The Goddess Is Still So Pitiful, She Was Invested By Me!

Chapter 166 What New Chick-Picking Pose Is This?

Qi Yun readily agreed.

The reason why he agreed.

Mainly because it might be the only way to get through the application.

Dean Han on the side was not willing.

A face is very smelly.

Qi Yun knew that if it wasn't for Professor Dai, he might not have this opportunity.

Sure enough, after he and Lian Qingxue left the office.

Dean Han couldn't bear it anymore.

"Professor Dai, why don't we just reject him?"

Although he felt that Qi Yun couldn't fulfill Professor Dai's request at all.

But it feels a bit redundant.

He didn't want to agree to Qi Yun at all.

In other words, Professor Dai is an academician, and Dean Han respects him very much.

For another person, he would have stopped it long ago.

"That kid is a smart person. Many smart people have one shortcoming: conceit." Professor Dai showed a smile on his face: "Believe it or not, if you don't agree to him, he really has other ways."

"What can he do?" Dean Han muttered.

"He has such a good relationship with Lian Zhongyong. If you don't agree, can't he be transferred to the computer department?"

Professor Dai rolled his eyes at him and said with disgust.


Dean Han really didn't expect

It may be difficult for ordinary students to transfer.

But Qi Yun was the number one in the math school last semester.

Coupled with Lian Zhongyong's relationship, I am afraid that there is no problem with his transfer to the computer.

"Besides, this kid is indeed talented. I asked him to submit a paper in half a year to let him understand that mathematics is not so easy to learn, and to frustrate his arrogance!"

Dean Han understood.

Professor Dai is probably also optimistic about Qi Yun, and the group has made this decision.

After all, I still hope that Qi Yun will focus on mathematics.

"Then what if he did it?"

"If he really did it, wouldn't that be a good thing for the courtyard?"

Professor Dai showed a slight smile and asked back.

Dean Han looked at Professor Dai and finally understood why he was a dean when he was an academician.

This realm is different!

"Professor Dai, you are so tough and scheming!"

Professor Dai shook his head: "It's not that we can't tolerate geniuses. If Qi Yun is the next Galois, let alone exempted, he just wants to be a professor, and I'll give him the job!"

Galois is one of the most famous geniuses in the history of mathematics.

He began to study mathematics at the age of 16, and founded group theory at the age of 18, laying the foundation of modern algebra.

To put it simply, a separate discipline was created in early adulthood.

What's even more frightening is that this person's main business is not doing mathematics, but playing rebellion.

A 16-year-old kid who is doing mathematics in his spare time makes all the mathematics students learn his theory with gnashing teeth. One can imagine the degree of his genius.

His research even exceeded the cognition of the mathematics community at that time.

So it has not been recognized.

At the age of 21, Galois spent a night writing down his research before dying in a duel with his rival.

It was more than ten years after his death that people discovered the value of his research.

Up to now, one of the courses in the School of Mathematics is Modern Algebra, and it took half a year to learn his theory.

If Qi Yun is the next Galois......

Dean Han felt dizzy just thinking about it.

Don't talk about the professor.

If Qi Yun wants to be the dean, it is not impossible to discuss!


Qi Yun is studying three courses this term.

He will take part in Professor Dai's assessment in a month.

The problem is, he doesn't have a month at all.

After all, Snow Tea and Shanwai Express, these two companies have countless things waiting for him.

Now both companies are planning the expansion of Mordor.

Many decisions are made by Liu Qi Yun.

Although Qi Yun is a reborn person, he doesn't know everything.

Every time he makes a decision, he also has to look at a lot of data.

Hold a lot of meetings.

So Qi Yun doesn't have much time.

Even pitifully few.

If it weren't for the systematic aura of the god of learning.

Qi Yun didn't dare to do this no matter what.

He simply moved a stack of books in front of him.

Don't look at there are only three courses.

But textbooks, reference books, exercise books.

There are about ten books in total.

Qi Yun didn't even need to think about it, he knew that it was impossible for Professor Dai and his group to let go of the assessment.

