It's really not Wang Jun who poured cold water on it.

Exemption from listening, or exempting from studying, is a regulation of Beijing University.

Teaching at Beijing University is quite free.

It is stipulated that students who apply for exemption from listening, as long as they pass the assessment, they can not go to class.


There are only two situations in which the application can be exempted from listening.

The first type is the most common. If a student fails a subject last semester, he will have to retake it next semester.

But he also has classes this semester, and it is likely that the class hours will conflict, and he cannot take two classes at the same time.

At this time, he can apply for exemption from hearing.

Applications are generally accepted.

But the other one is more difficult.

Students who have self-studied this course can apply.

But this application, for example, is approved by the department and the professor.

There was a warrior in Qi Yun's class last semester, and he taught himself advanced algebra during the summer vacation of his third year of high school.

Application for exemption.

Later, Professor Dai gave him a test paper without saying a word.

Then the buddy cried....

As for Qi Yun, at least he has to apply for exemption from most courses.

Don't say the teacher disagrees.

Faculties are unlikely to agree.

Even if Qi Yun is the dean, his father can't do it.

Wang Jun thought for a while: "If you really want to go to Shanghai, why don't you just apply for a suspension of study?"

Qi Yun shook his head: "It is impossible for my parents to agree."

Taking a break from school is one way.

But Qi's mother would never agree.

Qi Yun knows Qi's father and Qi's mother too well.

In their hearts, studying well at Capital University is a hundred times more important than doing business.

Wang Jun thought about it, too.

If you want to suspend school.

My father may be like Yu Hai's father, who can kill directly to the dormitory.

Lian Qingxue on the side looked at Qi Yun and bit her lip lightly.

She said to herself:

not enough.

It's not enough to work hard on your own.

If I could be more comfortable, wouldn't Yun not be so miserable?

Lian Qingxue lowered her eyelids, secretly making up her mind.

Office of the 29 Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics.

Dean Han of the Department of Mathematics looked at the boy in front of him.

That's called a headache.

"Your name is Qi Yun, right? These are all the courses you want to apply for exemption?"


Qi Yun nodded.

Dean Han looked at the stack of application forms in front of him.

My heart just broke down.

He turned over.

There are four compulsory courses in the freshman semester of the Department of Mathematics.

Qi Yun applied for exemption from taking four courses.

None left.


He tapped the table.

A little angry.

"Dean, I have no choice but to..."

Qi Yun was also very helpless.

After all, according to the regulations of Capital University.

If you do not participate in teaching activities for two weeks, you will be considered as automatically withdrawing from school.

Qi Yun is going to Shanghai, and he might not be able to come back for ten days and half a month.

I really can't take this class.

"Don't you think........ You're a little bit too much? You don't take a single class, so why go to college?"

Dean Han looked at Qi Yun with a feeling of hating iron but not steel.

"I can guarantee that I will study every course by myself."

"Self-study? You said self-study is self-study? Can you learn better than what the teacher taught? Do you think the courses in the School of Mathematics are so simple?"

Dean Han crackled, the question was like a machine gun.

"I have confidence."

"Confidence? It's easy to say! Let me ask you, how much did you score in the final exam last semester?"


"Huh?" Dean Han blinked and became dumb.

"Dean, I got full marks in my professional courses last semester."

Qi Yun said slowly.

Dean Han is the dean of the number school, in charge of four grades.

When it comes to the grades of each student, he can't remember them.

But Qi Yun's words reminded him.

Last year, I heard from several teachers that there was a very talented student as a freshman in the School of Mathematics.

All the doors are full marks.

I didn't expect it to be the student in front of me.

" were also taught by a teacher last semester!" He was silent for a while, then said sullenly: "No! I don't agree!"

It looked like Qi Yun didn't speak, but didn't leave either.

Dean Han's head hurt even more.

"Student Qi, several teachers told me that you are very talented in mathematics. What you should do now is to study hard on campus."

Dean Han looked at Qi Yun.

