This sudden scene, let all people can not return to God.

What's going on?

Who is this unkempt old man?

Why did he break the arm of the three elders' ghost hands with this blow?

Isn't it horrible?

The reason why ghost hand is called ghost hand is that its palm is particularly fierce, easy to take people's lives, and it is extremely strong.

But now, ghost hand's best palm strength is not only broken by the other side, but also... The other side is still breaking it head on!

With the most powerful palm power to break!

Is this what most people can imagine?

For a moment, all people's eyes were focused on this person.

Those elders also stopped fighting against each other and turned wood one after another.


The disciples of Li Wang Palace rushed to help the ghost hands.

"I'm fine."

The ghost hand drank softly, pulled a piece of sleeve off, trapped in the arm and made a dead knot.

The arm is slightly active, but obviously not suitable for fighting again.

"Who is it, sir?"

Su Moyun, the great elder, finally spoke.

"Go away, all of you! Don't disturb me

The old man, hoarse and shouting, returned to the grave and continued to doze.

Thousands of people around him... He's not looking at it at all.

All the elders frowned.

"It seems that this is the problem we have to face now." Ghost hand hoarse way.

"The divine ring is now buried in this tomb. As long as you dig the tomb, you can get the emperor's ring!" Two elder Liu is phoenix light way, spin and side head: "big elder, what do you think?"

Su Moyun said nothing.

"Well, this old man is trying to stop us from flying to heaven and getting rings? Master, I'm going to take all the younger brothers and sisters together to get rid of the old man and get the divine precepts to help master become the leader of the sect A three big and five thick man roared at the top of his voice.

The elder next to him nodded in silence.

With permission, the man immediately roared, carrying the sword to the unkempt old man to kill the past.

The snow-white sword is like a big wave, which is cut down with the people's arms.

But at the moment when these swords came, the dozing old man suddenly opened his eyes, clasped the earth from the tomb beside him, held it in his hand, and threw it at the people who were coming.

These pieces of soil were flying out of the cave, and they were like bullets that pierced the chests of these disciples in an instant.

In an instant, all the disciples stopped in front of the tomb, holding their swords high.

A breeze blows.

Br >

, all of the disciples were killed with blood on the spot.

People's scalp tingles.

There was no sound.

All people are big eyes stare small eyes, silly looking at this scene.

"How... Can this happen...

" they just... Are gone? "

"Who is this old man?"

"What's the trick, exactly?"

The sound of trembling spread.

People are all confused.

Raise your hand and kill dozens of people!

Is this the only means possessed by the gods?

The faces of all the elders were extremely pale. They had never seen such a fierce means.

"I told you to get out of here! Don't disturb me. If you don't get out of here, that's the end Said the old man hoarse, closing his eyes again.

No one dares to speak this time.

Everyone looked at each other, and they did not dare to act rashly.

The corpses on the ground deeply stimulate everyone's scalp...

"master... What should we do now?" Zheng Dan looks at Shaohai carefully.

Shaohai sneered: "it seems that the rumor is true! Ha ha, there is this person, these people can't get God's commandment! "

"What do you mean by that? Do you have a way to get the commandment?" Lin Yang in the back opened his mouth.

Shaohai glanced at him and said in a low voice, "of course there is a way."

"What way?"

"Challenge him


Zheng Dan is puzzled.

Dragon Star red eyes twinkle, as if to know what.

"Yu Ling!"

At this time, only listen to this end of the ghost hand to drink.

"Master, I'm here!"

Yu Ling stepped forward.

"Challenge the man Ghost hand way.

Yu Ling was at a loss.

But listen to ghost hand smile way: "everybody elder, about this person's identity, I think you should have guessed?"Xi Mulin, Liu Shifeng, Jiurou monk and others nodded in succession.

"I can't believe that the godmother's wife really has an affair with others! No wonder the Lord will kill her Xi Mulin said hoarsely.

"This person, should be the adulterer?"

Liu is the Phoenix light road.

These two people's simple words immediately ignited the thinking of all the disciples on the scene.

This dishevelled guy is actually a adulterer who has committed adultery with the leader's wife??

It's appalling.

"Oh? Do you know me

The unkempt old man opened his turbid eyes and looked at these people lightly.

"Of course I do. But for you, how could our leader have killed his wife? How could he have been possessed and died suddenly? How can we be in chaos? It's all your fault! You sinner Xi Mulin shouts. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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