The Goddess Is Still So Pitiful, She Was Invested By Me!

Chapter 127 Qi Yun——The Great Awakening Of The World!

A commercial and residential apartment building near Capital University.

Yu Hai and his entrepreneurial team are sitting in the room.

At a loss.

There are fourteen people in their team, more men than women.

Eleven boys and three girls.

Their office location is to rent a simple small apartment building.

A total of less than sixty square meters.

Even Qingxue is shabby.

At this time, everyone's face was a little ugly.

Yu Hai was also very restless.

Most of these people were drawn by him from Beijing University and Shuimu University.

It can be said that they got together because of their trust in themselves.

However, now the project has come to an end.....

"I'm sorry everyone..." He bowed his head and apologized to everyone.

"Needless to say, none of us know that in order to start the company, you put all your own money into it."

A girl comforted her.

Others are also nodding.

"This time we can't apply for entrepreneurial support, and we really can't continue our business."

A boy pushed his eyes, and his tone was a little low.

They open a second-hand trading platform.

In fact, some of the current users are students from the two universities of Beijing University and University.

The user base is not small.

But no money was made.

Instead, they keep losing money because of some server and office rental costs.

Although the website is not big, the cost of the server is not much.

But for this group of students, there is already a lot of matching.

Yu Hai was a rich second generation since he was a child. Although his family didn't support him, he had a pocket money of more than one hundred thousand since he was a child.

It's all thrown in.

So are the other buddies.

Not only was there no salary, but many people, like Yu Hai, invested their own money.

After going back and forth, they also spent tens of millions on this company.

Speaking of the status quo at the moment, they are all very sad.

"Why don't I just ask my dad to buy our company!"

Yu Hai gritted his teeth and spoke suddenly. you're still going back to raising pigs?"

Yu Hai's face turned dark.

His father belonged to a pig tycoon.

He wanted his son to inherit his career with all his heart.

Make the business of raising pigs bigger and stronger and go public!

It's not that Yu Hai looks down on raising pigs. 343 But he really wasn't interested.

He has been interested in software technology and networking since he was a child.

I was able to be admitted to Capital University because I won the first prize in a national computer competition in high school.

When I entered school, I dropped a little.

He originally wanted to apply to the School of Software, or the Department of Computer Science.

But his father is more domineering.

Let him report directly to the School of Economics and Management.

He said that after going to university, he would like to inherit his own business.

"That's right, Yu Hai, your dad seems to buy our company, isn't it just to let you go home and raise pigs?"

Others also advised.

They knew that what Yu Hai had always thought about was to show his father the ability of his son after his company developed.

As a result, the website developed well.

Just don't make money.

His father was also generous, offering one million to buy the company owned by Yu Hai.

In fact, it was just an idea. After the acquisition, the broken company will be shut down.

Let my son go home to raise pigs with peace of mind.

Yu Hai also knew what his own father was thinking.

Never let go.

Another boy looked very angry: "Yu Hai, how can you do this? Didn't we agree to work hard together? Why did you become a deserter!"

"I've made up my mind. I'll sell the company and give everyone a share of the money." Yu Hai was a little sad: "We work together, and you have never asked for wages, let alone, and you have to pay to maintain the company."

"I'm sorry to everyone. When the company is sold and the money is distributed to everyone, it will not be considered as a waste of our work."

Yu Hai's words silenced everyone.

It's not that they don't want to help Yu Hai.

These people have high and low abilities, but it is still very easy for each of them to go out and find a reliable internship.

Although the internship salary is not high, it will certainly not be absent.

In the past six months, I started a business with Yu Hai.

Never get paid not to say.

And you have to spend your own money.

They also don't want the company to go out of business.

But how can the company stay afloat?

There's nothing these people can do.

Seeing that everyone was silent, Yu Hai gradually became more desperate.

"To be honest, I don't want to do this either." Yu Hai looked at the angry boy just now, and said with a jerky tone, "If it can bring the company back to life, I'm willing to do anything!"

