When Su Yan came out of the inner hall, the whole person was out of his wits.

People are curious.

Xia Youlan went back in advance because of something.

Ma Hai insisted on sending Su Yan and Lin Yang back to Jiangcheng. As for the big men in Jiangcheng, they were in a dilemma and didn't know what to do.

They want to go to flatter Linyang and worry about the Revenge of the big families in Guangliu and even the Du family in Yanjing. They want to stay away from Linyang and see the energy of Xia family and the future of Yanghua group. They dare not despise it.

For a moment, the bosses were tangled.

Lin Yang had lost confidence in them, so he did not pay attention to them.

"Yan'er, what's wrong with you? Dad, what did you say to Yan'er? " See Su Yan small face haggard, Zhang Qingyu tension pull her small hand to ask.

Mr. Zhang said with a smile: "I didn't say anything. OK, it's late. You should go back. Don't let Mr. Ma wait for them for a long time."

"Oh, ok..." Zhang Qingyu nodded, but there was still a trace of worry in his eyes: "Dad, that mother's side..."

"hum, what is she doing there? I haven't settled the account with her yet. A woman's family has taken care of it Mr. Zhang's face changed and he rushed to the road.

Zhang Qingyu said nothing.

"In a word, you can go back. It's not peaceful in Zhangjia recently. I should take good care of the family style. A group of guys who turn their elbows out!" Mr. Zhang stomped his feet in anger.

Several people in Zhangjia were embarrassed.

Old Zhang went back to his room too early.

Zhang Qingyu also knew that it was not good to stay any longer, so he and Su Guang left Zhangjiakou in the car of several people in Mahai.

After a group of people left, the originally bustling Zhangjia suddenly became desolate.

Mr. Zhang took a deep breath, with a trace of determination in his eyes.

What happened today was a big blow to him.

Only then did he realize that this Zhangjiakou was not the one he knew.

"Let's go ahead and have a family meeting tomorrow. All the people of Zhangjia will be there! But don't let that old woman come

"This... Sir, this is not very good?"

"What's not so good? Am I the head of the family, or is she? " Mr. Zhang clapped the table and roared.

The housekeeper was silent.

"In addition, send some people to Jiangcheng to watch Yan'er and them. If these guys from Guangliu go to Jiangcheng to touch him, they should inform me as soon as possible and make sure to protect them. I owe them too much, and I should make up for it." The old man sighed.

"Yes, sir... But Sir, I don't quite understand."

"What don't you understand?"

"It's about my uncle." The housekeeper hesitated.

"Lin Yang?"

"Yes, master, I'm more curious about why after my uncle went in with the Hengye who opened the house, he not only didn't catch the uncle, but also defended him everywhere..." the housekeeper said cautiously.

As soon as the words fell, Mr. Zhang seemed to react.

"There is something strange in this..."

"master, I suddenly have a bold idea. Do you think that our uncle... Will be...

" what are you thinking? How could it be? " Without waiting for the housekeeper to finish speaking, Mr. Zhang directly interrupted him and shook his head and said, "although Qingyu's family lives in Jiangcheng, I still know something about them. This Linyang has been a burden, and has no skills. I heard that he has been idle and has nothing to do. If his performance is not good today, otherwise I don't think highly of him Do you think that they are all surnamed Lin, so you think he is Lin Dong? Don't you think it's ridiculous? "

"It's really... A little ridiculous..."

"I think Lin Yang knows that Lin Dong likes Yan'er, and he should have told him about it in the inside..."

old man Zhang waved his hand and said, "no more, now it's up to Xiaoyan to choose. If she chooses the right one, no one will be hurt again. "




speeding on the car in Jiangcheng.

Ma Hai drives in person.

Lin Yang sat in the co pilot's seat, staring at the front in silence.

Zhang Qingyu sighed. Su Guang was very depressed.

A birthday call didn't expect so much trouble. Fortunately, the family came back safely.

Only Su Yan lowered her head and said nothing.

Ma Hai looked at the rearview mirror and then at Linyang.

