The Goddess Is Still So Pitiful, She Was Invested By Me!

Chapter 118: Lian Qingxue Over The Wall!

"Really? That would be great!"

Old Zheng is really happy for Lian Zhongyong.

Did he know how bitter Lao Lian was in his heart these years.

Hearing Lian Zhongyong say this now, he is also very relieved.

"Really! Can I still lie to you?"

Lian Zhongyong said happily.

"My little granddaughter, who is so young, guess what? She was admitted to Capital University!"

"Ouch! That's great!"

Lao Zheng patted his thigh.

Lian Zhongyong was quite excited while talking.


Lao Zheng gradually got tired of listening.

But Lian Zhongyong is still talking.

"She is still young, and she has started a business! The business is very good! Have you ever drank milk tea? I will treat you to drink some other day!"

Old Zheng echoed: "Hmm..."

Why is this old man talking so much?

half an hour later.

"My little granddaughter is not only capable and smart, but also beautiful! Let me tell you, there is no one more beautiful than my little granddaughter on this street!"

Old Zheng: ...I want to go!

But Lian Zhongyong is obviously blowing his head.

Pulling his sleeve is just blah blah.

He was not given a chance to say goodbye.

Lao Zheng repeatedly wanted to say that he had something to do.

But Lian Zhongyong just didn't give him a chance!

Just that sentence, Lian Zhongyong has said it over and over again three times!

Lao Zheng already knows how to recite.

How to do it?

Seeing Lian Zhongyong holding him tightly, a light flashed in Lao Zheng's mind.

"Cough! Lao Lian, how old is your granddaughter?"

Old Zheng said.

"Eighteen or nineteen, what's the matter?"

"I have a little nephew, about the same age, you see..."

Old Zheng laughed.

"Bah! You have a good idea!"

Lian Zhongyong immediately threw off Lao Zheng's sleeves with a look of disgust.

"My good granddaughter will stay with me for a few more years, and she's still in 647 when she's married. Go, don't you want to move? The time is not right, and I'm going home too!"

Not only did Lian Zhongyong not pull Lao Zheng anymore.

He even turned his face and started to drive people away mercilessly.

"Oh, Lao Lian, you just..."

Old Zheng watched Lian Zhongyong run back home dumbfounded, and closed the door with a bang.

As if he was afraid that he would rob his granddaughter.

Lian Qingxue arrived at Lian's house in the afternoon.

Lian Zhongyong is very happy today.

Not only my granddaughter came.

And Qi Yun hasn't come yet!

Simply perfect!

The only thing that wasn't perfect was the constant noise from the next door.

First, Lao Zheng moved away.

The sound of moving furniture.

It seemed like someone was cleaning in the afternoon.

After cleaning, there was the sound of moving furniture again, and it went on all day from morning till night.

It bothers him a little.

But when he saw Lian Qingxue, Lian Zhongyong laughed again.

Don't care what's going on next door.

My good granddaughter is here.

The earthquake next door is none of my business.

But if he knew who the next door was, he might rush outside with a knife.

The new owner of the yard, Qi Yun, took the key and opened the door of Lao Zheng's house.

The layout of this courtyard is very similar to that of the Lian family.

But Lianjia is a little more refined.

It has the meaning of a scholarly family.

Although it is not rich and noble, it is a bit elegant everywhere.

This yard is relatively ordinary.

Residential feel.

Decor is plain.

The yard is a bit messy.

Lao Zheng and the others just moved out, even if they asked their aunt to clean it in the afternoon.

Also moved some necessary furniture.

But after all, it was a little hasty.

It still looks a bit messy now.

But Qi Yun didn't care.

What he cares about is this house, which is next door to Lian Zhongyong's house!

There is a wall between me and my own little Qingxue!

Xiao Lian wants to backstab himself?


I, Qi Yun, will steal the house!

He looked at the moon above his head, and a thought suddenly popped up in his heart.

At night, Lian Qingxue slept in her mother's original room.

Mattresses and so on are all new ones bought by Lian Zhongyong.

But the layout of the room is still the same as before.

She looked at the girly decorations around her, and felt a little emotional in her heart.

Lying on the bed, she couldn't help thinking about what kind of person her mother was.

After thinking about it, her thoughts turned to Miyun.

"What is Qi Yun doing?" She leaned her head on the pillow, thinking wildly, "Will you be angry with me..."

Qi Yun wants to take her to a new house on weekends, and she understands what she is thinking.

The girl is actually quite tangled.

Don't go, she is actually looking forward to the new house.

After all, this is also her and Qi Yun's first house.

Well thought out, she was eager to see it.

And she also wanted to stay with Qi Yun.

I don't want to disappoint Qi Yun.