The boy stopped talking, his eyes were a little red, as if he couldn't help but want to cry.


Qi Yun stood at the door and knocked lightly on the door.

He looked at the gloomy look of a group of people inside the door in a daze.

What is this doing?

A group of people looked at themselves with red eyes.

Let Qi Yun freeze in place.

I dare not move.

The moment Yu Hai saw Qi Yun, there were only two big words in his heart:


I was willing to say anything just now, but this man who looked at me with hungry eyes actually came to the door?

Is it God's will to dedicate oneself to a dream?


It's not necessary, is it?

Yu Hai felt that he did not have such courage.

"Is this the company of classmate Yu Hai?" Qi Yun smiled very kindly.

He always felt that Yu Hai was a little afraid of himself.

Qi Yun was also puzzled.

I didn't do anything myself.

Why is Yu Hai so frightened when he looks at him?

"Who are you?"

"Let me introduce myself, I am Qi Yun, an angel investor, very interested in your company!"

Qi Yun felt secretly refreshed.

Angel investors.

Very stylish!

A group of people were also stunned.

A small company like theirs actually has investors coming to their door?

"You mean, you want to invest in our company? Do you think our website has a good development prospect?"

Yu Hai suddenly became excited.

I thought I was going home to admit defeat to my father.

But Qi Yun's sudden appearance rekindled hope in his heart.

" you want me to be honest?"

Qi Yun looked troubled.

"I think your website is worthless!"

Qi Yun didn't eat dry food these two days.

He specifically looked at the website of his new leek.

Honestly, it's actually pretty good.

As a student entrepreneurial project.

The website is already quite complete.

It can be seen that the system's saying that their technology is good is not empty talk.

But Qi Yun is still not optimistic.

"Why do you say our website is worthless?"

The boy who was angry with Yu Hai just now couldn't help it anymore.

Looks like a temper tantrum.

The others also had anger on their faces.

In any case, the second-hand trading website is also the product of their painstaking efforts.

Now being demeaned by a stranger.

Who can not be angry?

"Then let me ask you, what is the purpose of your website?"

He looked at Yu Hai.

Yu Hai thought for a while, and explained:

"We thought at the time that every year during the graduation season, the seniors and sisters in the school have to deal with second-hand goods, and some of our freshmen have to buy second-hand goods."

This is real.

When Qi Yun started school, he saw the seniors and sisters from the research institute setting up a stall on the side of the road.

The most coquettish thing is that a senior actually put on a lifelike...

Inflatable doll.

Become famous in one fell swoop!

Some students will also buy, not just daily necessities, but the most important thing is second-hand books.

Textbooks or something.

Very cheap.

Yu Hai and the others can think of these, they already have a lot of ideas.

But Qi Yun didn't show any face at all.

"First, have you thought about how many such websites there are in the country?"

"In our Beijing (cjcj) University, I know similar websites! Three!" Qi Yun stretched out a finger: "There are three in one Beijing University, how many universities in the country do you think? How many competitors do you have? ?"

"...I didn't think about it.

Yu Hai and the others were shocked all of a sudden.

It's not that what Qi Yun said is so original.

But their start-up team didn't think so much at all?

Now that I think about it, how many competitors are there?

I was a little panicked.

"Second point, where is your profit model?"

"We... once experimented with charging a commission of 2 percent." Yu Hai's voice was much softer.

"I guess, once you charge commission, no one will use it?"

Looking at the expressions of Yu Hai and others.

Qi Yun knew that he had guessed correctly again.

"The majority of your customers are students, and they are naturally unwilling to spend money. What's more, you are not the only second-hand website!"

What Qi Yun said made Yu Hai and the others nod unceasingly.

At the time, after they charged a commission on transactions, almost no one used their site anymore.

After their own internal discussion, they came to the same conclusion as Qi Yun said.

This is why, the website has been losing money and failing to make a profit.

"We can still sell ads!"

