The Goddess Is Still So Pitiful, She Was Invested By Me!

Chapter 134 Qi Yun: I Use Money To Buy Justice!

Sheng Huai can't earn two thousand a month.

After all, besides attending classes, he also had to accompany his girlfriend.

But there are four thousand and five.

With the addition of the 800 from the family, it is enough to have a campus romance in this era.

He rode a small electric donkey, thinking that after he delivered the order, he could go to school and find his girlfriend.

Bring her a cup of milk tea by the way.

She must be very happy.

Thinking of this, a sweet smile appeared on Sheng Huai's face.

Just when he was in a trance, the sudden sound of brakes woke him up.

A black car passed through the intersection at high speed, and at the intersection, there was an old woman in her sixties or seventies crossing the road.

The driver of the car obviously also saw this aunt.

But it was too late to brake.

The driver slammed the steering wheel desperately, and avoided it sideways.

But the old lady seemed to be terrified, took a step back, and fell directly to the ground.

The car drove straight away.

But the aunt couldn't get up.

Just fell to the ground whoops whoops.

It doesn't look good.

Sheng Huai was at the intersection and saw this scene helplessly.

He didn't want to take care of it at first, after all, there was a very famous case a few years ago.

At that time, the judge who judged the case directly said something that changed the entire domestic atmosphere.

"You didn't hit it, why did you help?"

He didn't dare to get into such trouble.

Sheng Huai rode a small electric donkey and walked past the old man...

After walking a hundred meters, he suddenly squeezed the brakes and turned his head to look back.

The old man was still lying on the street, people came and went, no one dared to touch him.

No car stopped "380" for her.

Sheng Huai gritted his teeth, turned the car around, and drove back.

"Are you all right?" He lowered his head and asked the aunt.

The old man had a painful look on his face, obviously not all right.

"I... just twisted my bones, maybe I was swept by that car, and my back hurts.

"Can you stand up?"

"I can't move, it hurts when I move."

Sheng Huai looked at his old man.

His face was wrinkled, his hair was gray, and his face was full of unbearable pain.

After hesitating for a moment, he stopped the electric car and helped the old man to the back seat of his house.

"I'll take you to the hospital."

"Thank you! Thank you!" The old man leaned on the electric car and said thank you repeatedly: "When you arrive at the hospital, call my family, and I will definitely ask them to thank you!"

"You don't need to thank me, I just do it with a little effort."

"I want it, so many people dare not help me, only you dare, no matter what you say, thank you very much.

The old man said very sincerely.

Sheng Huai showed a shy smile.

To be honest, he was actually a little worried.

But the old man's gratitude reassured him a lot.

When he arrived at the hospital, went to the emergency department, had an examination, and took an X-ray, Sheng Huai also advanced several thousand dollars in medical expenses.

The old man's family members came.

They are two middle-aged men and women.

The man looks very silent, while the woman looks more imposing.

Curly hair walked in hurriedly, and directly found the old man and Sheng Huai.

"Mom, how are you?"

"I just checked, and I'm still waiting for the results." The old man couldn't explain why, and Sheng didn't answer.

The woman glanced at him and said nothing.

After a while, the test results came out.

There is a fracture in the thigh.

The doctor called several people together.

It doesn't matter who is who.

He said directly: "The disease is not serious, it is a fracture, but considering the age of the patient, we believe that even after the operation, the bones may not be fully healed, and it may affect walking."

"So my mother is paralyzed?"

"I can't be paralyzed, but I might be a little limping."

The doctor told the truth.

After all, at this age, a casual fall is a big deal.

If you are not careful, you can get seriously ill.

The old man was lucky.

Just broken bones.

But the wounds on the bones are more difficult for older people to heal.

After the surgery, there is a high possibility of reduced mobility.

When the old man heard this, his face became paler.

Sheng Huai also felt a little pity.

But the vehicle that caused the accident was going fast.

Sheng Huai didn't see the license plate clearly either.

The monitoring system is not so developed now.

There were no cameras or anything.

To be honest, it is still very difficult to find the driver.