If it was said that he didn't agree just now, it was because Qi Yun had too many exempted courses.

Now, he is more out of a love of talent.

Qi Yun can be said to be the most talented freshman student in the School of Mathematics.

Dean Han really hopes that Qi Yun can study mathematics well, and one day, he can make some contributions in the field of mathematics.

Now he is determined to stop Qi Yun.

Outside the office building, Lian Qingxue was walking towards Dean Han's office.

Her little hand was holding Lian Zhongyong.

should be said to be dragging

Lian Zhongyong looked reluctant.

He couldn't stop muttering: "What's none of my business? What does Qi Yun have to do with me? I want to get rid of this old face!"

"Grandpa! Just help Qi Yun!"

Lian Qingxue begged.

"I don't want to help!"

Lian Zhongyong said angrily.

He is still angry with Qi Yun recently!

Originally, he wanted Lian Qingxue to celebrate the New Year in the capital.

It turned out that Qi Yun wanted to go back.

Lian Qingxue followed Qi Yun directly.

It's because he didn't give his grandparents the chance to celebrate the New Year together!

Want him to speak for Qi Yun?

Think beautifully!

"If you don't help Qi Yun, I... I won't visit you in the future!"

Even Qingxue was in a hurry.

She also wants to help Qi Yun, but compared to Qi Yun, she has no other way.

I can only find Lian Zhongyong.

Even Zhong Yong was numb when he heard this.

"The girl can't help it!" He secretly sighed in his heart.

He glanced at his granddaughter.

It was all broken by Qi Yun!


When Lian Qingxue and the others came to Dean Han's office.

In the office, the two were still seeing each other.

Dean Han stiffened his neck, but refused to agree.

Qi Yun is also very helpless.

The application for exemption must be signed by the dean.

Without this procedure, it would not be possible.

He can only grind his teeth here.

"Boom boom boom! Is Lao Han there?"

There was a knock on the door, and Lian Zhongyong shouted outside.

"Old Lian? What's wrong with you?"

Lian Zhongyong is indeed a person who has spent his whole life in Beijing University.

Dean Han also looked very familiar with him.

Seeing Lian Zhongyong coming, he was quite surprised and rushed him in.

As soon as Lian Zhongyong entered, he gave Qi Yun a complicated look.

Qi Yun always felt that his expression was particularly bearing the burden of humiliation.

There is a feeling of wanting to beat myself.

Dean Han glanced at Qi Yun: "Student Qi, I have something to do right now, you should go back first.

"No, I'm here for him...

Lian Zhongyong said.


Dean Han scanned Qi Yun and Lian Zhongyong, not quite understanding their relationship.

"You came for Qi Yun?"

"That's right, didn't he apply for exemption from advanced studies? I'll take a look here."

Dean Han understood.

It turned out that Lian Zhongyong was Qi Yun's lobbyist.

He glanced at Qi Yun in surprise.

Very powerful.

Who is Lian Zhongyong?

I have never seen him face each other, the famous old stubborn in the computer school.

Now come to intercede with Qi Yun?

"Old Lian, what does Qi Yun have to do with you? Can you come here?"

...It doesn't matter, you just say to see my face, you agree or not!"

Lian Zhongyong felt aggrieved.

Is he willing to come?

It’s not that there is a small cotton padded jacket with air leakage at home!

"You have come forward, so what else can I say?"

A smile appeared on Lian Zhongyong's face.

Wei Wei glanced at Qi Yun triumphantly.

Did you see, even with Zhongyong's name, I can walk sideways in Capital University!

"No!" Dean Han said firmly.

The smile on Lian Zhongyong's face froze.


"I said no!"

"Old Han, our friendship..."

"One code counts for one code. Qi Yun is not a student of your computer department, but a student of my math school! If he has a problem with his studies, can you be responsible?"

Dean Han said loudly.


"What can you do? Are you from the Academy?"

"Why can't I? Qi Yun is my grandson-in-law!"

Lian Zhongyong said.

