, "And just who are you exactly to decide what is right for us and what we should do?"

"Well, child, I was once known to thousands, even millions. Along with my brother, I was seen as beings that symbolized the balance between the light and dark side of nature in all of its glory and horror. In the beginning, I was once called by the name Nomios, and then during the times of great upheaval and betrayal of the demons, I was known as the Ebony Black Warrior to some and to many, The Black Angel of peace and wellbeing. Throughout time my many names, including those, have all been forgotten by the common folk and by many scholars who fail to look deep enough through the aging books hidden behind their most recent ill.u.s.trations. All of my many names, except one, is forgotten, and that is Pan, the god of the wild." Pan said, tapping his cane with vigor several times. 

Joselin looked at Pan with a raised eyebrow and said with no emotion, "Another God, huh. Though you might be hiding your power and actual appearance, I know for a fact that you are nowhere near as powerful as the main gods, am I right? I'll give it to you that I believe you're a god, just not a big shot. You're more of a god either on the same level or near the strength of Delia, right? So I'm pretty sure I can shove your bullshit words up your a.s.s, although it might be a close call. So before we start throwing claws and hooves, since I can tell that we'll just go around in circles with opposing views, ideologies and beat around the bush with warnings and threats, let me introduce myself as well since I don't know if you know me or not. I am Joselin, The Undead Insect Queen of this Earth, and daughter to the one and only, and soon to be god, John, The God of the Undead."

Pan, hearing this closed his eyes momentarily while inhaling and exhaling his brief agitation and irritation that his plan to even reason with one of John's companion and get them to reason with him to end all of this death and destruction was fruitless. He opened his eyes again with a saddened expression that it had to come to this and that he and his brother were asleep longer than they had planned due to the meddling of the Nature Goddess, Gaia. He wondered why Gaia had even agreed to let such a thing as this happened, but that thought was quickly answered as soon after he awoke from his centuries-long slumber to a world facing an ecological health crisis due to humanity's ambition and greed over what he could tell was monetary gain. How quick they were to snuff out the embers of another life for momentary gain. He looked at the young woman before him and could only wonder just what she had gone through to willing cast aside her humanity as he knew from the aura of her soul she wasn't originally an insect, nor was she this demented to begin with. He only could let out a sigh and hope to send her to the afterlife where she could finally find peace while letting go of his cane.

As he let go of his cane and allowed it to be absorbed into the tree branch they both stood upon; he straightened his back and posture, which made several cracks and pops. Then he dropped the robe that once covered his entire body as he grew in height that rivaled Johns, while his muscles were large and refined. Just as he finished growing, a bright light similar to a flashbang erupted from his body, and just as it had erupted, it was sealed behind Black ebony-colored armor with a gold trimming wrapping around it until it met in the center, making a majestically artistically designed goat head looking forward with grace. His helmet allowed his spiraled horns freedom to point diagonally behind him with ease, while one horizontal slit allowed him to have perfect unimpeded sight. On his back floated two disconnected metallic ebony black wings with a gold trimming, while the ebony black feathers floated along with the wings in sync.

Joselin looked stunned with awe at what she saw before her and thought of her father's wings. If she could take the beautiful wings of Pan's armor, then she and her father would look like an iconic duo while going about his tedious quest for the main gods. Her insectoid eye's almost glimmered with d.e.s.i.r.e as she smiled twistedly and said, "Do you want to play the game of God? You play Lucifer, and I'll play God. If you rebel and slay me, you win, and if I rip your wings off and kill you or banish you to whatever you consider hell, I win."

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