Marriage is temporarily inseparable, but the residence or separation.

Lin Yang couldn't figure out why Su Yan did this.

Does she hate herself?


Lin Yang didn't do anything, and from Su Yan's performance, she didn't have any disgust.

What's going on?

In the past, old lady Su and Zhang Qingyu forced Su Yan to divorce Lin Yang. She did not agree. Why did she suddenly have this idea?

Lin Yang couldn't understand it.

Forget it, find a place to live. It's already dark. If you don't find a place, you'll have to sleep on the main road tonight.

Lin Yang sighed, carrying the case to the Porsche downstairs, ready to let Ma Hai find a place.

But as soon as he took out his mobile phone, he saw luoqian calling.

"Lin Yang, where are you? Do you have time? Come to the hospital quickly! " Luo Qian over the phone said in a hurry.

"What happened?"

"There's a patient who's in a terrible condition. I can't help it. Come here quickly." Luo Qian almost cried.

Lin Yang a listen, face light change, immediately heavy drink: "you stabilize the patient's condition, I will arrive immediately."

Finish saying that, Lin Yang then hung up the phone, a foot accelerator rushes toward Luo Qian's hospital.

Into the hospital, but see Luo Qian and a new young female doctor is in the emergency room.

Both of them looked anxious, but many people were blocked at the door. They looked angry and resentful. It seemed that they were family members of patients.

"What do you do?"

As soon as Lin Yang was about to pass, he was stopped.

"I'm a doctor in this hospital. Please let me in!" Lin Yang is busy.

"Hospital doctor? I remember there are only two doctors in this hospital, and they are all in it. When did you come out? "

"Two quacks have already knocked my brother unconscious. Now another quack? Get out of here

The man at the door roared, and he didn't allow Lin Yang to enter.

Lin Yang was stunned.

Inside luoqian seems to have heard the outside movement, immediately ran out, and quickly called out: "let him in! He can save the patient. Let him in

But... Luo Qian's words have no effect.

People will block the gate, that is, not let Lin Yang into.

Luo Qian was very anxious.

"You all get out of my way!"

She rushed up to push the crowd away, but she was a weak woman, which was their opponent.

Until then...


Several chills twinkled in the crowd.

Luo Qian a Leng, just found that the strength of these people's neck are inserted with a bright silver needle.

"Lin Yang!" She was busy looking at Lin Yang.

Lin Yang came in at a quick, expressionless stride.

"Call the police immediately!" Lin Yang drank low.

"Alarm? Why? " Luo Qian was stunned.

"Because someone wants to hurt you!"

Lin Yang hoarse way, and then into the inside, looking at lying on the bed full of sweat, the whole body constantly twitching people, immediately understand what.

He took out a long and thin silver needle and carefully stuck it in his abdomen. After about three or four seconds, he slowly took it out.

But the back half of the silver needle was black.

Seeing this, Lin Yang's eyes immediately solidified countless.

"Is this... Poisoned?" The young woman doctor beside her was shocked.

"And it's not ordinary poison! If you don't check it carefully, you can't find the poison! " Lin Yang sank, then suddenly raised his head and looked at Luo Qian: "immediately seal up all the silver needles and medicinal herbs you used to this person today. In addition, transfer out the monitoring and keep it well! Give it to the police later. "

Luo Qian was completely confused.

"Lin Yang, how can he be poisoned? What's going on here? "

"Don't you understand? This man was poisoned before he entered your hospital. He intended to die in your hospital while you were treating him. "

"Ah?" Luo Qian was shocked.

"Those people outside must know that the people inside have been poisoned, and they must also know my identity, so they deliberately do not let me in, afraid that I can cure this person. This person is actually in advanced stage of cancer. I think he also knows that he has not much time, so he joined the plot to frame you up and let you die, so as to defraud a sum of money."

"How could that happen?"

Luo Qian was scared to sweat.

It's too insidious.

Killing a patient is a devastating blow to any doctor.