And it will definitely be more difficult!

Textbooks alone are definitely not enough.

Qi Yun's goal today is just two words: brushing books!

Diagonally across from Qi Yun, there was a boy sitting.

He was studying with his head down, when he heard a thud, and when he looked up, he saw Qi Yun carrying a pile of books on the table.

He curled his lips.

I think Qi Yun is a bit of an act.

After all, as long as you are a human being, how can one person read so many books?

Moving so many books, I can't read them all in one day.

Is it necessary?

Sure enough, when he saw Qi Yun sitting down, he didn't intend to read the book at all.

Instead, I flipped through the books one by one.

Seeing quickly.

It's not like reading a book at all, not even browsing.

It's fake.

Seeing Qi Yun like this, here is even more contemptuous.

Qi Yun didn't know that he was being slandered by the boy opposite.

He studied very seriously.

The system just gave him the halo of the god of learning and strengthened his learning ability.

But if the attitude is not in place, what is the use of learning ability?

He studied very hard.

By the time Qi Yun looked up again, more than two hours had passed.

He felt a little thirsty.

At this time, a small hand stretched out and pushed a water glass in front of Qi Yun.

Qi Yun saw that Lian Qingxue was sitting next to him.

"When did you come"||?"

The library is very quiet, Qi Yun asked in a low voice, afraid of disturbing other people's study.

"Not long."

Lian Qingxue lied a little.

In fact, she has been here for about an hour.

But Qi Yun was too attentive and didn't notice her.

It was also Lian Qingxue who was afraid of disturbing Qi Yun.

There was no sound at all.

"Why didn't you just tell me?"

"Are you busy now? Are you thirsty? I brought you warm water."

Lian Qingxue said with a smile.

She knows how much Qi Yun's affairs are.

In fact, she is also very busy.

After all, Xuecha entered the magic capital.

She also has a lot of work.

But Lian Qingxue still found time to come to the library.

Just to take care of Qi Yun.

Touching Lian Qingxue's small head, Qi Yun took a sip of water and continued to bury her head.

Even Qingxue was studying at first.

But after a while, she raised her head again.

With his arms propped on the table, his hands resting on his small face, he looked at Qi Yun with a smile.

Can't take my eyes off it.

Qi Yun didn't feel Lian Qingxue's eyes.

But the boy on the opposite side exploded.

Don't look at Qi Yun's voice is very small.

But because of their looks, there are quite a few people paying attention to them.

The boy opposite is one.

Looking at Lian Qingxue's affectionate gaze at Qi Yun.

She didn't say a word though.

But the feelings for Qi Yun can be seen by everyone.

This boy felt like he was going to doubt his life.

He looked at Qi Yun.

Why does this guy have such a beautiful girl!

And so considerate!

He refused!

He looked at the stack of books in Qi Yun's hand.

And look at Qi Yun who reads like a horse watching flowers.

A thought came to mind involuntarily.


What's the new pick-up position?

In the afternoon, the boy came to a classroom with a pile of books.

He sat down next to his favorite goddess.

Started flipping through the book with a clatter.

True*quantum speed reading.

After turning for a while, the goddess turned her head and stared at him.

The boy tried not to show a smile.


After observing for a long time, I finally learned this new technique!

Goddess has been attracted to me!

He turned even harder!

But after a while, he heard the voice of the goddess Huangying.

"Can you stay away from me?"


"You flip the book, it's noisy!"

The goddess rolled her eyes at him.

The boy watched the goddess pick up the backpack and walk away, and couldn't help falling into silence.

its not right.

I learned the same thing!

Could it be...

Is it about the book?

In Qi Yun's dormitory, Wang Jun and several boys are playing games together.

These boys are all from the dormitory next door.

Several people yelled.

"Fuck! Wang Jun, you are a rookie! Lost again!"

"You are the food!"

The game lost, and they lost their mood.

A boy suddenly said: "I heard that Qi Yun in your dormitory will be exempted from all professional courses this semester?"

"You also know?"

Wang Jun was a little surprised.

