The old man laughed when he heard it.

"What? I became a sinner? "

"Am I a adulterer?"

"Am I the culprit?"

"Ha ha ha ha ha, it's just a big piece of sliding in the world!"

"It's you who robbed my beloved woman! Clearly he is a third party, but now he says that I am the source of all evil? "

"Ridiculous! How ridiculous

The old man's mood was suddenly a little excited, and the sound of laughter made his old face full of ferocity.


He was angry.

Very unwilling!

Very resentful!

"Master, I also ask you, is the emperor's divine ring in this tomb?" An elder stood up and asked in a deep voice.

"Yes or no, what do I have to do with it?" The old man had no expression.

"Donghuang Shenjie is related to the rise of donghuangjiao, and it is the keepsake of the leader of donghuangjiao. We have no leader at present! We must choose a new leader with the emperor's commandment! If you are interested, please get out of the way and let us dig the grave and take out the precepts The elder drank heavily.

"There is my beloved woman buried in it. I have been guarding her grave for decades. Now she is gray haired. Do you want to dig a grave in front of me and take a commandment? Don't you think it's funny? " The old man shook his head with a cold look in his eyes.

"If that's the case, then follow the rules! Let our men challenge you. If our men defeat you, we will dig the grave and take the commandment! How about it? "

"Ha ha, interesting! I've been sitting here for decades! Are there so many dead rats in the world? Good! You have to fight! Then come on! I have never refused any challenge in my life! How many of you are here today! How many battles does Laozi fight

The old man drank and cried, and stood up directly, his face proud.

Lin Yang was stunned for a moment.

Feeling this old man is a lengtouqing!

There are so many people on the scene, and they challenge the past one by one. Even if he can fail, isn't he tired to death?

He didn't realize it was a wheel fight?

Are these people trying to drain his strength?

No wonder these elders proposed to challenge one by one! Obviously, they should know the identity of the old man and understand that he will not refuse anyone's challenge.

"In that case, well, old master, we are not polite!"

The ghost hand sinks a way, then toward Yu Ling to make a wink.

This kind of person who can hurt the ghost hand with one move and kill dozens of disciples easily is not what ordinary disciples can deal with?

Yu Ling's fifth highest ranking is the fifth.

The crowd was burning.

However, Yu Ling went up to the old man and arched her hand: "master, please give me your advice."

"Do you know the rules of dueling with me?" The old man looked at Yu Ling and said without expression.

"Yu Ling doesn't know."

"Well, I'll tell you that dueling with me is a duel between life and death. Only when one of them is dead can we judge the victory or defeat. Do you understand that?" Said the old man.

Yu Ling's face changed with fright, and she stepped back two steps.

This is just playing with your life!

She should have been up to the point!

"Yu Ling, don't be afraid. Master is here. You'll be OK!" The ghost hand here murmured.

Yu Ling took a breath and nodded silently, which made her confident.


With so many people around, what is she afraid of?

Although the other side is strong, can still kill so many people?

"Master, let's start!" Yu Ling yelled.

"Nvwa, since you are not afraid of death, do it! I have to tell you, I won't be merciful The old man drank low.

Yu Ling gritted her teeth, but looking at the Datong gate, she didn't dare to step back and yell. She rushed forward in a big stride. A soft sword sprang out of her sleeve and stabbed the old man like a silver snake.

The old man's hands were attached behind him, motionless.

I don't seem to take this sword seriously.


The soft sword stabbed to the old man's chest, as if to pierce it.

But at the moment when he was about to stab in, the old man suddenly raised a finger and directly butted it on the tip of the soft sword.

In an instant, the tip of the soft sword could not move forward for half a minute. Yu Ling's strength forced the soft sword to bend suddenly, as if it had been stabbed on the steel.


There were constant exclamations.

Yu Ling was also shocked, but she did not dare to hesitate. She suddenly turned around and took off.


the terrible sound of sword sounds like the Xiaoxiao autumn water.

The sharp body of the sword is even more fierce.

This time, Yu Ling is going to cut off the head of the old man.

It's a beautiful pursuit, but there's a sense of being overwhelmed.

However, when the blade of the sword arrived, another finger was in front of the strong neck, perfectly parrying the cutting edge.Yu Ling is stupid.

"Nvwa, why do you want to die just because of your poor Kung Fu?"

The old man snorted coldly, and suddenly his finger flicked on the blade of his sword.

Bang Dang!

The blade broke on the spot.

The terrible force from the sword directly broke Yu Ling's arm.


She uttered a cry of pain.

But before the voice was over, the old man grabbed back his hand, clasped the broken fragments of his sword and waved at Yu Ling.

"Elder martial sister! Be careful

The shrill cry resounded.

But it's too late.

Whew! Whew! Chi...

all the fragments of the sword disappeared into Yu Ling's body.

She stepped back a few steps before she stopped. After a moment, she was half kneeling on the ground and there was no movement!

The people on the scene looked with astonishment and were shocked to the extreme , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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