Think of Qi YunLSP's temperament.

Lian Qingxue bit her lower lip lightly.

In fact, she knew that if she didn't want to, Qi Yun would not force her.

B...... also hard to hold on to!

The little girl had to admit that it wasn't just Qi Yun herself.

I am also a little bit greedy Qi Yun.

Although even Qingxue felt that it was only a little bit!

Thinking of this, Lian Qingxue blushed even more.

Coincidentally, Lian Zhongyong invited her over.

Give her an excuse to escape.

But thinking about it now, she began to worry about gains and losses again.


Lian Qingxue's cell phone rang.

Qi Yun bought her mobile phone when she was in college.

It is also a big Nuojiya, and Qi Yun's is a couple model.

The vibration was so strong that it woke up the cranky Lian Qingxue all at once.

Take a look, Qi Yun's text message.

"It's been a long night, I can't sleep alone, Xiao Qingxue, do you know that there is a person who is crying to the moon."

(cjdc) The text message is very sad.

Lian Qingxue giggled twice.

"Who is it?"


"why are you crying?"

"My little Qingxue abandoned me!"

"Didn't I agree to Professor Lian long ago?"

"Huh! Such a beautiful night, I obviously have a girlfriend, but now I live like a single dog!"

Qi Yun seemed really angry, Lian Qingxue was a little flustered.

"How about it?" She was typing under the covers.

"Then you have to make it up to me!"

"Compensation? What compensation do you want?" Lian Qingxue sensed something was wrong.

"You go out into the yard."


Lian Qingxue was dumbfounded.

Why did you tell yourself to go to the yard?

She opened the door gently.

It's a little dark in the yard.

And no one.

Even Qingxue was a little scared.

When she turned her head, she found that there was actually a beam of light shining on her from the wall next door!

Look again, Qi Yun's head is on the wall, smiling at himself.

"Qi Yun?"

Lian Qingxue's eyes widened and she covered her mouth and shouted.

"What do you mean by coincidence? We live next door?"

Qi Yun showed his big white teeth, and said with a surprised face.

Lian Qingxue: "...what a coincidence."

Even Zhongyong couldn't sleep today.

As you get older, you sleep less.

Not to mention, today is Lian Qingxue's first day at home to stay overnight.

He was very excited.

Especially today, Lian Qingxue's attitude towards him has become a little affectionate.

Lying on the bed, Lian Zhongyong couldn't stop thinking.

After a while, maybe even Qingxue would be willing to call him grandpa.

Maybe in the future, he can still enjoy some family happiness.

My granddaughter is so good, she will definitely be willing to accompany me for a few more years!

As for Qi Yun?

This time Qi Yun helped him, so he reluctantly did not object to their falling in love.

But there is no rush to get married!

Have to wait a few years!

How old is his granddaughter?

Ding counted well.

After thinking for a long time, Lian Zhongyong felt a little drowsy.

Just when he was in a daze and was about to fall asleep.

Suddenly there was a rustling sound in the yard.

It seems that someone is moving around.

Someone is coming in!

Still in the yard!

He opened his eyes all at once.

My good granddaughter is still at home!

Thinking of this, he immediately rolled over and got out of bed.

Stealthily put his ear to the wall.

The voice was not his auditory hallucination, and it was getting louder and louder!

There was even the sound of moving things.

Like someone is moving something heavy.

Lian Zhongyong doesn't care about money.

But the safety of his little granddaughter made him anxious.

He picked up the broom in the corner and pushed open the door.

"Who's there! Give me... ga?"

Lian Zhongyong held up the broom, like a charging warrior, his eyes were round and majestic.

The yard was very dark, with only a little street light on the side of the street.

Under the street lamp, a ladder was leaning against the courtyard wall, and Lian Qingxue was lying on the ladder, about to fall to the next door.

Qi Yun was waiting on the opposite side, stretching out a hand to pull her.

For a moment, all three of them froze.

Very quiet.

Seeing the aggressive Lian Zhongyong, Qi Yun couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva.

"We... are just going to watch the moon, watch the moon..."

Even Qingxue dared not speak at all.

It feels like being caught cheating.

Looking at Lian Qingxue standing on the ladder, Lian Zhongyong only had a cold head in his mind.

I still keep my good granddaughter for a few years.

When I saw it today, they ran to other people's houses by themselves!

Or carry the ladder by yourself and climb over the wall!

Can I stay here?

On this autumn night, Lian Zhongyong felt a breath of heaven.

He is cold.

Because my little padded jacket leaked air.

PS: Because I only wrote 8,000 yesterday, today’s goal is 12,000, and there are 6,000 more after this chapter, which will be posted in the early morning. .

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