He looked at the gloomy family of three.

He opened the mouth and said, "How about... I'll leave first if I have nothing to do?"

He remembered that he still had takeaways to deliver.

If you don't go, it will time out.

The woman glanced at him and walked up to the old man.

Start talking quietly.

Woman: "Let's find him to pay!"

The old man was unwilling: "It's not this young man who hit me, he sent me to the hospital."

"If you don't ask him to pay, you will pay the tens of thousands for the operation? Besides, you will be limping in the future, so don't hire someone to take care of it. Where will the money come from? Let me tell you, we have no money. !"

The old man stopped talking.

Seeing them muttering, Sheng Huai felt even worse.

" about you give me back the money I advanced, I still have something to do!"

"Return it to you? You hit someone, don't you pay for the medical expenses? Let me tell you, don't even think about leaving today!"

Sheng Huai was stunned.

"I hit your mother?"

He turned his head abruptly and looked at the old man.

The old man had already turned his head away from looking at him.

"You still don't admit it? Mom, tell me, did he hit you!" the woman asked.

The old man nodded slightly.

Qi Yun was talking to Lian Qingxue.

Sheng Huai's call went to his mobile phone.

As soon as the phone was connected, Sheng Huai's crying voice reached his ears.

"Qi Yun...... I got into trouble!"


Qi Yun still understood Sheng Huai.

This roommate from the Northeast has always been quite a man.

Love sports, will loyalty.

Although the conditions at home are the worst in the dormitory.

But usually not stingy.

On the contrary, they are generous, and they can get along with each other as they want.

It's rare to see him like this.

"...I helped an old lady....."

Qi Yun was speechless after hearing this.

Brother, is this something you can do?

Don't talk about you, people with wealth like me have to weigh it.

But after listening to Sheng Huai explaining the cause and effect, Mi Yun understood.

After all, Sheng Huai is usually very enthusiastic, and he is only a freshman.

It's normal to have a little youthful blood in my heart.

It can only be said that the enthusiasm has fed the dog again.

No wonder Sheng Huai.

"What did the other party say?"

"They told me to lose money!"

"How much do they want?"

"One hundred thousand!"

"One hundred thousand?" Qi Yun laughed angrily.

One hundred thousand is not much to him, but to Sheng Huai, it is an astronomical figure.

"Don't panic, let's call the police first, we can't accept private matters anymore, and I will arrange the rest."

He thought for a while and put down his phone.

I heard about the love affair on the side.

"Did something happen to your roommate?"

"He acted bravely on the road, but was tricked by someone."

When Qi Yun said the matter, even Qingxue frowned.

She also knows Sheng Huai.

When we meet each other usually, Sheng Huai, who is 1.8 meters tall, is called Lian Qingxue's sister-in-law.

Very affectionate.

She was very impressive.

Now that this happened, Lian Qingxue wanted to help.

But after much deliberation, she didn't think of how to do it.

After all, she and Qi Yun are both from Chuncheng.

There are no connections in the capital.

"Go back and ask Professor Lian if he knows someone who is a lawyer." It was Qi Yun who came up with an idea.

Lian Qingxue's eyes lit up and she understood.

The two of them don't know each other.

But Lian Zhongyong is different.

The old Beijing city has been a professor for so many years.

The world is full of peaches and plums.

"As for me...I'll go to Shanhai Company."

Qi Yun touched his chin, he helped Sheng Huai, one was because of a roommate in the dormitory.

On the other hand, it is also considered for the mountain sea food.

After all, Sheng Huai is a part-time employee of Shanhai Express.

It's even something that happened during the food delivery.

If you stand by and watch by yourself, it is conceivable that it will greatly affect the hearts of the company.

When Qi Yun walked to Shanhai Company, Yu Hai was quite surprised.

After all, the biggest director of the company has never been to the company since the last time.

To be honest, if it weren't for Qi Yun, he would have been paying.

Yu Hai doubted whether this company belonged to Qi Yun.

"Yo! Rare guest! Why are you here?"

"I have something to do!" Qi Yun was very serious.

Yu Hai also put away his smiling face.

