The Goddess Is Still So Pitiful, She Was Invested By Me!

Chapter 136 Lian Qingxue: I'm A Bad Guy!

Qi Yun's words made the woman on the opposite side speechless.

Liang Wen on the side was also stunned.

The camera is on.

"Is your boyfriend always like this?"

He quietly asked Lian Qingxue.

Lian Qingxue thought about it and nodded.

She knows Qi Yun's character very well.

Basically don't care what other people think.

"Then it's not easy for him to survive till now.

".....…I think it's good?"

Lian Qingxue looked back at Liang Wen.

Look puzzled.

"He can easily be beaten for talking like that..."

Liang Wen said. he should get a lawyer!"

Lian Qingxue glanced at him quietly, with a little disdain.

It seems to be saying, I don’t understand this!

Liang Wen is a stalk.

I can no longer speak.

Sorry, I was shallow.

People have already thought about it!

Liang Wen thought about it, if he had so many lawyers by his side, he would dare to speak so arrogantly!

Seeing Qi Yun like this, the woman opposite is not stupid.

Why don't you understand that you really kicked the iron plate?

She panicked.

When I looked at Sheng Huai again, I really wanted to slap myself twice.

The woman winked at the old man on the hospital bed.

The old man understood immediately.

"I misremembered! I misremembered! He didn't hit me!" She cried on the hospital bed: "I was bumped into confused! Little classmate, I'm sorry! I wronged you!

The old man was already dressed in a hospital gown, his face was wrinkled and pale.

The crying appearance, to be honest, is very pitiful.

But when Sheng Huai watched this scene, he couldn't feel any pity.


If there is no Qi Yun, I am afraid it is me who is pitiful!

One hundred thousand yuan is definitely not a small amount of money for his family.

More importantly, the old man's previous lies changed Sheng Huai's views on the world drastically.

Looking back now, if he encounters this kind of thing again, he doubts whether he can have the courage before.

Then help each other.

He watched the old man weeping and howling on the hospital bed.


The others didn't speak at all either.

No one is stupid.

Even the softest Lian Qingxue didn't intend to intercede for the other party at this time.

"My mother is crying like this, do you still have the heart?"

Seeing that her own mother's tears had no effect, the woman panicked even more and shouted.

She sat on the ground and pointed at Qi Yun and Sheng Huai.

"Are you willing to force us to death!"

All of a sudden, in the ward, there was a loud cry.

Liang Wen winked at Qi Yun and Sheng Huai.

The three walked out of the ward.

He whispered, "Are you still going to sue them? Actually, I suggest you just let it go.

Qi Yun gave him a surprised look.

Liang Wen explained to Qi Yun.

"I'm not speaking for them. It's just that in this situation, you are easily scolded. You have seen the Internet fishing boats in recent years. You are a rich man, and the other party is still an old man..."

Qi Yun understood.

There is an ethos now.

Call me weak but I am justified.

An old man, the chairman of a company.

Netizens will naturally stand on the side of the elderly.

Liang Wen, as a media worker, feels deeply about this matter.

He really wanted to persuade Qi Yun.

Qi Yun looked at Sheng Huai.

It's not that Sheng Huai doesn't understand this truth.

His face is very tangled.

Obviously very unwilling.

Qi Yun spoke.

"It can't be counted."


Liang Wen looked at Qi Yun, a little worried.

"You said, is it worse to have one more poor bad guy in this world, or is it worse to have a group of warm-hearted good people?"

Liang Wen understood what Qi Yun meant.

He looked at Qi Yun and sighed softly: "Young man."

"By the way, please change Sheng Huai's name when reporting. The most important thing is to use the name of Shanhai Company~"

Sheng Huai showed a grateful look.

He understands that this is his protection.

Otherwise, as a student, no matter how reasonable he is, he will still be very passive in this kind of matter.

The three returned to the ward.

The woman and the old man were still crying.

Seeing the client come back, he cried even more fiercely.

"Our family, the old and the young, have no money at home! You just bullied me like this!"

"If you force me today, I will jump from this window!"

The woman walked to the window of the ward, stretched out one foot, as if she was about to jump off the building.

This time, everyone else in the ward was startled.

Especially some doctors and nurses.

Hurry to pull.

The woman was holding on to the window.

It looked like he couldn't survive.

He shouted in his mouth: "It's killing people!"

"It's killing people!"

"They're going to kill us!"

All of a sudden, a lot of patients and doctors came.

Some gathered around downstairs, looking at the woman above the window.

Some are around the door of the ward.

When a woman sees so many people, her voice is even louder.

Complain loudly to everyone.

Of course, in her mouth.

My family is very innocent.

I just misremembered it.

But Qi Yun and others.

That is to be unreasonable.

Drive these poor people to death!

Hear her finish.

Sure enough, someone spoke for them.

"Since it's all a misunderstanding, forget it."

"Yes, they are miserable enough."

"These young people are really cruel.

There are quite a lot of people who say that.

It made Liang Wen's expression very ugly.

He is afraid of encountering such a thing.

At this time, a man stood up and looked at Qi Yun with a serious and non-aggressive look.

"People are going to jump off the building, why are you so cold-blooded? Why are you so cruel at such a young age?"

Qi Yun gave him a surprised look.

Haven't spoken yet.

Lian Qingxue stood up.

She was all smiles and looked special edition.

"So, what should we do?"

"How to do it? Of course you have to be forgiving and forgiving! There is no love at all!" The man saw that Lian Qingxue was so beautiful, and unconsciously became a little more arrogant.

"Oh." Lian Qingxue nodded obediently.

As if convinced.

Make the man a little more proud.

"You need to be more magnanimous! Besides, this aunt is so old, we can help as much as we can, what's the big deal?"

Even Qingxue was more convinced.

