People can't use words to describe the mood at the moment.

That can be called invincible, immeasurable strength of the old man, actually in the hands of this young man suffered losses.

What's going on?

How could the strange leader of Qinghe hall be so terrible?

People are full of shock and curiosity.

The eyes were fixed on him, each holding his breath.

"Interesting! Very interesting! "

The old man got up, his face full of excitement and seriousness.

"You are much more interesting than those little ones before! It seems that I have to be more serious, otherwise if I fall on your hand, it will be a disgrace

With that, the old man danced wildly with both arms, as if he were in luck.

Two thin arms in the dance became particularly vigorous and brutal.

Lin Yang's eyes were also serious, but he didn't want to give the old man too many breathing opportunities and rushed up again.

"Look at me, big proud tiger rhyme!"

The old man suddenly growled, and his body fell down. His hands supported the ground. His thin body spurted out a strong force of strong and powerful power. He immediately condensed into a virtual shadow of a god tiger and attacked the rushing Lin Yang.

Lin Yang's pupils shrank and he dodged on his side.

Bang Dang!

A huge stone was bitten by the big mouth of the God tiger, and the huge shadow of the tiger's claws scratched out three gullies with a depth of one meter.

If you hit people, you can't be a part of them?

"It's a terrible move. Is it internal and external?"

"To be able to store such a huge and powerful gas, the strength of this old guy is afraid to be able to match the original leader."

Several old elders were hoarse and open-minded, and their eyes were full of fear.

Old man crazy trend tiger shadow attack.

Such as the ancient gods.





the giant tiger claws are constantly shooting at Linyang.

The ground was hit by the rumble, a pit appeared, the earth cracked, a mess, good ancient terrible.

But Lin Yang's speed is very fast and his skill is flexible. It seems that the giant tiger shadow can't help him.

"Boy! Do you really think you can run away? Ha ha ha... "

the old man suddenly grasped some gap and burst out laughing, and the man suddenly went to the ground.

The shadow of the tiger also disappeared into the ground.


The people around him were terrified.

As soon as Lin Yang's face sank, he immediately looked at his feet.

But there was a dull voice from the bottom of the earth.

It was as if the earth was roaring.

After that, the land in many places rose inexplicably.

A lot of cracks appeared.

The whole five peaks are almost broken.

The whole mountain can't help shaking.


Some of the disciples screamed.

More people are afraid to drill down the mountain.

Click! Click! Click! At this time, a large number of cracks began to appear in Linyang's limbs.

And many soil blocks fall into the cracks.

It seems that the ground under Lin Yang's feet has been hollowed out.

"No! This is the end of it

At this time, an elder couldn't help but breathe out.

After his words fell.


At the foot of Linyang, the earth suddenly exploded.

After that, a tiger's virtual shadow sprang out from the ground and opened its mouth to swallow up Linyang directly.


There were so many shrieks and screams.

At the scene, all the people of Donghuang cult retreated madly.

The boulder cracked.

The earth burst open.

It's like the end of the world.

It makes the scalp numb.

In the dust all over the sky, people can only see the huge shadow of the tiger. After swallowing Linyang, it turns over and lands on the ground.


The ground trembled again.

It took a long time for the ground to stabilize.

The crowd was busy looking at the shadow of the tiger in the dust.

They can see that the old man is driving the tiger's virtual shadow to chew the swallowed Linyang crazily.



This is the sound of the air impinging.

Tiger shadow looks fierce, but it is actually a huge air flow.

Even if it's a huge ball of steel, it's going to be torn apart in the air.

"Master, he is dead! He must be dead this time Zheng Dan trotted over and said with a smile.

"Is that the end? I thought this kid could do something. " Shaohai chuckled."After all, those who were against the leader of the sect in those days, which ordinary people can deal with? It's amazing that this young man can fight him to this day Ghost hand light way.

"It's not easy to force this person into such a situation." Liu Shifeng nodded his head and said, "elder, what are we going to do next?"

"Continue to consume it. I don't think that man has used too much energy. Now we'll go up and do it. It's still early, and then let the disciples prepare!" The ghost hand opens a way, then looks toward Su Mo cloud.

Liu Shifeng and Shaohai also raised their eyes.

According to the rules, it's time for Su Moyun's war palace.

Su Moyun was not polite and said, "Wuji!"


Wu Ji's face was livid, and he should drink it in a low voice.

"Warm up!" Sumoyun said.

The crowd took a breath.

"It's... Master."

Wu Ji whispered, his eyes twinkled with pain.

"Master! No

Fan Feng came at once.

"Get him! Take it down

Without waiting for Su Moyun to open his mouth, Wu Ji immediately drinks and makes two disciples to catch fan Feng and prevent him from making trouble again.

"Elder martial brother! You can't do it! You are dying! You are dying! You can't go! No

Fan Feng was pulled by two disciples and struggled madly, but it was of no help.

Wu Ji, with a bitter smile on his face, walked over, patted fan Feng's shoulders and said with a smile, "younger martial brother, you don't have to worry. I'll try to survive!"

"Elder martial brother..."

fan Feng cried.

Many of his disciples were moved by it and wiped their tears in secret.

But listen to Wu Ji and lowered his voice, low voice urgent way: "you immediately think of a way to take everyone away from here!"

Fan Feng suddenly raised his head and looked at him strangely.

"That elder martial brother Lin is right. The master is crazy, and the elders are crazy. They don't treat us as human beings, but use us as tools to consume the strength of the tomb keeper! Go! We must find a way to go! "

Wu Ji looks at fan Feng firmly, then turns to move forward.

Fan Feng stood in situ, as if he had lost his soul.

Yeah... Must go! Otherwise, the people here will be forced by the elders to fight with the tomb keeper one by one, and they will be wiped out.

If it goes on like this, everyone will die!!

Must leave!

When the thoughts are pale, the wind is full of pain.


At this time, another burst eardrum like sound spread.

He heard a strange roar.

It's like... Kylin's roar!

Ring through the sky! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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