"What's wrong?"

"That's right, I'm a classmate who used to work part-time in our company..."

Qi Yun explained the ins and outs of the incident…………………

The dozens of people in the company exploded.

After all, most of them are still students here, and they still have a simple sense of justice in their hearts.

Especially Sheng Huai is also their classmate.

Now, my classmates suffer this kind of grievance.

How are they not angry?

"What's wrong with everyone now!"

"Fuck! I'm so mad!"

"Can I still be a good person in the future!"

Colleagues in the company are scolding one by one.

But everyone was a little downcast.

After all, they also understand that the social atmosphere in recent years has been like this.

People of their age, when they were in elementary school, had to learn from X Feng every March to learn how to be a good person.

But when I grow up, I realize that being a good person is the most stupid.

Yu Hai's face was also ugly.

"What shall we do?"

"I am going to invest another sum of money in the company and set up a special fund."


Yu Hai was stunned.

He was angry because he was angry, but it never occurred to him to start from the company's point of view.

"What fund?"

"Call it whatever you want, you can call it the Bravery for Righteousness Fund. Its role is to provide assistance and rewards to employees like Sheng Huai who are brave enough to do justice but have not been treated fairly.


Yu Hai's face was a bit troubled.

After all, this is a lot of money.

"It's not necessary, is it? If you want to help your roommate, you can do it yourself... Set up a special fund?"

"You don't understand, I don't want to help a person, I want people in the company, whether it's an employee or a delivery person, whether it's full-time or part-time, I understand that when I encounter bad things, I can dare to do it, Dare to stand up."

Qian Hai still didn't understand.

"Do you remember, I said before what kind of company we want to do?"

"Great company?"

"Yes, think about it, if we can't change the society, how dare we call Wei


...but it costs a lot of money!"

Qi Yun did it because of the need for money!

Otherwise why didn't he do it personally?

"No! You don't understand, this matter is also a huge publicity for our company!"

Yu Hai's heart was moved.

"But I need money again..."

"Money?" Qi Yun patted Yu Hai's shoulder deeply: "I'm afraid you spend money too slowly!"

I don't know what's going on, probably because the competition in the takeaway market is not fierce enough.

For so many years, I have been recruiting people and looking for delivery staff.

Shanhai Company has yet to spend a total of 10 million yuan.

Especially lived up to Qi Yun's expectations.

Yu Hai always felt that when Qi Yun looked at him, there was a feeling of hating iron but not steel.

I hate him for not being a prodigal.


"Grandpa Lian said that our school's law school teacher is willing to represent this case."

Lian Qingxue inquired with Lian Zhongyong and brought back some news.

She watched Qi Yun crackling on the computer, not knowing what to write.

"However, the teacher said that because there is too little evidence and there is no monitoring, this case may be difficult to fight. The best case is that the two parties settle in private.

Lian Qingxue's tone, he was innocent.

"Reconciliation? No, I have discussed it with great enthusiasm. We don't want to reconcile. If the first-level court can't win this case, we can go to the second-level court. If the second-level court can't win, we can go to the second-level court."

Supreme Court.

Qi Yun said in his mouth, still writing on his hand.

"what are you writing?"

"What to write?" Qi Yun smiled, and turned the computer so that Lian Qingxue could see the words on the screen.

This is a very long article.

The title of the article is also quite long.

Lian Qingxue couldn't help but read it in a low voice.

"Compared to spending 100,000 yuan for compensation, I am willing to use 100 million yuan to seek justice!"

Lian Qingxue was taken aback, this is... a call to action?

"Xiao Qingxue, it's time for Snow Tea to become famous "Do you want to join?"

Qi Yun smiled like a wolf grandmother.

PS: I have been struggling with this plot for a long time these days...

That's it, lie down completely flat.

Tomorrow weekend, set up another 8,000 FLAG!

To be honest, I never thought that I would be discharged from the hospital with a tube in my body!

Feeling like a monster while riding in a car...  

The kind Dr. Horror made...

There are some sensitive departments in the article, I will make minor adjustments, everyone understands it. .

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