The Goddess Is Still So Pitiful, She Was Invested By Me!

Chapter 128 Lian Qingxue: Be Good, Be Obedient!


Very silent.

Yu Hai's group of people looked at Qi~yun with the eyes of a fool.

Qi Yun: ......... It seems that Boss Jia's words are- they have no effect here?

"Hey, I mean, are you willing to just admit defeat?"

Yu Hai still didn't speak.

He is really discouraged now.

At this time, the boy who looked very angry just now suddenly spoke.

"What will we do when you buy our company?"

He hesitated, looking at the cloud.

Qi Yun:......To be honest, I haven't thought about it either.

He came here this time just to get the new leek, as for what to do?

I can do anything!

With the system in place, you can make money whatever you do!

But he knew he couldn't say that.

He looked sincere: "I will give you full autonomy in this matter. What I can do is to give you some suggestions."

When a group of people look at me and I look at you, they are a little cautious.

They want to start a business, don't they also want to make a career on their own?

If Qi Yun can be as good as he said.

That... seems good too?

The others haven't spoken yet.

After all, what Qi Yun said just now was too harsh.

Basically, all their ambitions were dispelled at once.

Only the boy pressed, "What do you suggest we do?"

"Let me ask first, second-hand trading websites, don't you want to continue doing it?"

Qi Yun asked.

This time, not only the boy, Yu Hai also shook his head.

They have realized that second-hand trading websites are naturally difficult to grow and profitable.

Qi Yun frowned and thought for a while.

He knew that his proposal could not be too timeless.

It can't look too shocking.

He first thought about making a mobile phone.

After all, he knows that the fruit phone has just entered the country.

The smartphone market will start to explode.

Domestic manufacturers will spring up like mushrooms after rain.

But obviously, smartphones, this group of people can't do it.

After all, this is a group of students, perhaps with considerable potential.

But now it is definitely not up to the level that can support a mobile phone manufacturer.

Not even talking about hardware issues.

Asking them to come up with a mobile phone operating system belongs to the experienced people.

If Qi Yun dares to say that we make mobile phones.

Then this group of people will probably look confused and feel that they are crazy.

As for other hot projects,

Qi Yun wanted to find a solution with low technical content but huge development prospects.

to impress these people.

He thought for a long time, and finally had an idea.

"Takeaway!" He looked at the group of people: "We do takeaway!"


These people were a little confused.

Do takeout?

In their minds, this crop has never been thought of.

"Do takeout?"

"Yes!" Qi Yun thought for a while. In this era, for this group of people, entering the online food delivery market is the best choice.

In the previous life, the food delivery giant was established by a few graduate students from Shanghai Jiaotong University in the past two years.

The technical content is not high, but develops very rapidly.

Even for a long time, it has been the number one in the food delivery industry.

Of course, after being acquired by Ahri, the ranking was surpassed by Meituan.

This is the fate of almost all companies acquired by Ahri...

Now that smart phones are not yet developed, develops through the web.

Qi Yun went to university in Shanghai in her previous life, and at that time, it was already popular to order takeaway from

Wait until smartphones become popular.

The takeaway software will become even more popular.

At that time, online food delivery was considered to have changed the entire country.

The threshold is low and the development is broad.

After Qi Yun thought about it, a few students from Jiaotong University in Shanghai could do it.

These people, plus the support of the system.

In a word: It's hard to fail!

"Basic food, housing, transportation, and business are always inseparable from these four things. Doing takeaway means working hard on food."

"Think about it, when you are playing games in the dormitory, when you can't extricate yourself from studying in the library, when the weather is bad and you don't want to go out, can you open the webpage and order directly, isn't it very tempting?"

Qi Yun figured it out by himself, and suddenly started talking non-stop.

"Then... we can also order takeaway over the phone?"

A boy questioned.

After all, the food delivery industry is not new in China.

The earliest folk takeaway can even be traced back to the Song Dynasty.

It's not that the students of Capital University have never ordered it.

"We have two advantages: intuitive and diverse! On our webpage, we can allow merchants to upload pictures, so that customers can experience it intuitively! On the other hand, telephone ordering

You can only order one, but on our platform, all restaurants and hotels can be integrated, so to speak, customers can find whatever they want!”

Listen to Qi Yun's explanation.

The eyes of a group of people gradually lit up.

They are not stupid, even for them, a single sentence can break a lot of window paper.

"If you think about it, if we could have restaurants all over the country operate on our website and everyone order from us, we would change a country!

Qi Yun's last words finally made that boy make up his mind.

"I join!"

Yu Hai stared blankly at this little friend.

Look tangled.

"Yu Hai! Why are you still hesitating!" The boy said loudly: "I just don't want us to break up! We have worked hard together for half a year and spent so much effort! I am not willing to admit defeat like this! We ...Obviously so good, I just fight together with you!"

As the boy spoke, his voice was a little choked up.

Yu Hai took a deep breath.

It turned out that this boy was the one who had the most affection for their small company.

After listening to the boy's words, the three girls in the small group also began to cry in a low voice.

At the beginning, Yu Hai invited many people to start a business together.

But after a month or two, many people left.

Many people also came.

After coming and going, there were only these fourteen people left in the end.

Those who stay are all emotional.

Otherwise who would use their own money to support a startup?

It’s okay if the boy didn’t say anything, but if he did, a group of people couldn’t help but want to cry.

half a year.

Sleepless nights of staying up late and changing the code.

The joy when the first order is successful.

Gritting support when the company has no money.

Bit by bit, none of this group of people can forget.


Yu Hai gritted his teeth and finally said: "I'm not reconciled either!"

"You said you want to invest in our company? May I have a request?"

