"Her man?"

Lin Yang was stunned and immediately realized that this group of people might be from the south.

He hesitated a little and decided to call luoqian first.

However, at this time, Luo Qian is full of joy to carry early into the hospital.

She arrived early today!

"Big lazy pig! What time is it before you get up? Eh? So many patients? I'm going to get up and have breakfast. I've been waiting for you for a long time Luo Qian shouts with a smile on his face.

She was in a good mood.

"You are Luo Qian?"

At this time, the man in Tang Dynasty suddenly called out.

Luo Qian steps a stagnation, looking at this strange man, confused way: "you should be the first time to the hospital?"

"Yes, we met for the first time, too."

"How do you know me?"

"Because he's from the south."

Without waiting for the man to speak, Lin Yang came out to take the word.

Hearing this, Luo Qian trembled with fright, and the steamed bun in his hand fell all over the ground...

"you... Are you situ Jing?" She shuddered.

"It's me."

Sima Jing, a man in Tang costume, nodded his head and carefully examined Luo Qian. He folded the fan in his hand and nodded with great satisfaction: "it seems that the old man in luobeiming is still honest. He didn't introduce some crooked melons and split dates to Ben Shao. Luo Qian, let's go and go back to the southern school and get married immediately!"

Then he turned and walked outside.

But Luo Qian did not follow.

"Well?" Situ mirror slightly side head.

"I didn't say I would marry you!" Luo Qian was angry.

"You have no choice! Because no one can refuse me Situ Jing said with a smile.

"Arrogance! Who do you think you are? I will not go with you Luo Qian hums coldly.

She disliked such a self righteous person the most.

"Oh, if you refuse me, no one in China will dare to marry you. Do you want to die alone?"

"I'd rather stay at the hospital alone for the rest of my life than marry you!"

"Are you sure? What a pity

Situ Jing shook his head, looked around and sighed: "pity the hospital! It's going to go out of business tomorrow! "

"Bankruptcy? Hum, unless I luoqian dies, the hospital will never close down! " Luo Qian was angry.

"Let's wait and see."

Situ Jing said with a smile and turned away.

Luo Qian coldly stares at situ mirror to leave, and then picks up the bun on the ground.

"It looks like we'll be in trouble these days."

"Soldiers, come and cover up the water."

"If the situation is out of control, you go straight back! Anyway, I won't drag you into the water. "

"Again." Lin Yang road.

When situ Jing left, the hospital opened normally.

However, to Luo Qian's great surprise, there are so many people going to see a doctor today. Lin Yang, Luo Qian and the young female doctor Xiaodong are busy for a day.

All three of them are getting tired.

"After work, let's go and have a good drink." Luo Qian breathed his breath.

"Good!" Lin Yang smiles.

"Sister Qian! There's a lot of medicine out of our medicine cabinet. "

"Call them and ask them to send them urgently tomorrow. Many patients today will come back for further consultation tomorrow! The medicine can't be broken! " Luo Qian slightly frowned.


Xiao Dong nods.

After drinking wine, they had a good sleep.

But the next morning.

There was a sudden knock on the door.

Lin Yang was stunned.

Dozens of patients were gathered outside.

What's going on?

Is luoqian's medical center so popular?

He quickly called Xiaodong jiluo Qian.

They came in a hurry.

The three began their consultation at 7:00 a.m. and never stopped.

This is nothing to luoqian.

Although she was a little tired, she was very happy to be able to cure the patient's pain.

"Sister Qian, the black chives are used up!" At this time, Xiaodong called out.

Luo Qian a Leng: "medicine has not been sent?"


"You write the prescription and ask the patient to go to another pharmacy to fill the prescription."


Xiao Dong nods.

But a moment later...

"sister Qian, Bai qiangen is also used up."

"The Eclipta is gone."

"We've run out of papyrus."


Xiaodong kept shouting.

Luo Qian suddenly realized that something was wrong.She picked up the phone in a hurry and called the delivery man.

"What? No more? Why? " Luo Qian was shocked.

"No reason, Miss Luo. We are in short supply of Medicine recently. I'm afraid we can't provide you with drugs. I hope you can contact other people." The people over there put down their words and hung up.

Luo Qian is stupid.

The medicine in the hospital... Is broken!

At this moment, she realized that all this was the ghost of situ Jing.

If you break it, ask the patient to fill the medicine outside!

Luo Qian was thinking.

But slowly, she found that her ideas were still too naive.

"Doctor, why don't you give me an injection quickly? I'm dying of pain!"

"What about the medicine? I'm hurt so badly that you don't apply medicine to me? I'm going outside? I'm lame. Do you want me to climb over and get the medicine? "

"What's the matter with your hospital? No medicine! What a broken hospital

"Don't come to this hospital. It doesn't even have medicine! A bunch of quacks

"A group of quack doctors don't even have medicine. Don't open this hospital!"

