The elder opened the cavity, and all the people's nerves did not jump.


Lin Yang's words directly touched Su Moyun's bottom line.

And touch the bottom line of every elder.

This is challenging their authority!

Question their dignity!

"Mr. Su, is there anything wrong with what I said?"

Lin Yang looked directly at Su Moyun: "even Yu Ling and Pang Liang were easily defeated by each other. How many moves can they fight if you ask them to go? It's not death. What is it? You care about the lives of these people? "

"To defeat this man is to take the emperor's divine precepts and to elect the emperor's leader! All this is for the emperor! For all the people of donghuangjiao! It is the bounden duty of every disciple to stand up for the great righteousness of our sect! What's wrong with that? Do you want the disciples of our sect to be greedy rats? What kind of person is qualified to be a member of our teaching? " Su Moyun hums coldly.

"In that case, why don't you elders go up? Just hiding behind your back? Sit and watch the death of the disciple? " Lin Yang immediately questioned.

Su Moyun frowned and said nothing.

The disciples were greatly disappointed.

They're not idiots. You can't tell?

I'm afraid these elders may not be able to deal with the tomb keeper, right?

If it was not for fear of death, who would be looking forward to the God's precepts that are close at hand?

Liu Shifeng snorted: "Lin! Don't be so righteous! You say we are afraid of death! And what about you? You are so kind, you challenge the old man

"That's right. Don't you say you are the master of Qinghe hall? In this case, you are also a member of the Eastern Emperor cult! You accuse us of being greedy and afraid of death! What about yourself? It's not shrinking back! " And the elders spoke.

"In the end, don't you mean yourself?"

"Don't think you are so noble! You can do it, you go on

"Do it

"You don't dare to contribute to the great righteousness of our teaching, so you can stop other disciples from fighting for the future of my teaching? Hehe, you are just a hypocrite with a good reputation. "

"That's right!"

Other elders also pointed to Lin Yang and scolded him.

The words are right.

But at this time, Lin Yang suddenly opened his mouth.

"If you want me to do it, I'll do it!"

Words fall, around the abuse and accusation suddenly stopped.

All of them stare at Lin Yang in disbelief.

"Lin Yang, are you crazy?"

Long Xinghong was shocked and yelled anxiously.

Zheng Dan was overjoyed.

Shaohai clapped his hands and said, "OK! Good! It seems that our Qinghe hall leader is ready to sacrifice for our religion! Very good! "

This time he admitted that Lin Yang belonged to qinghetang again...

Su Moyun frowned slightly.

Liu Shifeng was quite surprised.

Ghost hands, Xi Mulin, Jiurou monk and other elders all looked at each other.

What the hell is this kid thinking?

The world is puzzled.

Lin Yang patted the ashes on his body and walked to a high mound, facing all humanity: "listen, the reason why I stand up is not that I want the Donghuang Shenjie, but that I don't want to see so many disciples die! I'm different from you! I respect everyone! You all deserve to live! "

With that, Lin Yang turned around and went to the tomb keeper over there.

All his disciples looked in amazement.

In a simple sentence, the hearts of all the disciples were rippling.

Liu Shifeng looks ugly.

So is the ghost hand.

"What this man said was so righteous... He was buying people off!" Liu Shifeng whispered.

"Yes, if he really got the Donghuang Shenjie, even if he was just a little qinghetang, many people would support him. He said that he didn't want the Donghuang Shenjie, but what he did, what he did, what he did, what he did, what he did and what he did now was to pave the way for the things after he had captured the Donghuang Shenjie! This man... The city is so deep! " Sumoyun said hoarsely.

"When did my Eastern Emperor religion produce such a figure?" Liu Shifeng asked unexpectedly.

"Maybe it's not our Donghuang religion... But it doesn't matter. He's no match for that guy! That guy's strength, I understand, let this person have the ability to know everything! This time, there will be no return! "

Su Mo Yunjing looks at Lin Yang, his eyes have become as if he is looking at the dead.

The crowd was burning.

The scene gradually quieted down.

Everyone's mind is different.

All eyes.

Lin Yang went to the grave.

"The discussion is over?" The old man chuckled, his eyes full of enthusiasm.

"Yes, I'll fight you."

"No problem. Let's do it. When I kill you, I'll see when the so-called elders will shrink back!" The old man put his hands behind him and said proudly, "come on, boy.""Good!"

Lin Yang moved his lower arm and went to the old man.

His speed is not fast, the pace is very stable, but also has a light aura, mysterious essence.


The old man was stunned and saw the clue inside.

But when he came back to God, a violent killing opportunity suddenly enveloped his body.

Not good!

The old man's face changed in horror and he raised his head abruptly.

Just see Lin Yang do not know when, already stood in front of him.

A terrible iron fist, hard hit his face! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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