When Xia Youlan sat down, her whole body seemed to have been cocooned, and she had no strength.

"What's the matter?" Lin Yang asked.

"The Du family has done it!" Xia Youlan said hoarsely.

"Du family? What's the Du family? "

"The Du family in Yanjing!"


The faces of the people around the table trembled.

"This Du family has something to do with ran Zaixian. In the early years, ran Zaixian once helped the Du family a lot. The Du family always wanted to repay ran Zaixian. This time, ran Zaixian certainly didn't take the initiative to tell the Du family about it. He couldn't pull off his face, but it was different to start a family! It must be that he contacted the Du family. Now that the Du family has made a move, my summer family can only flinch. " Xia Youlan said with a headache.

"How could it be?" Next to a young Zhang Jia Xiaoxiao said: "Miss Xia, the energy of your Xia family is so huge, who dare not give you face in Yanjing? It's a bit of a joke

"Shut up."

Mr. Zhang murmured.

The Zhang family stopped immediately.

"The land of Yanjing, crouching tiger, hidden dragon, is not as simple as you think. Even the Xia family has to step by step, like walking on thin ice! In terms of overall strength, the Xia family in Yanjing is just a medium-sized family, barely on the table, that's all. " Xia Youlan shakes her head.

People take a breath.

Xia Youlan only brought an old man to come here, which stunned half of the people in Guangliu, and made all the aristocratic families prefer to watch Linyang rampant and dare not move. What's more, ran Zaixian bowed his head and apologized.

Such terrible energy is only a medium existence in Yanjing.

How deep is the water in Yanjing...

"is the Du family more powerful than the Xia family?" Su Yan asked.

She did not know the Xia family or the Du family. She did not know much about Yanjing.

"The Du family's energy in Yanjing is not big, but in recent years, the Du family has relied on a large company, and has reached a strategic cooperation with this company. If we Xia family moves Du family, we will certainly offend this company, and the strength behind this company is what we dare not offend in any way! If we Xia's family is focused on by the power behind the company, I'm afraid... "

Xia Youlan said that, and she didn't dare to go on. The tension and fear on her small face were obvious, as if she had thought of something extremely terrible.

The people were shocked.

"What company is so powerful?" Mr. Zhang asked.

"Yaokong group." Xia Youlan spits out four words.

Yaokong group?

Many people have never heard of it and don't know what kind of company it is.

However, Lin Yang, who was sitting on the most side of the room, was very nervous, and his fist could not help pinching it.

Others don't know, but he knows it.

Because this group... Is a subsidiary of the Lin family...

"well, don't ask so many questions. Now the Du family has come out, and it's not easy for us to get involved in it. Xiaoyan, Linyang, please hurry back to Jiangcheng. Otherwise, if they come back, the situation will be out of control. "

"No hurry."

Lin Yang drank a cup of tea, light said: "even if the Du family out of the face to contain you, those people also dare not revenge again."

"Boy, don't talk so early. The reason why others don't move you is because of the Xia family's deterrence. You really think others are afraid of you." Mr. Zhang shook his head: "in short, your family should get on the bus for me, and I'll let my driver take you back."

"Master, they will not come again. In fact, they are afraid of me." Lin Yang has some helplessness.

But as soon as this word came out, it was a burst of laughter.

"Lin Yang, don't tease me."

"It must have been nice beating those boys just now?"

"Ha ha, you are really holding chicken feather as an arrow!"

Some people are cynical.

Even Su Yan couldn't help it.

"Lin Yang, let's hurry and listen to Miss Xia and my grandfather."

"That's right. Miss Xia was there, and we didn't have any deep enmity with those families. Now that you beat people up, Miss Xia can't protect us, but we will be killed by you." Zhang couldn't resist the rain.

"Well, that's enough for you!"

Xia Youlan some can't listen, can't help drinking.

The present people are all a Leng, see Xia Youlan small face Yang angry face, immediately and surprised and surprised.

"You should get ready and go back first."

At this time, Zhang Zhonghua stood up and looked at Su Yan and said, "girl Yan, come in with me for a while."

"Oh... Good grandfather."

Su Yan was surprised and followed Zhang Zhonghua to the inner hall.

Entering the inner hall, Zhang Zhonghua sits on a chair, and the housekeeper pours him a cup of tea.Su Yan is very nervous.

Zhang Zhonghua drank a cup of tea, and then asked: "girl, grandfather asked you a few questions, you should answer truthfully."

"Go ahead, grandfather."

"What's your relationship with Mr. Lin of Yanghua group?" Zhang Zhonghua put down the cup and asked seriously.

"Ah?" Su Yan was stunned. After a while, she said in a low voice: "grandfather, I have nothing to do with him."

"It doesn't matter? Then why do so many people come to Jiangcheng for you? And this Miss Xia... I'm afraid it's because of him, too? " Zhang Zhonghua took a deep breath and said, "do you know these people?"

"I... I don't know..." Su Yan lowered her head.

"That's right."

"But... I've never seen that Lin Dong." Su Yan said in a hurry.

"It's mostly that Lin Dong who has seen you and has a crush on you." Zhang Zhonghua sighed and said helplessly: "Xiaoyan, there are so many things happened today that we didn't expect. Although everyone is safe and peaceful at present, it is not over. This Miss Xia will return to Yanjing sooner or later, and their Xia family can't protect your generation!"

"What do you want to say, grandfather?" Su Yan appreciated Zhang Zhonghua's words.

Mr. Zhang mumbled his lower lip and then sighed heavily.

"Xiaoyan, the situation of your family is not optimistic."

"I know." Su Yan lowered her eyebrows.

"You have no right, no power, no support. My grandfather has a mess to clean up, and it's hard to help you. If these people go to Jiangcheng to move you, you are still very dangerous. But if... There is someone in Jiangcheng who can protect you, you will have no worries." Mr. Zhang suddenly said seriously.

Su Yan's pretty face changed slightly, and immediately understood the meaning of Master Zhang's words.

"Xiao Yan, don't blame my grandfather for stirring up trouble here. In fact, I don't have any prejudice against Lin Yang. On the contrary, when I see him today, I still like him very much. After all, he dares to stand up for you. It's very rare and valuable, but... He can't protect you. If Miss Xia is not here today, he can't do anything at all. But... That Lin Dong can, he can easily drive all the big people in Jiangcheng to come over to celebrate my birthday, just to please you. He can even invite people from Yanjing Xia family. I believe he will be a great person from all over the world. If you can have a clear relationship with him, no one in your family will dare to move! "

Speaking of this, Mr. Zhang focused on looking at Su Yan: "girl, do you understand what I mean?"

"My grandfather wants me to divorce Lin Yang?"

"If it hadn't happened, I would never have advised you so, but judging from the current situation, my grandfather's advice is also for your good."

"But... In this way, I'm sorry for Lin Yang?"

"No, if you are really good for Lin Yang, you should do it!" Zhang Zhonghua suddenly stepped forward, pressed his hands on Su Yan's shoulder and said solemnly, "if you divorced Lin Yang and had a result with that Lin Dong, then you can protect Lin Yang with that Lin Dong's energy! I can see the character of this boy Lin Yang. He is very impulsive and irritable. If he is not protected, he will break easily! If you don't do this, I'm afraid that he will have an accident in less than a year. If you choose to do so and protect him secretly, you can make him go on in peace. Girl, grandfather eats more salt than you eat, and grandfather can't be wrong... "

this remark, like a thunderbolt, is hard on Su Yan's heart.

Su Yan's pretty face turned white for a few circles and could not speak for a long time.

I don't know how long it took for her eyes to nod.

"Grandfather, i... I listen to you...

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