What a fast speed!

The old man was so frightened that he raised his arms and blocked his fist.


A burst of air blast force lines burst at the place where the fist and arm collided.

The whole body of the old man was shaken back by the force.

Both legs on the ground pulled out a full 10 meters of deep gully, just stopped.

The world is silent.

Countless mouths are huge.

The eyes were huge.

People were so stunned that they couldn't believe what they saw.

This man... Beat the old man back?

And got the upper hand on the first move?

Isn't it horrible?

That's a super master who almost kills evil spirits! How did this young man do it? Is he stronger than the old man?

People were frightened and their scalp was numb.

"What a fast speed!" Liu Shifeng also recovered from the shock and murmured, "what's the matter with this young man?"

"No wonder Shaohai wants to kill this man with our hands! The strength of this man is so great that it is indeed a great threat to Shaohai. We underestimate him! " Sumoyun said.

"Elder, what should I do now?"

"Look on, this man has great strength, but he can consume more physical strength of the other party, which is good for us to take the ring!" Sumoyun said.

"You're not afraid... He won?"

"No way! That guy has been sitting here for decades, and has already trained his magic skills. Even if he has talent and is a demon, he will never be defeated. That guy... This is a duel doomed to the end

Liu Shifeng nodded silently.

Lin Yang's first strike surprised the world and surprised the elderly.

However, this does not mean that there are advantages and disadvantages.

The old man stood still, shook his arm, looked surprised and looked at Lin Yang again.

"It's amazing, boy. How can you develop such speed and strength when you are so young? This is not at all your age

"Is the old man afraid?" Lin Yang light road.

"Oh, boy, if you praise you, you will be in heaven? I'm afraid you don't know that the martial arts are as big as the sky, but you are just a grain of sand in the green world! "

The old man opened his posture, his legs bent, and his toes stepped into the soil. The whole man seemed to be a little serious. His old face drank: "boy, take care of it!"

"Come on

Lin Yang light road.

I saw the old man kick his legs.


The ground shook suddenly.

Then I saw the old man disappear.

A strong wind came to Lin Yang.

When he saw it clearly, the old man was close to Lin Yang, his withered hands turned into fists and smashed his face and heart.

The strength of strength hovered between his fingers.

It's still killing!

When the old man started, he didn't intend to show mercy!

You're going to die!


his fists just got close to Lin Yang.


Two strange voices come out.

The old man's arms suddenly stopped.

Take a look.

His fists were blocked by the palms of Lin Yang.

No further entry!


The whole place was boiling.

It's boiling!

Everyone's eyes are going to fall off.

The old man could not breathe.

However, he was not discouraged at all, and he shot at Linyang with his arms like machine guns.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang...

fist shadow bursts, such as the storm, suffocating.

But Lin Yang was methodical and raised his palms to resist.

Each hand caught every blow.

The defense line can't break through at all!




The dull sound rises again.

The two fists of the riot suddenly stopped.

It turned out that Lin Yang was making efforts to buckle them up.

The old man's eyes widened.

"Master! Now, is it my turn? "

Lin Yang light way, suddenly double pupil a cold, a hand suddenly loose fist, toward the old man's throat.

"Stinky boy! Get out of here

The old man growled and turned his fist into claws. He wanted to grasp Lin Yang's wrist.

This claw is more miserable than the eagle's claw. Once it is buckled, it must be separated from the bone and flesh.

But before he arrived, Lin Yang's hand was already one step ahead and pinched the old man's neck.

"OhThe old man breathed hard.

Lin Yang, with his arms full of strength, grabbed the old man and hit him hard to the ground.


A great noise spread.

The ground trembled wildly.

The cracks cracked like cobwebs.

The old man splashed a lot of dust on the ground.

The power of terror even spread around the earth, many people directly stand unsteadily and fall to the ground.

However, it has not yet been waiting for the people to return to God.


The old man's body flew out like a shell and hit a piece of soil slope here.


The slope was leveled.

The old man lay in a pile of mud and gravel, disheartened, and coughing.

There was silence all around.

People can't scream anymore.

Because the scene is... So shocking!

Long Xinghong is stunned.

Zheng Dan was totally stupid.

Shaohai frowns tightly, and his expression is very solemn.

As for Su Moyun and Liu Shifeng, they were all silent.

The new leader of Qinghe Hall... Seems to be a little bit... Strong and a little too much...

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