Who would have hurt her so cruelly?

All of a sudden, Luo Qian seemed to understand something, his face was hard to see the extreme: "do you say... It's grandfather..."

"luobeiming is luobeiming in the end, and his heart is much more vicious than I thought!"Lin Yang light road.

After the police arrived, they immediately blocked the scene and controlled the families of the panic stricken patients.

Luo Qian, according to Lin Yang, protected the scene and submitted the monitoring to the police and cooperated with the investigation. At the same time, the patient was also taken to the medical examination.

As expected, as Lin Yang said, the patient took a highly toxic liquid when he visited luoqian medical center. If Lin Yang had not controlled his artery with silver needle temporarily to prevent the toxin from spreading, the patient would have died. However, the patient was already in advanced stage of cancer and did not care about life and death.

Finally, the police identified it as a medical fraud case.

Luo Qian slightly relieved, but the small face is still full of dignified.

She has been able to confirm that it is Luo Beiming's handwriting, because of that toxin, few people in Jiangcheng can own except him.

"What have you done to let luobeiming deal with you like this?" Lin Yang asked.

"I just don't want to listen to him. I just want to go to the southern school to study..."

"southern school? I remember it was a very old doctor. "

"Yes. In fact, it was a blind date arranged for me... I refused. I just want to stay here and open my hospital. "

"If your hospital is closed, you have to go if you don't go. Is that what luobeiming means? It's a pity that I destroyed it again. Your grandfather is afraid to hate me to the bone! "

"Don't worry, Lin Yang. I'll protect you."

"You'd better take care of yourself. Your grandfather won't give up. Sooner or later your hospital will be destroyed by him."

"I don't want to go to Nanpai... Linyang, would you do me a favor?"

"What's up?"

"Help me to see a doctor!" Luo Qian said solemnly.

Lin Yang is confused.

"I don't have a medical qualification certificate..."

without saying a word, Luo Qian took out a document from the hospital room and photographed it in front of Lin Yang.

Lin Yang glanced at it and laughed bitterly.

"A mere medical qualification certificate should not defeat the president of Jiangcheng Medical Association?" Luo Qian's eyes show cunning way.

Lin Yang sighed, but said: "OK, I promise you, but before that, I have to find a place to live."

"Looking for a place to live? Why? "

"Xiaoyan and I are going to divorce." Lin Yang light road.


Luo Qianru was struck by lightning.

"What happened?"

"Nothing..." Lin Yang simply narrated.

Luo Qian was at a loss.

"So, this is what Xiaoyan suddenly proposed?"


"Did you do something wrong?"

"In the past three years, what I have done is wrong in their eyes."

"Yes, what do you mean?"

"I said, I respect her choice."

"Is it... Or..." Luo Qian said a ghost.

"What do you say?"

"Er, a burst of red face, but nothing.

Lin Yang was confused.

"Since you don't have a place to live, you might as well stay in the hospital. There is a room here! I can give it to you. "

"No, I'll have it arranged."

"Ah, you live here. Anyway, you will be here tomorrow..."

however, Luo Qian's hospitality failed, and Lin Yang agreed.

The next day, Lin Yang began to visit the hospital.

He understood luoqian's meaning, is to rely on Lin Yang to deal with luobeiming's next difficult.

After all, Lin Yang's medical skills are above luobeiming.

As long as ten days, ten days later, when the time for recruiting new recruits from the southern faction passed, the kinship would not be able to become, and luoqian would naturally be liberated.


Luo Qian's idea is really wonderful!

The next morning, several people went directly to the hospital. A young man in a Tang suit and a folding fan called out.

"Excuse me, is Luo Qian there?"

"Dr. law wants to be here at 8 o'clock. If you want to see a doctor, you can come to me."

Lin Yang came out of the room with sleepy eyes.

"I'm not here to see a doctor. I'm here to see Dr. law. Please ask her to come right away and tell her that her man is here."

Tang costume man mouth up, evil spirit said. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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