A girl said, looking at Qi Yun feeling a little unconvinced.

"Advertising? Have you sold it?" Qi Yun smiled as if he didn't feel the anger in the other party's eyes: "Selling advertisements is not that simple. Think about it, the advertisers who are willing to regard college students as their target customers are What's it like?"

"What does it look like?"

"Big companies! They don't care about the current effect of advertisements at all. On the contrary, they pay more attention to cultivating potential customers! Is there a big company like your website that you like?"

Yu Hai's face changed.

He finally understood that he was soliciting advertisements everywhere, and he also attracted a few small shops nearby that were doing business with students.

There is no powerful company willing to give them a chance!

"The student party is naturally weak in spending power, and the average advertiser has no interest at all. What's more, your users are only students from two schools, too few!"

It's not that the student party is poor.

But how much living expenses did the student party have in 2008?

As far as Qi Yun's dormitory is concerned, the highest living expense is the local aboriginal Wang Jun, who spends two thousand a month.

None of the other two had exceeded 1500, and one was only 800.

This is also the standard of living expenses for most students.

There is not much money left at Capital University except for meals.

"anymore question."

Yu Hai's voice was a little dry.

He didn't expect that he had so many questions that he didn't consider.

"The most important problem is that I can't see any prospect on your website!"

Qi Yun is not polite.

"What is the most important thing to build a perfect second-hand website?"



The user’s credit! Think about it, how do you ensure that the seller’s items are genuine? How do you ensure that the buyer will pay or even not regret it after receiving the goods?”

"But aren't we fine now?"

"That's because your users are all students from two universities! The circle is very small, and they naturally want to protect their reputation!"

What Qi Yun said was really not to scare them.

The largest second-hand website created by later generations is Xianyu.

But what is the most fundamental thing about salted fish?

It is the credit system established by payment guarantee.

That's it, I don't know how many people have been fooled by salted fish.

It can be said that the establishment of a second-hand website, if there is no perfect credit system.

It is impossible to succeed!

Yu Hai and the others are not stupid either.

After thinking about it for a while, they understood.

"There are thousands of competitors, there is no profit model at all, and the development prospects are completely unclear! Tell me, is your website worthless?"

The faces of Yu Hai and others were simply desperate.

Qi Yun literally pierced their hearts with every single sentence, like an upside-down!

To be honest, they are also very proud.

After all, they are all students of top universities.

Of course there is arrogance.

But at this time, their inner self-satisfaction was shattered by Qi Yun's blow!

Yu Hai murmured: "Could it be that I am most suitable for raising pigs?"

He was really hit to despair.

Qi Yun saw it and knew it was not good.

I said it myself!

Although attacking this group of people is one of his goals.

But he came here to attract these leeks!

It's good now, what's the trouble with everyone's disillusioned looks?

"But, I still want to invest in your company! Do you know why?"

"I don't know...we, aren't we worthless?"

Yu Hai said weakly.

Not interested at all.

"Because you are capable! You just can't find your way!"


Chicken blood doesn't work at all.

Yu Hai was still thinking, should he find an opportunity to learn how to raise pigs?

He remembered seeing a copy of "Postpartum Care of Sows" in the library?

Well, I have time to look it up.

It's not just Yu Hai, but everyone else here has despair on their faces, and they don't see a trace of motivation at all.


Qi Yun stepped on the table with one foot.

Yu Hai and the others looked at him blankly.

"You guys, do you intend to suffocate your dreams again?"

PS: Originally, I had the operation today and it was terribly painful, and the infusion solution made me feel nauseous, and I didn't eat anything all day. I also want to say that I won’t update it... As a result,

It cost thirteen thousand a day today!

Sit up in shock of dying sickness!

After spending such a small amount of money, as long as I still have breath, how dare I stop changing it!

Because today's state is really not good, and the writing is in a hurry, this chapter may not be very good, sorry.

I hope to adjust the status tomorrow and update everyone.


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