
Liu Shifeng screamed bitterly.

She wanted to dodge, but Lin Yang this sudden force, let her unexpected, the whole person because of inertial force to Linyang that stagger.

This one can't be avoided!

Liu Shifeng's eyes are huge, looking at the growing fist, the skull seems to burst.

But at this critical moment.


Xi Mulin suddenly rushed to Liu Shifeng and threw her to the ground.

They tumbled a few times before stopping.

Lin Yang's blow was a blow!

The people around were open and silent.

Liu Shifeng and Xi Mulin are busy getting up and looking at each other.

But Lin Yang did not continue to pursue two people, but toward this side has a buttock sitting on the ground, mouth can not live spitting blood sumoyun walk.

"No way, cough... You... Your heart has already eaten my inner strength! Why... Why aren't you dead? Should your heart break? "Cough, cough..." Su Mo cloud covered his chest with pain and roared.

"Inner strength? What is that? Do you think you have a lot of power? " Lin Yang asked calmly.

"What do you mean?" Xi Mulin asked with wide eyes.

"I just want to tell you that your power is nothing to me!"

Lin Yang murmured.

"Nothing? Arrogant!! Arrogant!! Arrogant!! I was actually plotted by a conceited kid who is still in infancy. I am not reconciled! Not willing to... Cough and cough... "

Su Moyun was excited and roared repeatedly.

But the words have not yet said a few words, is the fierce spray of blood.


The people of the war palace rushed forward crying and crying with Su Moyun in their arms.

"Kill me! Kill! Kill this guy! Even if only one soldier is left to die in the palace! Kill me too Su Moyun roared, his eyes red with blood, full of unwilling!

Even if he is going to die, he must take Linyang to be buried with him.

However, Lin Yang shook his head repeatedly.

"Why do you want your disciples to come and die?"

"Do you think... Is death?" Su Moyun's mouth was full of blood and anger.

"Of course! I can't be hurt by them alone! Maybe you don't know much about the gap between me and you! Now, let me show you my strength at the moment. "

Lin Yang light way, suddenly raised his hand, an arm toward the air, made a pair of swing smash appearance.

The crowd was stunned.

Su Moyun's eyes were also huge.

But see Lin Yang accumulated a force, drink to shout, suddenly will that arm mercilessly toward the ground to kill in the past.


The arm fell to the ground, making a big bang.

Then... The whole Tianwang peak trembled.

The ground burst, the rocks splashed and the mountains trembled.

All the people on the top of Tianwang peak were not stable. They were overturned one by one by this terrible shock. Many people who were close to the mountain were shaken out and fell on the ground, crying constantly.

At the same time, the roar of the roar is also non-stop.

People do not know what happened, only feel that the ground seems to tilt, as if they are going to slide to the edge of the cliff, they have to grasp as much as possible to grasp the things around them, in order to live stably.

This lasted for about ten seconds, and the surrounding ground slowly stopped.

Wait for all people to come back to God, look around, just completely silly eyes.

But there is a huge crack in the center of Tianwang peak!

This crack extends to both sides of Tianwang peak, which is ferocious and frightening.

If you look down from a high place, you can see this crack... It is isolated from the north and south of Tianwang peak!

Is this the result of the power of Lin Yang?

In other words...

Lin Yang! Split the whole Tianwang peak in two??

At the scene, all the people of Donghuang religion had their hearts beating to their throat.

Liu Shifeng was stunned.

Xi Mulin was silent.

Longxinghong is just like petrochemical.

Zheng dantan sat on the ground.

As for Su Moyun, tightly covered his chest, also thoroughly Leng.

He could feel the fear of the disciples of the war palace around him.

In fact, not only these disciples, but even he was afraid at this moment.

Is this guy really human?

One hand to split the sky King peak?

Is it really human power?

"I won't fight any more!"

Liu Shifeng made a sad cry, and suddenly bent her knees and knelt on the ground.

"I... I won't fight either! Master Lin! Spare my life, please

"I don't want the ring! Ring let you! Don't kill me"I... i... me, too!"

The rest of the elders cried out.

This clap, completely to the scene of the people to surrender.

"I see... So it is... So... So... You have such strength... No wonder... No wonder..."

Su Moyun came back to his senses, spitting blood in his mouth, coughing and twitching.

A moment later, he looked at him with both eyes and raised his hand. He wanted to say something, but in the end, he couldn't send out a word.

I'm out of breath.

The elder of Donghuang sect died like this.

The scene was silent.

People's breath is freezing...

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