The Goddess Is Still So Pitiful, She Was Invested By Me!

Chapter 117 Qi Yun: Xiao Lian, Why Are You So Ignorant?

When Qi Yun went out, Lian Qingxue was standing in the yard.

There is a big peach tree in the yard.

Now in autumn and winter, the branches are bare.

Lian Qingxue stood under the peach tree, staring blankly at the trunk.

I don't know what to think.

Qi Yun walked to her side.

"Actually, I'm not angry..."

she whispered.

Qi Yun nodded: "I know, you just don't know how to get along with your relatives.

The little girl turned to look at Qi Yun: "It's really strange, when I didn't have a family, I kept thinking how good it would be to have a family, but when I had a family, I felt scared instead.

Qi Yun understands this feeling.

Lian Qingxue is flustered now.

For her, life is getting better and better now.

She is also getting happier.

Suddenly, there was a grandfather in my life.

It can be said to be an earth-shaking change.

She didn't know how to face it.

Her reaction was not so much anger.

Rather surprised and disturbed.

"No matter what you choose, I will always be behind you."

Qi Yun held Lian Qingxue in his arms, and Lian Qingxue gently put her head on his shoulder.

Seems to be relieved at last.

The two stood for a while, and when they turned their heads, Lian Zhongyong was holding the door open, looking at Lian Qingxue cautiously.

His eyes were full of uneasiness.

Seeing Lian Qingxue looking at him, he became even more nervous: "Then... If you can't accept it, we can still get along as before, it's fine."

Lian Zhongyong is really scared now.

Lian Qingxue shook her head: "Can I see my mother's room?"


Lian Zhongyong was overjoyed.

Even if Qingxue is willing to talk to him, there is still hope.

He opened the door, and as soon as Lian Qingxue entered, she was attracted by the photo on the dressing table.

She has never seen a picture of her own mother.

Only today did I realize that it turned out to be so similar to myself.

Inside the room, it was still clean and tidy.

She seemed to see an old man cleaning, cleaning, and waiting day after day, year after year.

My heart couldn't help but soften a lot.

"This room was all arranged by your mother. After she left, I never touched the things inside.

Lian Zhongyong said.

"Professor Lian, I think it may take some time for me to accept some things." Lian Qingxue looked around and said to Lian Zhongyong.

Lian Zhongyong nodded again and again: "I'll wait! I've waited for so many years, and I'm not in a hurry to wait a little longer!"

To be honest, he was really scared just now, Lian Qingxue ignored her from then on.

Now it seems that Lian Qingxue is still willing to consider it.

I can only say that I was overjoyed.

"However, can I invite you to my house again?" Lian Zhongyong said: "If you don't want to, forget it."

Lian Qingxue leaned on the old man's anxious eyes.

Nod slightly.

Lian Zhongyong suddenly laughed like a chrysanthemum.

In Beijing University, after class in the afternoon, Qi Yun ran to Qingxue for dinner.

Lian Qingxue came out of the teaching building with her ponytail in her ponytail and her schoolbag in her arms, and she saw Qi Yun.

She said a few words to the girls on the side.

Qi Yun knew that girl, Lian Qingxue's roommate.

The relationship is not bad.

That girl understood Qi Yun just by looking at it.

"I'm not going to be a light bulb anymore.||!" She waved her hand at Qi Yun, and ran away in a very sensible way.

Qi Yun took Lian Qingxue's schoolbag, and the two walked towards the cafeteria side by side.

Although Qi Yun has a net worth of 300 to 400 million, but because of Lian Qingxue, he still eats mostly in cafeterias.

After all, it was still difficult to change Lian Qingxue's living habits.

She herself is not short of money, and now the snow tea shop in the capital alone makes a profit of 400,000 yuan a month.

According to her shareholding ratio, there is a small one hundred thousand a month.

But Lian Qingxue is still quite frugal.

The two finished their meal and found an empty seat.

"Qingxue, the house we bought has already been decorated, why don't we go and have a look at it this weekend?"

Qi Yun looked at Lian Qingxue who was eating and said.


Lian Qingxue's eyes lit up.

Although the big flat that I bought had already been decorated, even Qingxue and Qi Yun had their own ideas and made a hardcover.

Lian Qingxue was still looking forward to it.

"That's right, shall we stay for two days on the weekend?"

Qi Yun secretly showed a smug smile.

Capital University does not allow students to live off campus.

But the bed check is not strict.

I don't care much about weekends.

A new house is not as simple as just being furnished.

And buy everything!

Especially the bed!

Made to order, oversized!

When Lian Qingxue got there, there were only the two of them.

Doesn't that mean that the sky should not be called the earth is not working?

At that time, wasn't it his great opportunity?

