The Goddess Is Still So Pitiful, She Was Invested By Me!

Chapter 135 Qi Yun: I Will Bully Others!

In the winter of 2009, the predecessor of Weibo, Xinlang Weibo, was released.

And began to become a group of dark horses in domestic social media.

At this time, Weibo is still dominated by many celebrities and stars.

The grassroots big V has not yet fully emerged.

Even few companies have official Weibo.

But Qi Yun understands the power of this product.

Not only did he let Xuecha open an account.

Yunwaiwai also has its own official account.

Of course, not many people paid attention.

Most netizens now go to Weibo to see what those celebrities have said.

Liang Wen is a reporter and an experienced netizen.

He was checking Weibo at night.

While wasting time, I also want to see if there are any new hot spots.

It was a bit boring for a while.

"When you eat, you eat. For people nowadays, eating a meal is also a big deal."

Liang Wen is quite an old-fashioned person, and he really doesn't like the fact that celebrities take pictures of a table of dishes, and there are tens of thousands of comments.

He swiped his mouse down.

Suddenly, a new dynamic appeared in his eyes.

"Shanhai takeaway? Isn't this our local takeaway?" Liang Wen has eaten Shanhai takeaway.

The speed is very fast, and Baopin is also very good.

He was impressed.

The dynamics of Shanwai Express are simple.

A short article with a link attached.

The current Weibo still cannot post long pictures, and the number of words is also limited.

Liang Wen clicked on it and was immediately stunned.

"Is this... brave and slandered?"

There have been many such things in recent years.

Like Sheng Huai said in the article, with good intentions, he was charged as the perpetrator instead.

One step further, it is a term that has been particularly popular in the past two years.


To what extent has the fire of touching porcelain reached in the past few years?

A sketch of this kind of theme can be presented at the evening party of the national TV station.

Liang Wen also couldn't understand this.

He used to be a very enthusiastic person.

But do you want him to help the old man now?

Liang Wen said that he really had no money.

Can't afford it. 29

The article on Shanhaiwai is not too long.

Written by Qi Yun, Lian Qingxue added a few strokes.

Liang Wen saw the tail from the beginning, and stayed in the middle for a long time.

"Starting today, Shanwai Express is setting up the Bravery for Justice Fund."

"As the chairman of Shanhai Express, I can solemnly promise to all the employees that when you see an old man falling down or someone in need of help, you can just help and help!"

"If the other party slanders you, the foundation will pay you, and we will hire you the best lawyer."

"If the first-level court can't make a judgment, then we will appeal to the second-level court. If the second-level court can't make a judgment, then we will continue to appeal."

"Maybe in this process, we spent more money than we lost to the other party."

"However, our company agrees that some things are more important than money. Shanhai people should have the confidence to do good things.

"At the same time, starting today, cameras will be installed on all the electric vehicles sold by Shanhai to save evidence and relieve everyone from worries."

The article is not moving.

Even plain.

But Liang Wen looked a little excited.

"Shanhai Overseas Sales, Shanhai Overseas Delivery...This company is responsible!"

He was so excited that he reposted the article and posted it to the work group.

"Director, I think we have a new material coming!"

Also said in the group.

However, the next moment, his face became bitter.

I was so excited that I forgot that the director is a bit old.

I am not used to using electronic devices, nor do I like to use computers.

The most annoying thing is that people talk about work on the Internet.

It was very inconvenient for him.

For work reports and other online materials, you have to print them out before showing them to him.

The group is as quiet as a chicken.

I stopped talking.

Only his news was exposed on it alone.

A colleague who usually gets along with him sent him a private chat.

"Old Liang, you are awesome! Let's see how the director scolds you this time!"

"I don't know that the director can't see the screen? Every time I look at the screen, I feel irritable?"

"Brother! Hold on!"

Faced with the gloating of his colleagues, Liang Wen almost wanted to cry.

Now there is no undo function.

After a while, his phone rang.

Take a look, Ren!

With a mournful face, Liang Wen answered the phone tremblingly.

The other side didn't speak.

Only the sound of quiet breathing.

"Director...I was wrong!"

Liang Wen admitted his mistake very sincerely.

The tone on the other side was not salty or light.

Liang Wen cried inwardly.

...Where did you get this article?"


"I asked you to post this article, where did it come from?"

“Saw it online!”

"That's fine, you will find the person involved tomorrow and follow up the report!"


Seeing that the director didn't scold him, Liang Wen immediately wanted to take off happily.

"Hurry up, you have to send it before other colleagues!" The director still didn't feel relieved.

"I'll go to their company early tomorrow morning!"


Liang Wen breathed a sigh of relief.

Looks like he's done it!

"Also, if you print out this thing for me tomorrow, I'm going to be blind!"



Early the next morning, Liang Wen found out where the company of Shanhai Express was located.

But no party was found.

"You're looking for our chairman? He's gone to the hospital!"

Yu Hai said.

go to the hospital

Isn't that what it's about?

He came just in time!

"Well, can you take me there?"

Yu Hai called Qi Yun and nodded to Liang Wen.

The two rushed to the hospital.

When they arrived at the hospital, Qi Yun and the others had just arrived.

Liang Wen first looked at Qi Yun and Lian Qingxue, feeling a little surprised by their age.

At the second glance, they were stunned by a few men and women in suits and leather shoes behind them, who looked very imposing.

Liang Wen looked familiar to some of them.

"they are?"

"This is a lawyer specially hired by our company."

This was invited through the relationship between Lian Zhongyong and Beijing University.

The money is enough, and the case itself has a certain social influence.

A few well-known lawyers in the industry have just been invited.

Liang Wen was stunned.

He meant that he looked a little familiar.

This is so big law!

When he looked at Qi Yun again, his eyes no longer dared to be presumptuous.