After finishing speaking, Lian Zhongyong wished he could slap himself twice!

Mouth is fast!


Dean Han looked at Qi Yun, then at Lian Qingxue who was hiding behind Lian Zhongyong, and finally understood.

It turns out that there is such a relationship!

"......Or not!"

If it was someone else, the dean might give Lian Zhongyong some convenience for his sake.

But Qi Yun......

He pulled Lian Zhongyong and whispered: "Old Lian, don't make trouble here! Let me tell you, Qi Yun is now the treasure of many professors in his freshman year! It is said that he will be successful in the future, and his studies are delayed You can't be responsible!"

His tone was serious.

Lian Zhongyong was startled.

He really didn't expect that the dean would not agree because of this.

"Qi Yun has this talent?"

He glanced at Qi Yun, a little suspicious.

"Let me tell you, you have really good eyesight!"

Dean Han patted Lian Zhongyong on the shoulder and praised in a low voice.

Lian Zhongyong: "...

He actually had a weird sense of pride.

Although the two spoke in a low voice.

But Qi Yun's body has undergone systematic transformation after all.

The hearing power is much better than ordinary people.

He also heard Dean Han's words.

He's kind of broken.

Do you dare to cheat yourself?

No, it's not my fault that I'm too good!

It's very cheating!

It doesn't even work for Zhong Yong to let go of this old face.

"Yo! It's so lively? What are you doing?"

Outside the office, another person came.

It is none other than Qi Yun's teacher of advanced algebra last semester, Professor Dai.

Professor Dai was going to his office, but he heard the noise in the dean's office.

Can't help but look inside.

He actually saw Qi Yun.

He was very impressed with Qi Yun.

"Professor Dai 440!" Dean Han quickly stood up.

There are only five or six academicians of several academies.

Everyone is a boss.

Even though he is the dean, he still has to be respectful in front of Professor Dai.

"What is Qi Yun doing here?"

"You also know Qi Yun?"

Dean Han blinked, Qi Yun knows quite a few people!

"I taught him advanced algebra."

"Yes! I forgot!" Dean Han

Patting his forehead, he was confused by Qi Yun and Lian Zhongyong.

"Then you came just in time, Qi Yun said that this semester, you will be exempted from your Gaodai!"

Dean Han handed Qi Yun's application form to Professor Dai, and immediately filed a complaint.


Professor Dai frowned, with a half-smile on his face.

"Yes! Not only Gao Dai, but also professional courses are exempted! Just tell me, can I agree?"

Dean Han still knows Professor Dai very well.

Professor Dai has the worst temper.

The requirements for students are also notoriously strict.

He must not agree!

"Why didn't you agree?" Professor Dai put down the application form in his hand, with a very calm expression.


"I said, I think it's okay!"

"No...Professor Dai!"

Professor Dai waved his hand, and said to Qi Yun, "If you want to be exempted, I can make the decision for you."

A smile appeared on Qi Yun's face.

Unexpectedly, Professor Dai would actually speak for himself.

"But! I have two demands!"

"Professor Dai, tell me!"

Professor Dai held out a finger.

"First, within one month, you have to pass the exams of three professional courses! And each one must reach A level!

On the side, Lian Zhongyong hesitated to speak.

Others study for half a year, let Qi Yun study for one month?

And you want an A?

Is this really a promise?

But Professor Dai hasn't finished speaking yet.

"Second point, I will give you one semester, and you must write an SCI-level thesis, otherwise you will have to come back to class!"

Lian Zhongyong twitched the corners of his mouth.

SCI papers?


It's not that there are many SCI papers, and some journals are very watery.

But it is not easy for undergraduates to post an article.

Besides, Qi Yun is only a semester, and he is still a freshman...

With these two conditions in mind, what is the difference between agreeing and not agreeing?

Dean Han, on the other hand, couldn't help but laugh out loud.

"I'll just say these two conditions, you just say whether you agree or not."

Professor Dai said leisurely.

He looked at Qi Yun with a half-smile.


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