"Drive well." Lin Yang light road.

Ma Hai looks straight ahead.

The atmosphere on the car is strange.

Soon, the car came to the downstairs of Su Yan's house.

Su Guang and his wife got out of the car.

"Yan'er, what are you doing? Get out of the car and go home Zhang Qingyu asked.

"Dad, mom, you go up. I'll go out with Lin Yang to do something." Su Yan squeezed out a smile.As soon as the words fell, Lin Yang in the front row frowned.

"Oh... Well, don't bother Mr. Ma too much. Thank you this time."

"You're welcome." Ma Hai smiles.

They went straight upstairs.

"Miss Su, where would you like to go?" Ma Hai asked.

Su Yan closed her eyes and was silent for a moment. "Go to the Civil Affairs Bureau!"

This word, the moment shocked Ma Hai.

Lin Yang also slightly opened his eyes.

"Civil Affairs Bureau?" Ma Hai's tongue is knotted, looking at her and Lin Yang in amazement.

"What happened?"

Lin Yang took a deep breath and asked.

"Nothing. I just feel too tired." Su Yan said hoarsely, "Lin Yang, didn't you say that you would respect my choice as long as I wanted to?"

Su Yan didn't even want to explain...

Lin Yang was silent.

A moment later, he waved: "go to the Civil Affairs Bureau."


MA Hai was in a hurry, but he didn't know what to say.

Finally, he sighed and drove towards the Civil Affairs Bureau.

Su Yan has been low head, small hands tightly together, little tears in her eyes.

Lin Yang did not speak.

"Lin Dong!" Ma Hai called out in a low voice.

"As I said, I respect her choice, and since she's made up her mind, that's it." Lin Yang light road.

Although he did not know what happened, he believed that it must have something to do with Mr. Zhang.

But Mr. Zhang will not harm Su Yan. Maybe divorce is the right choice for her.

Lin Yang is full of helplessness.

That's it.

Let's go with it.

After all, there is not much emotional basis for their marriage. If they really want to leave, Lin Yang will not want to die.

It's just that Ma Hai doesn't understand Lin Yang's mind.

In his opinion, Lin Yang did all this for Su Yan.

Yes, it is not by accident that Ma Hai and others went, but Lin Yang deliberately arranged.

Ma Hai doesn't know how the feelings between Lin Yang and Su Yan are, but he believes that Lin Yang still cares about Su Yan.

As a result, Ma Hai deliberately drove very slowly, and made a special detour, and walked directly on the street in the center of Jiangcheng city. At more than 4:00 p.m., there is bound to be a traffic jam here.

Sure enough, Mahai's car was caught in the middle, in a dilemma.

"How did you get here?" Lin Yang frowned.

"Road building over there, road building..." Ma Hai said with a smile.

Lin Yang didn't know what he was thinking, so he didn't say anything.

Sure enough, after Ma Hai made great efforts to pass through the city center and arrived at the Civil Affairs Bureau, the Civil Affairs Bureau had already been off duty.

"Come tomorrow." Su Yan said with dim eyes.

"Tomorrow, Saturday, until next Monday." Ma Hai laughs.

Su Yan breathed a shudder, more tears in her eyes.

"Can't wait... Can't wait..."

"Miss Su, I can't help it. Can't I drive those people back to work overtime? I don't have the right to...

"it doesn't matter, Mr. Ma, you go back first. Lin Yang and I will handle this matter well." Su Yan secretly wiped away her tears and forced her face to laugh.

"Well, if there is anything, please call me."

Ma Hai secretly looked at Lin Yang, sighed and turned away.

After Ma Hai left, Su Yan said, "you go back with me."

"Why divorce?" Lin Yang asked again.

"I've said, I'm tired to marry you..." she said.

"You never dare to tell a lie."

"Don't ask again. I've decided to leave. It won't change." Su Yan hoarse way: "now you immediately go back with me, pack up your things, immediately move out to live!"


Lin Yang was stunned.

Thirty minutes later.

Lin Yang was standing at the door of Su Yan's house with a huge suitcase www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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