He said to Qi Yun.

Qi Yun nodded.

"I have 60% of the company's shares in my hand, and I can sell you 51% for only 500,000, but there is one requirement, their shareholding ratio must not be less!"

What Yu Hai thought in his mind was very simple.

His shares can be less, but the shares of this group of small partners cannot be less.

As for the five hundred thousand.

Yu Hai also thought it through.

For this money, the money that these people have advanced to the company has to be returned.


Qi Yun refused very quickly.

"500,000 won't work!"

Yu Hai was a little discouraged.

Sure enough, is your company not even worth a million dollars?

"One million! For one million, I will buy 51% of your company's shares! The other 49% will be distributed internally by you, and I will not interfere!"

Qi Yun's next words stunned the group of people.

There is still a price increase?

"one million?"

A group of people looked at each other in blank dismay.

"Yes, one million! You may not understand, why did I find you? That is because, in my eyes, you are all talents! Maybe your company is worthless, but you, one million is definitely not much! "

Yu Hai looked at Qi Yun, and a sentence suddenly popped up in his mind.

A scholar dies for his confidant.

Of course, he has not yet reached the point where he is completely devoted to Qi Yun.

After all, one million is nothing to his family.

In the final analysis, there are two reasons why he stayed.

-, Qi Yun recognized his value, and he was not willing to give up his dream to inherit the family business.

Qi Yun didn't know, but Yu Hai understood that it was very important to him.

Second, he is also reluctant to part with these little friends.

But I have to say that after Qi Yun showed such generosity and trust, the little hesitation and uncertainty in his heart became much smaller.

Qi Yun looked at the excited eyes of these people, and breathed a sigh of relief.


After all, he is still a student, so he is easily aroused and easily fooled...

If it's Lian Qingxue, Qi Yun even wished that the other party's shares would be as large as possible.

This way the rebate will be more.

But this group is different.

Qi Yun doesn't know them well enough, and doesn't have that high degree of trust.

He must control the company through the vast majority of the shares.

Of course, the other party's shares can't be too small, otherwise the rebate will be less.

After much deliberation, fifty-one percent is the best choice.

Of course, giving one million is also for higher rebates.

No matter how many, the system may determine that it is invalid.

Qi Yun and Yu Hai have just signed a share transfer agreement.

In Kyungseong University, we discussed the planning of the food delivery website while taking a walk.

After all, Qi Yun just raised a rough idea before.

The specific details and the functions of the website need to be realized slowly by Yu Hai and others.

It's not just a matter of saying it casually.

Of course, the takeaway page is not difficult.

According to Yu Hai, they will be able to come up with a test version within a month.

The two were talking happily, but they didn't notice two eyes staring at them.

"Qingxue, that's what you said..."

Yu Xia looked excitedly at Qi Yun and Yu Hai who were chatting happily.

Lian Qingxue: ...

There is a feeling of being raped!


"Xia Xia, tell me about the method you mentioned earlier..."

Her little face flushed slightly.

Originally, it was difficult for her to make such a determination.

But these days Yu Xia has been brainwashing her ears, and today I saw Qi Yun and Yu Hai "carrying" her together.

Let Lian Qingxue muster up the courage all of a sudden.

When Qi Yun found out that Lian Qingxue ignored him for a long time.

It's been a few days.

He also felt a little guilty.

After all, his recent thoughts are all on Yu Hai and his small team.

He actually neglected his little Qingxue a little bit.

But when he went to find Lian Qingxue, he realized that Lian Qingxue had been extremely mysterious these days.

I sent her a message and she didn't say what she was doing.

There are also fewer milk tea shops.

Lian Zhongyong also said that recently even Qingxue has been very busy, and there are many fewer people from home.

He thought it was Qi Yun who was entangled with Lian Qingxue.

When seeing Qi Yun, the nose is not the nose, and the eyes are not the eyes.

Just when he was a little confused.

Qi Yun couldn't find anyone.

Lian Qingxue's text message came suddenly.

"Shall we go to the new house tomorrow?"


Seeing that Lian Qingxue finally moved, Qi Yun breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, he was still worried that Xiao Qingxue would be angry with him.

On Saturday, Qi Yun went downstairs to Lian Qingxue's bedroom to wait for Lian Qingxue, but after a while, Lian Qingxue's roommate Quanzhen came down suddenly.

"Qingxue has already left!"

"Out? Where did you go?" Qi Yun was stunned.

Didn't they make an appointment to see the new house together?

"She said she was waiting for you at the place you agreed on."

Yu Xia smiled mysteriously at Qi Yun, as if there was some big secret.

Qi Yun was even more confused.

appointment place?

So it's in the new house?

He turned his head and went to the newly bought flat floor for Lian Qingxue.

As soon as the door was opened, Tuyun found that there seemed to be no lights inside.

It was pitch black.


He tentatively called inside.

No one answered.

Just when he was about to turn around and turn on the light.

His eyes were suddenly covered by a pair of soft little hands.

A familiar scent came.

"Qingxue, what are you doing?"

"Qi Yun! Today, you have to listen to me obediently~"

Lian Qingxue's domineering, slightly shy tone came from behind his ears.

The little girl's breath hit his neck lightly, itching.


"Yes! You have to be a good baby today!"

Xiao Qingxue found a black blindfold from nowhere, and covered Qi Yun's eyes.

"Don't move!"

Lian Qingxue blushed and looked at Qi Yun who was standing there, gritted her teeth, and moved her fingers on Qi Yun's body.

PS: Fuck, it hurts more and more. When I was writing this chapter, it hurt even more when I was excited! I paid hundreds of millions for money!.

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