Of course their dormitory knew that Qi Yun had applied.

But they didn't say anything.

Unexpectedly, the people in the next bedroom also knew about it.

"Hi! Chen Zhen said it in class today!"

Chen Zhen is their teacher of mathematical analysis.

very young.

It is said that it belongs to the introduction of high-end talents.

In his early thirties he was a professor.

I am also willing to chat with students at ordinary times.

"What did Chen Zhen say? What did he say?"

"He said that this time he is going to give Qi Yun a big gift bag! I think Qi Yun will be unlucky this time!"

The boy said leisurely.

""||I think so too. I heard that Professor Dai also said that he would come up with the questions himself. I see that several teachers are not willing to let Qi Yun get away easily. "

"That's right, Qi Yun is really a ruthless person! If he can pass the examination, let alone other things, I will call him brother from now on!"

"Qi Yun should still have hope, right?" Wang Jun said hesitantly, "Didn't he rank first in the whole class last semester?"

"Can it be the same? Except for advanced algebra last semester, the other papers were not difficult, and there was more than one full score for Qi Yun! Those were all test questions for us freshman students! Considering our level, but this time, I heard that They’re all serious about it.”


Wang Jun also became worried after being told by the boy.

Although only a freshman.

But he also knows that the general teachers are very gentle when they give out the papers, taking into account their level.

But that doesn't mean they won't have problems.

It can be said that a teacher's ruthless hands can make everyone in a class fail.

The most important thing in mathematics is the problem!

Wang Jun discussed with several boys, and finally agreed.

If the three teachers don't want people to pass, let alone them, even those masters and doctors in the School of Mathematics can't help it.

Qi Yun……………


a month later.

Qi Yun is sitting in the classroom.

a more than thirty

year old teacher standing in front of him.

Today is the day of his exempted assessment.

There are three exams in one day.

From morning to night.

The burden is quite heavy.

The invigilator was Chen Zhen in front of him.

Holding three sets of test papers, with a smile on his lips, he looked at Qi Yun.

There was a trace of pity in his eyes.

Only he knows what a perverted set of test papers he has produced.

It's not that he made things difficult for Qi Yun.

It was what Professor Dai meant.

Professor Dai's original words are, as long as it does not exceed the guidelines.

You can apply for any weird questions!

The problem is that Chen Zhen teaches mathematical analysis.

Let's put it this way (Wang Wang's), mathematical analysis can be said to be the most basic and richest part of advanced mathematics.

Almost all the math theory, and it has send!

What is super class?

There is no superclass at all!

Chen Zhen understood Professor Dai's meaning very well.

He came up with a few topics that he found particularly difficult.

Seeing Qi Yun now, he still felt a little guilty.

In fact, he still has a bad idea in his heart...

Just make sure to let Qi Yun know something good or bad!

After all, Qi Yun studied by himself for a month.

If you can really learn it, it will be better than the person who has studied for a semester.

So soon it proves that they teach poorly?

That's a bit embarrassing, isn't it?

Of course, Chen Zhen didn't think he was narrow-minded, but felt that he was cherishing talents and loving talents!

Let Qi Yun know that mathematics is profound!

Don't be too ambitious!

Keeping your feet on the ground and studying well is the right way!

Thinking of this, Chen Zhen couldn't help but want to give himself a thumbs up.

In order to make Qi Yun, a lost lamb, change his mind.

He also put in a lot of effort!

At least it took him several days to produce this test paper!

Chen Zhen didn't care what to test first, and gave Qi Yun all three sets of test papers.

When Qi Yun finishes writing, the exam will be over.

After all, it is an exam for one person alone, so it doesn't need to be so formal.

When Qi Yun lowered his head to write the test paper, he stretched out.

Chen Zhen was a little bored.

After all, there were only him and Qi Yun in the examination room.

Qi Yun is seriously answering the questions, and he can't run around.

Having nothing to do, Chen Zhen picked up the spare test paper and looked at it.

He didn't look at his own papers, but the papers written by the other two teachers.

When he saw it, he broke out in a cold sweat. .

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