Patients are angry, directly block the door, not to let the outside people to see a doctor, in order to protest!

Luo Qian is dying in a hurry.

If she continues to develop in this way, she is afraid that she has to close the hospital.

"Lin Yang, what to do?"

"Don't worry, there's me!" Lin Yang Ning road.

"I'm afraid you can't help her either!"

At this time, the crowd sounded a indifferent laughter.

Luo Qian and Lin Yangqi looked together and found that situ Jing had been mixed in the crowd early...

"Lin Yang's medical skills are much better than you! Just wait and see Luo Qian clenched his teeth.

"Of course, I know that Dr. Lin's medical skills are extraordinary. Although he is not as good as my southern faction and may be worse than me, I think it is not difficult to deal with the situation in front of him, but he should not have time to deal with your affairs here." Situ Jing said with a smile.

Luo Qian breath a tight, feel a bit wrong, coagulate voice way: "what do you mean!"

"Just look at it."

Situ Jing said with a smile.

Lin Yang frowned and felt something was wrong.

But at this time, he was too lazy to pay attention to situ Jing and directly called out: "everyone is in line with me. I'll take care of you!"

Hearing this, the patients lined up in front of Lin Yang's desk in disbelief.

Lin Yang asked Xiaodong to get ten pairs of silver needles, relying on the remaining medicine and silver needles to diagnose and treat the patient.

Looking at Lin Yang's needling technique, situ Jing's eyebrows wrinkled.

"What a delicate needling skill. Are you Xinyang seventeen?"

"No, it's eighteen." Lin Yang light road, continue to apply needle.

Situ Jing was slightly stunned, and then he gave a faint smile: "Dr. Lin is worthy of the title of Dr. Lin, but it's a pity... No matter how skillful you are, this clever woman can't cook without rice!"

As soon as the voice fell, Xiao Dong called out.

"Sister Qian, Dr. Lin, we've run out of medicine in the medicine cabinet...

" ah? " Luo Qian is totally stupid.

"I don't believe you can cure all kinds of diseases with only one needle!" Situ Jing said with a smile.

Luo Qian's breath was stagnant.

Only rely on silver needle to treat all kinds of diseases? It's impossible! Otherwise, it is not medicine, but magic!

It seems that the hospital can only be closed temporarily!

Luo Qian's eyes showed despair.

She believed that her grandfather would come and escort her to Nanpai as soon as possible.

It's over!

It's all over!

Is it a day before you lose?

A deep sense of powerlessness surged into Luo Qian's heart.

But at this time, Lin Yang suddenly opened his mouth and said, "how do you know that I can't cure all diseases with one needle?"

Situ Jing's smile was stiff: "can you really do it?"

Lin Yang did not speak, but spread out all the silver needles on the table, and then palmed them and stroked them.


Situ Jing's eyes were huge.

However, the silver needle trembled slightly, which was particularly magical.


There was an uproar at the scene.

Lin Yang quickly took out a needle and stabbed it in a patient's chest.

In an instant, the patient's dull chest instantly relaxed, and a pale face became ruddy.

How amazing!

People screamed.

Lin Yang applied a few more injections, and the patient was cured!


"Can you also cure trauma with silver needles?" Situ Jing stared at a man who came over with a stick and disdained to say.

This must be covered with medicine. The medicine for injuries caused by injuries can not be replaced by silver needles.However, Lin Yang is in that person's leg prick a needle, and then asked Xiao Dong to bandage him at will.

"Doctor, is that all right?"

"It'll be fine in three months."


the lame man looked at the situ mirror and was embarrassed.

Situ Jing did not speak, but waved his hand, and the lame man left immediately with a cane.

Looking at Lin Yang's orderly treatment for patients, Luo Qian is extremely excited, even Xiao Dong is full of worship.

The situation gradually stabilized.

A batch of patients were sent away.

"Situ Jing, it seems that your plot will not succeed!" Luo Qian light way.

You think that's what I'm doing? Naive Situ Jing shook his head.

"What other tricks do you have?" Luo Qian frowned.

With Lin Yang here, she is committed.

However, at this time, Lin Yang's mobile phone suddenly vibrated.

Lin Yang frown, take out a mobile phone to see the caller ID, immediately connected.

A moment later, his face changed.

Lin Yang suddenly got up and said, "I'll be there soon."

"Lin Yang, where are you going

"I have to go out!" Lin Yang's voice was cold.

"What happened?"

"Something happened to Xiao Yan!"

"What?" Luo Qian is stupid.

She suddenly turned her head and stared at situ Jing.

But see situ mirror open folding fan, light smile way: "Luo Qian, you lost!"

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