Don't look at Qi Yun's young age.

But it's also great at doing things.

People just want to extort money.

But you want people to die!

In the ward, Sheng Huai was about to collapse.

Last night, he was dragged to the hospital by this family, unable to walk at all.

Wang Jun had already run over to accompany him at night.

But how could the two students fight against each other?

The woman on the opposite side has no fear at all.

Instead, it was Wang Jun and Sheng Huai, who described themselves as haggard.

Sheng Huai was full of regrets.

I just had bad intentions for a while, but I didn't say anything about my bad luck.

Involve your classmates.

"Let me tell you, you are still students of Beijing University? If you don't lose money, I will go to your university to make trouble!"

"I'm going to find your students, I'm going to find your principal, I want to ask him, how did he teach students like you!"

"One hundred thousand yuan! Not a cent less!"

The woman on the opposite side had a mouth like a machine gun, chug all night.

Wang Jun felt a bit of nerve pain when he heard it.

At this time, Qi Yun and Lian Qingxue came in.

"Qi Yun!"

When Sheng Huai and Wang Jun saw Qi Yun for the first time, they seemed to see their relatives.

Although they don't usually say it, they know that if anyone in the dormitory has the ability to help Sheng Huai solve this matter, then it must be Qi Yun.

But the woman opposite was not afraid.

Another two young people.

There is also a delicate girl.

What's there to be afraid of?

"People are coming again? Let me tell you, I'm not afraid of too many people! Just two words today, lose money!"

Qi Yun ignored her.

For things like quarrels, he must come.

What is he spending so much money for?

He looked behind him.

"come in!"

The team of lawyers he invited filed in.

The woman's eyes widened.

Watching these four or five men and women enter the room.

For a while, I was a little confused.

what do you mean?

Are you looking for so many people to fight?

But the next moment, a lawyer's words gave her the answer.

"Madam, from now on, my colleagues and I will handle this dispute as my client's lawyer.


The woman was stunned.

"Yes, we will sue you and your family, defamation, extortion, oh, since you detained my client for one night without reason, we will also sue you for illegal detention.

The lawyer had a particularly gentle smile.

But the words are not euphemistic at all.

At the door, Liang Wen also entered the ward with a video camera.

"What!" The woman exploded.

Want to sue yourself?

"Obviously he hit me! You still want to sue me?"

"Madam, maybe you don't understand, it doesn't matter whether the person hit you or not. We will invite the most professional injury testing agency to test whether the injured person's injury was caused by the collision, let alone my client The speed of the electric car is limited, whether it can cause such serious injuries to the injured, we have to verify one by one..."

The woman was speechless.

Although she didn't know if it was really possible to test it out.

But she knows the truth.

After all, guilty conscience.

"...You can test it if you say it? We won't give it!"

"Well, we will ask the court to enforce it."

said the other lawyer, smiling.


"Maybe you don't know me. Let me introduce myself. I am a lawyer from Huarong Law Firm. Have you heard of Huarong Law Firm?"

The woman turned pale.

After all, she is a native of the capital.

She has never had contact with a well-known law firm.

But I have heard of the name Huarong.

The top firm in Beijing.

Liang Wen from behind also smacked his lips when he heard the name.

These lawyers are bigger than he thought.

"How much did you hire these lawyers? More than ten million?"

He whispered to Qi Yun.

Qi Yun thought about it.

"Five hundred thousand."

This is still the other party's friendship price.

After all, for them, this case was too simple.

On the other hand, Qi Yun also hired one or two lawyers to become the legal consultants for Shanwaigou and Xuecha.

Qi Yun's words, voice

The sound is neither loud nor small.

But the ward is just that big.

Anyone can hear it.

Everyone looked at Qi Yun faintly.

with the same doubts.

It was Liang Wen who saw Qi Yun's gentle look and asked, "What about it?

Qi Yun looked at the woman opposite and smiled.

"Do you know what is the best way to deal with some unreasonable people?"


"It is to find a group of people who are the most reasonable, and let her understand that if we are reasonable, it will not delay us to hate her, and we can kill them..."


"Besides, can you spend 500,000 yuan to get some of the best actors to perform for you alone?"

"Not very..."

"So spending half a million yuan to find some of the most quarrelsome people to quarrel with, isn't it a good deal?"

Liang Wen blinked his eyes: "It makes sense, too?"

He came to his senses immediately.

Is this what he said?

He was talking about spending 500,000 to equal 100,000!

Several lawyers: "...

There is a feeling that I have insulted my profession.

But Qi Yun spoke again: "Actually, of course I can spend 100,000, and there is no problem at all. But I can't do this. After spending 100,000, there will be one more bad guy who gets his way in the world,

There is one more good person who has suffered injustice. In order to avoid this from happening, I would rather spend an extra 400,000 yuan.

"You said that 400,000 can buy justice and fairness, isn't it very cheap?"

Qi Yun laughed.

Liang Wen fell into silence.

is it cheap?

not cheap.

But worth it.

The lawyers on the side also looked a little better.

These people are not short of money.

To be the best in the legal profession.

Earning tens of millions a year has never been a problem.

The face of the woman on the side turned pale.

She looked at Sheng Huai and only wanted to say one thing.

You have such a rich friend who likes to spend money, you should have said it earlier!

This is a pockmark, not a pockmark, but a cheater!

"You... bully others with your power! You rich people like to bully us ordinary people!"

Qi Yun smiled brightly: "I am, what's wrong?"

PS: Well, eight thousand flags are gone.

It hurts from morning to night, I feel like GG.

24 hours add up to less than five hours of sleep.

Everything else hurts.

Everyone still needs to take care of their bodies.

The surgery wasn't painful, it was so painful afterwards!

It will take me a month to get my tube out!


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