Ye Shangshan's cards are never those silver needles! But these terrible blood!

The main reason why he dares to enter Donghuang mountain alone and attend the assembly is because of these bloody spirits!

Nearly 20 drops of blood have almost reached the power of the whole blood. The power released is unimaginable.

However, he did not let people see the blood on his wrist.

He doesn't want to reveal the secret yet!

At the moment of releasing the power of blood, Lin Yang's Qi was like a pot of oil pouring on the flame, which instantly turned the flame into a raging fire.


The disciples who rushed in were shocked.

However, Lin Yang's fist was aimed at the nearest disciple.


The disciple flew out like a shell in an instant. He hit more than a dozen people, then fell to the ground, his head was broken, his chest was sunken, and there was no movement.

As for the more than a dozen disciples who were knocked down by him, they all lay on the ground and howled, unable to get up.

Lin Yang is another palm, fan to the other side of the disciple.


The disciple's body was like a gyroscope, which was fanned for more than ten times, and then fell back to the ground again.

At this time, several disciples took the opportunity to approach Lin Yang and hit him with fists and feet.

However, Lin Yang did not move!

This man, covered with blood and black and blue, ignored the attack of the disciples from the war palace!

People's brains are blank.


At the moment, Lin Yang is like a god of war.

His strength, speed, reaction, and even the strength of his body, are strong to an abominable situation.

These people's attacks had no effect on him at all.

"Take it!"

At this time, Su Moyun suddenly accumulated a strong sword power, clasped his long sword and chopped at Lin Yang's shoulder.

The sword is cold and violent.

It's as if the hardest thing in the world will be split in two with this blow.

Other people saw this blow, but there was nothing unusual about it. Actually, Su Moyun's other hand had accumulated a more terrifying force and was ready to go.

It turns out that this sword is just a feint!

His real killing move is his other hand.

Liu Shifeng understood this scene, and immediately took advantage of the situation to attack Linyang and wanted to cooperate with Su Moyun.

She did not know where to draw a long whip, toward Lin Yang's head.

Long whip whistling attack, like a wild dance of Golden Snake, powerful.

One sword and one whip seem unstoppable.

And Lin Yang is not afraid.

With the blessing of blood, he seems to be invincible.

He gazed at the falling sword and whip, directly reached out his hands and grabbed at it.


A strange noise came out.

The long whip that fell down was accurately buckled by Lin Yang.

And that senleng sharp sword body, is also held by Lin Yang's other hand.

Although the blade cut the flesh of his hand and made blood overflow, the sword could not move forward for half a minute.

Their attacks were all blocked.

People around the scalp numb.

Liu Shifeng cried out bitterly: "good chance!"


Su Moyun roared, another hand that had been hidden for a long time was suddenly released, just like a fierce wolf rushing out from the dark place, and fiercely hit Lin Yang's heart.

This batter's knife is strong enough to penetrate everything and is unstoppable.

All the people were staring at the knife.

Is this the last shot?

This person should be hopeless!

He can't hide!

Be suppressed by the big elder of Donghuang sect and the two elders! In this case, no one can hide!

It's over at last!

Many students also have a deep sigh in their mind.

Although I don't know where Lin Yang came from, it's a pity that such a young genius will die here today...


No surprise.

Su Moyun's hand knife severely hit Lin Yang's chest, sending out a dull sound, a raging force lines blooming from his chest.

Lin Yang's body trembled slightly, and the clothes on his chest were torn by the force lines splashing out.

The power of crazy agitation catharsis.

Liu Shifeng and other people's eyes burst with joy.

"It's done!"

"This man is dead!"

"Such terrible power! His heart must have been broken

"Win! We won! ""Great!"

The disciples of the war palace danced with excitement and joy.

Su Moyun also mercilessly breathed a sigh of relief.

But the next second.


The sound of a broken weapon came out.

Lin Yang suddenly broke Su Moyun's sword and stabbed Su Moyun's heart with his backhand.


The broken sword fell into Su Moyun's heart.


Su Moyun covered his chest and retreated, his mouth uttered a miserable cry.

All the disciples of the war palace were stunned.


Liu Shifeng was also stunned.

But it's not over!

Lin Yang suddenly put forth his strength, grabbed the whip, pulled Liu Shifeng Shengsheng, and then smashed Liu Shifeng's forehead with a fist.

The power of that blow was enough to blow the seeds of her head to pieces.

Liu Shifeng was scared to death. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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