Thinking of this, Miyun couldn't help giving himself a thumbs up.

Why do you want to buy a house, but also buy it near the Capital University?

Isn't it just for this day?

Plan to pass!

Lian Qingxue was still looking forward to the appearance of the new house.

After seeing the look on Qi Yun's face, he immediately reacted.

"Stay for two days?"

She already knew too well the thoughts of Qi Yun, an LSP.

He blushed and glared at Qi Yun.

"Let's try to see if the new room is comfortable! I don't have any other ideas!"

Qi Yun wanted to swear.

"Hehe." The little girl looked like I could see through your expression.

"Let's just get a good night's sleep! Vegan!"

"Huh! What else do you want to sleep with?"

The little girl said humbly.

Qi Yun is of course the kind with meat on it.

But at this time, he can't say.

"Even Qingxue, you look into my sincere eyes, don't you believe me?"

His face was very serious, trying to infect Lian Qingxue.

Have no idea.

The little girl has been fooled so much that it is no longer easy to deceive.

"I believe!" Lian Qingxue nodded, as if convinced.

"Then we've made a deal!"

"But I don't have time. Lian Qingxue said with the look of a chicken thief on her face.

"Do not have time?"

Qi Yun was dumbfounded.

He knows about Lian Qingxue too well.

How can there be no time?

"Professor Lian asked me to stay with him for two days on weekends.

"You agreed?" Qi Yun's eyes widened.


Lian Qingxue nodded with a grin.

Qi Yun still didn't understand that he was being played a little trick by Xiao Qingxue.

But what happened to Xiaolian?

Why are you so ignorant?

I even helped him!

How did you backstab in the blink of an eye!

Thinking of this, Qi Yun discovered a serious problem.

If Lian Qingxue has a foothold in the capital.

The idea you made when you bought a house soon fell through?

Qi Yun, who was connected, wanted to slap his thigh hard.

Sure enough, he can't be a good person in this world!


He has to figure out a way.

It's almost the weekend, Lian Zhongyong is very happy these two days.

Although it was a bit hasty, it can be regarded as showing his identity with his little granddaughter.

Even better, although his little granddaughter hasn't called him grandpa yet, she obviously doesn't reject herself recently.

Lian Zhongyong believes that as long as he persists in getting close to his little granddaughter.

I will definitely hear the day when Lian Qingxue calls her grandpa.

Early on Saturday morning, Lian Zhongyong bought a house from the vegetable market.

His little granddaughter is coming, of course he has to prepare well.

When I walked past the courtyard next door, there was quite a loud noise from inside.

He saw that his old neighbor for many years, Lao Zheng, was standing at the door.

It looks like someone is moving something inside.

""||Old Zheng, what are you doing?"

"Old Lian, I was thinking about finding you later.

"Find me?"

"Hey, am I moving? We have been neighbors for so many years, I have to say goodbye to you."

Lian Zhongyong was even more stunned: "Move? Why did you move all of a sudden?"

"I didn't plan to move at first, but I didn't expect that two days ago, someone suddenly wanted to buy my yard, so he sold it."

"So fast? It sold in two days?"

Old Zheng laughed: "Let's just say, do you know how much he bid?"

He stretched out his thumb and index finger, making a gesture of eight.

"Eight million?"

Lian Zhongyong was taken aback.

It's not that he doesn't have eight million.

It's really expensive to buy the courtyard next door for 8 million yuan.

Although the location of this (good money) street is good, the courtyard house is also old.

But one is not a place of interest, I have never lived in Prince Gege before.

Second, the yard is not sky-high.

The current price is about five or six million.

The eight million was suddenly two million higher.

No wonder Lao Zheng has lived here for so many years, so he moved as soon as he said he wanted to.

"A lot? I think too much, but people also have a request, that is, to move out as soon as possible. When I think about it, I will be alone now. After selling the house, I will live with my daughter

After Lao Zheng finished speaking, Tu Ran realized something.

They are all old neighbors.

They also know about family matters.

In the past, Lao Zheng tried his best to avoid mentioning the word "daughter" in front of Lian Zhongyong.

He looked at Lian Zhongyong, and hurriedly said: "Old Lian, mouth!"

Thinking of what happened to Lao Lian, he couldn't bear it.

Compared with himself, Lao Lian is alone.

If he leaves by himself, there may be even fewer people who can talk to Lao Lian.

Unexpectedly, even Zhong Yong didn't look sad at all, but laughed instead: "Old Zheng, I haven't told you yet, my little granddaughter, I found it!"


"Yes, let me tell you about my little granddaughter, Nasakako!"

Lian Zhongyong is really comfortable, he used to watch others brag about his own children.

Pull now?

It's my turn!.

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