She looked at each other with admiration, and praised: "Your heart is so kind!"

Kudos to such a beautiful little girl.

The other party was even more excited.

"That's right! If it were me! I even paid for her medical bills! I heard that you are still students of Beijing University, don't you have any love?"

Lian Qingxue clapped her hands.

"Okay! You pay!"


The other party was stunned.

Lian Qingxue said with a smile: "My classmate has already paid for their medical expenses. Now that you say it like this, of course we can't ask for it! They are old people! Since you are willing to pay, brother, then it's fine if you pay the money." ?”

Lian Qingxue had the best of both worlds.


"My classmate's family conditions are not good. You see, he came out to work when he was still in school! You can't let him pay for it! Isn't this very heartless?"

She pointed at Sheng Huai and said.

The others looked at Sheng Huai, yes, a college student came out to work so early.

Impossible to be rich!

Poor man too!

"Aren't you rich?"

Big Brother retorted.

He pointed to Qi Yun and said.

He heard what the woman said just now.

What kind of chairman is Qi Yun.

Why make him pay?

"We don't love each other!"

Lian Qingxue's eyes widened and she said it as a matter of course.

How can I say that?

"Well, we are bad people! If you don't see it, you will drive people to death? Brother, you are right! How can we bad people have love!"

"..." The eldest brother was speechless.

That's not what he meant!

Lian Qingxue smiled: "Excuse me, is it by card or cash?"

Big brother panicked.

This script is wrong!

Seeing Lian Qingxue stretching out her white and tender little hand towards herself.

The elder brother took two steps back abruptly.

"I..." He waved his hands, wishing he could hide in the crowd: "This has nothing to do with me!"

He wished he could hide in the crowd.

Lian Qingxue glanced at him.

The rest immediately took two steps back.

They dare not speak.

Just kidding, you have to pay for talking.

Who dares to speak?

In an instant, the doorway was vacant.

He was afraid of being targeted by Lian Qingxue.

Qi Yun watched from the side.

I didn't expect Lian Qingxue to come out like this!

"Okay, Xiao Qingxue, why are you so bad now?"

Qi Yun laughed.

Lian Qingxue blushed and whispered, "Because you are a bad person."


"If you are a bad person, I can only be a bad person. Only a bad person can be worthy of a bad person.


It's over.

Why is this little girl getting more and more flirtatious.

If it weren't for so many people.

Ward PLAY is also very tempting to say.

Others dare not speak.

The woman who was about to jump off the building just now was embarrassed.

She had her leg on the window.

There are still tears on his face.

Look around again.

Although there is still a group of people watching.

But no one dared to speak up.

""||I...I will die for you to see!"

She turned around, as if she was about to jump off at any time.

No one spoke, and no one pulled her.

Who doesn't understand who?

The onlookers really don't know who is right and who is wrong?

To put it bluntly, most people just like to accuse others from the moral high ground.

The woman clutched the window tightly.

Frozen in mid-air.

As soon as she turned her head, she saw Qi Yun.

Qi Yun stretched out his hand with a smile, and made a gesture of please.

.....I really danced!"

she said.

Qi Yun said lightly.

Not too concerned.

He also turned around and asked Lian Qingxue: "Let's go to lunch later, what do you want to eat?"

After all, they came here early in the morning.

All hungry.

Besides, these days the law has to save face.

He also wants to treat people to a meal, right?

A group of people discussed in the ward.

tel: "..."

I'm still getting ready to jump!

Can you respect and respect life!

Qi Yun raised his head and glanced at her.

There was a hint of doubt in his eyes.

Seems wondering why she's still there.

Don't you mean to jump off?

"Are you dancing or not? If not, let's have lunch in a hurry!"

Qi Yun said very bluntly.

te: "..."

Silently withdrew his legs.

The old man on the hospital bed stopped crying.

They all understood.

Among this group of people, Qi Yun is the one who calls the shots.

Qi Yun, on the other hand, is obviously not a coerced character.

Crying, making trouble and hanging himself three times.

It is useless against Qi Yun at all.

"...we pay!"

The woman softened.

She has exhausted all means.

But Qi Yun doesn't take it seriously.

There was nothing she could do.

Qi Yun nodded to the lawyer beside him.

"We need to calculate the specific amount of compensation."

"The preliminary result now is that you need to compensate our client for reputation loss, medical expenses, and civil compensation for illegal detention."

(Amazing) "I pay..."

The woman said weakly.

"By the way, you still need to apologize to my client through public channels!"

"I apologize!"

Liang Wen returned to work with the material he had recorded.


Liang Wen nodded.

He told the cause and effect of the matter.

The director frowned.

"It's not good...the story is not strong!"

To be honest, Qi Yun's method is to really crush.

No ups and downs at all.

Not so good for reporting.

Liang Wen also nodded.

"Forget it, let's not report this!"

said the director.

Liang Wen was a little unwilling.

After all, he worked so hard to go out and shoot.

"Director, you should take a look at our materials!"

He started to play the video to the director.

The director also frowned tightly.

"Liang Wen, I am the director and you are the director! I can't do your life yet?"

The director said angrily.

Liang Wen bowed his head and apologized: "Yes! I'll change the subject right away!"

"What to change! Did I say I want to change!"

The director looked at Lian Qingxue in the video.


"Just this face, what kind of story do we want!"

The director pointed to Lian Qingxue's face and said.

"What are you watching? Don't you want to make a show?"

Liang Wen silently pushed open the door of the director's office, looked at the sky, and sighed deeply.

Is the heart of leaders so changeable?

PS: This plot is finally over.

To be honest, I don't know how to write it.

It is difficult to write a particularly happy plot when you are not feeling well.

Just make it as interesting as possible.

thank you all!

I will continue to work hard to write more. .

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