The God Of The Undead

Chapter 54 - 50: The Battle of Allen's Bunker pt.5-finale

Both Joselin and the Pan looked at each other for the slightest sign of who was going to make the first move. Was it going to be Joselin, or was it going to be Pan? No, it was John as he stealthily reached his long arm out of Pan's shadow that was being created by the wall of light and grabbed him by the back of his leg and pulled him into the depths of his own shadow. 

At first, Joselin was shocked by what had happened until she heard her father's voice that said, "Do not allow yourself to be hindered by a forgotten old lesser god who doesn't know who his true opponent is and continue with the task behind you. I'll deal with him."

As the shadow that projected John's final words to Joselin disappeared in a sizzle due to the illuminating wall of light, Joselin turned around with a glum face and sadly said, "Mah wings." 

Knowing that it wasn't time to be childish despite her actual age, she quickly put her focus back on the battle at hand and continued to coordinate her troops that she noticed were pushing back the human fighters. Things were looking to be going as planned despite the slight interruption by the "lesser god," as her father called it, and almost like a red light bulb meaning to warn her illuminated in her head as she had an epiphany. Why were the humans being pushed back so easily? Why were they fighting less now with lesser moral? It was almost as if they weren't being pushed back; it was as if they were tactfully retreating.

Joselin knew that from this moment that something was different and gazed upon the enemy combatants and saw a scrawny man who wasn't there before as he ran like a bat out of hell back to the bunker. Joselin wondered what could have happened to make them change their tactics so drastically and quickly came to a conclusion that they knew they had a traitor and that the gate was sabotaged. This meant that Joselin knew they were now in a full retreat while trying to give off the appearance that they were steadily being pushed back to buy time before they themselves had to make a full escape to the warp gate in the bas.e.m.e.nt of the bunker.

This was something she knew she couldn't allow; she at least had to kill the resisting forces currently present on the battlefield. With due haste, she sent out the order for her spiderlings to begin their ambush as soon as possible.

Like wild animals that had received their orders from their alpha, the spiderlings initiated their ambush by quickly climbing down the walls of the carved-out mountain. It was as if two floods on either side of an empty ravine made an attempt to fill the waterless crevice below.

Noticing the incoming onslaught of variant undead, the captain of the resistant forces knew that there was only one way out of this predicament, and it was an all or nothing retreat to the warp gate. He knew that there was not a chance in hell that he was going to get all of his forces out of this problem alive, so he did the only thing he could and yelled as loud as he could and said, "AMBUSH ON BOTH FLANKS!!! FULL ON RETREAT TO THE GATE! MOVE IT!" 

Hearing this, the resisting forces holding the wall of light together quickly retreated; using light magic, they quickly gathered in their legs to propel them swiftly backward, giving them a boosted head start 15 meters away from the wall of light they once supported and 30 meters away from the hungry undead beyond it. 

Although many of the resisting forces made a smooth retreat backward, many near the carved-out walls had been snared by spiderlings and quickly made into meals for the lucky undead. The captain, like the rest, heard the agonizing screams of those who had gotten caught but didn't dare look back at the thought of them being next if they took the time to check who was left behind them. If it was already as bad as it was now, they heard the unforgettable sound of the undead quadrupedal beast howling and barking with monstrous joy as they gained ground on the fleeing survivors.

It was someone in the far back of the retreating forces who heard the howls and barking the loudest and couldn't maintain their focus while running and jumping and tripped and fell to the snow-covered floor of the forest. Although they were slow and were in the very back of the retreating forces, they didn't give up hope and quickly got up and quickly resumed running and jumping with their magically enhanced legs. It wasn't until they saw out of the corner of their eye a massive elongated figure quickly crawling across the floor of the forest. Dodging and knocking over trees like it didn't matter to it until it saw a lagging resistance survivor and presumed to give chase after them. 

And now, the lagging resistance survivor who was making a desperate attempt to make it to the warp gate had to outrun an undead creature they had never seen before. It was pure terror until they heard a distinct crunching and bending of wood ahead of them. Fear filled their c.h.e.s.t as he continued until he could see a tree that was oddly out of place in the forest. In a forest full of trees with brown bark, this tree had incredibly white bark with pinkish-red leaves and what looked like a face that had naturally grown into the bark. 

The lagging resistance survivor knew very well that since the world had been flipped onto its head by the legions of undead, and they learned magic from a woman who claims she had god in her that being suspicious of suspicious shit like a randomly out of place tree was a good thing. The survivor knew it was better to try and avoid the tree, but they felt an unknown feeling of safety radiating from the tree, so out of desperation, they ran toward it.

'If people followed their intuition more than it would probably lead to their lives being saved more often,' thought the old white oak spirit watching the lagging human run toward him for safety. It knew that expanding its aura and guiding the human toward it was an excellent plan as it had only planned to use it as bait to draw in its target, which was one of the heavy hitters it sensed beyond the human's pitiful defensive wall.

As the human finally got near the old white oak spirit in its physical form with the undead centipede-like creature made out of human body parts, it quickly uprooted its right leg flinging dirt and rock alike everywhere. It quickly raised its left leg out of the ground in a kicking motion, effortlessly kicking the front portion of the monstrosity off the ground and into the air while the other half gripped the earth beneath it to remain grounded.

Below and out of the way, the lagging survivor stopped and completely forgot their objective and watched in awe as the giant white oak tree they found to be out of place was now a giant humanoid golem fighting off the undead creature that had pursued them. It wasn't until they heard the several snapping of twigs and crunching of snow did they jerk their head to the left to see the jaws of an Undead Dire Wolf inches away from snapping its jaws down upon their throat. The survivor couldn't move out of shock as they knew by standing and watching the giants in front of them fight, they f.u.c.k.e.d up and let the undead calvary reach him and catch him off guard. Although it was painful, it ended quickly as the giant oak tree, while dodging an attack from the giant Undead Centipede- like monster, accidentally stepped on him and the Undead Dire Wolf killing them both.

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