This word falls, naturally is causes the scene boiling.

They all stare at Lin Yang one after another.

"Compare medical skills?"

"That's really interesting!"

"Although our new leader is a famous doctor Wu, I think he certainly doesn't know how far the hyacinth elder's medical skills have reached. Compare medical skills with hyacinth elder? Isn't it self humiliating? "

"I think our young leader has gone with the wind!"

"I admit that he is very strong, but his medical skills still depend on the hyacinth elder."

"The leader is a little crazy."

Some members of the church whispered and discussed in detail.

Obviously, they are not optimistic about Lin Yang.

After all, they know hyacinth better than Lin Yang.

As for the hyacinth, after hearing Lin Yang's arrogant words, he was almost about to explode.

"What are you talking about? You want to compete with me? Arrogant! It's too arrogant Hyacinth pointed to Lin Yang, and his whole body was trembling with excitement. The man even yelled: "in this case, come on! I'd like to see what kind of capital you have to say such a thing! "

With that, hyacinth rushed forward.

"What are you going to compare? How can we compare it? "

"It's better than healing. There are so many injured believers here. Let's take a stick of incense as the deadline to see who can cure many religions in one incense stick, and the one who can win." Lin Yang said without expression.

"Oh, don't think that you are the leader of my Donghuang sect. I'm afraid of you! I'm afraid the old lady has never lived before! What's more, you bastard! Come on! Bring me my silver needle stove Hyacinth hands a move, shout out.

At once, a disciple of the ancient spirit hall rushed down to fetch the silver needle of hyacinth.

"Call out all the wounded believers. The one who is seriously injured is the first, and then prepare to light incense!" Lin Yang said.

"Yes, Lord!"

The next person will arrange it immediately.

After a while, two long human dragons appeared in front of the grass.

Lin Yang and hyacinth are both seated.

"May I begin?" Hyacinth stares at Lin Yang coldly and asks.

Lin Yang looked at the team in front of his eyes and said, "are there only these wounded?"

The person next to him was stunned and said, "leader, I don't understand what you mean..."

"arrange more people to line up."

"Ah? This... "The man was confused.

"Hum, it's ridiculous. There are more than 100 wounded here. It's very good that you can see these people in one stick of incense. Do you think there are few people here? Are you putting on airs? " Hyacinth scorned.

"The frog at the bottom of the well is the frog at the bottom of the well!"

Lin Yang was too lazy to quarrel with hyacinth and waved his hand, "go and arrange it."

Seeing the situation, the man didn't say much, so he had to make arrangements.

A moment later, the number of dragons in Linyang nearly doubled.

The disciples of the ancient spirit hall all sneered at this.

"Master, this man is too arrogant

"When he was so young, he felt that he could do anything! We can't yield to him

"That's right. If we don't stay here, it's just that we don't stay here!"

"That's right!"

The disciples said one after another.

The elder is arrogant and doesn't pay attention to the leader, so are the disciples.

There is nothing to do if you think about it.

It's very important for Tiantian to be a member of the ancient Lingtang sect.

There can be no hall entrance in the Eastern Emperor religion, but only the ancient spirit hall.

"Don't pay so much attention to it. He can't cure these patients later. How can he step down?" The hyacinth snorted coldly.

Everyone nodded.

"Can we start now? Master Lin Hyacinth shouts at Linyang.


Lin Yang nodded.

The disciple standing by the censer lit the incense immediately.

The medical competition officially began.

They began to seek medical treatment.

Hyacinth is a master of medical ethics. She just glanced at the students in front of her, and immediately realized the pain of the other side. She immediately applied acupuncture and medicine, and the speed was very fast. One disciple finished the treatment in less than ten seconds, followed by the second and the third...

in just one minute, five people were treated.

All the people in the ancient Lingtang are smiling.

This speed is a miracle.

And those who were treated were surprised.

"My God, my wound is gone."

"I feel my hands seem to be OK."

"Is this elder Feng's medical skill?"

"It's amazing! He's the elder in the world"Fortunately, we have elder Feng!"

People were filled with emotion and expressed their thanks to hyacinth.

Hyacinth snorted and said coldly, "be quiet. Don't make noise and affect the elder's pulse."

People stopped talking.

After treating more than a dozen people, hyacinth was elated.

She felt that her speed was amazing.

No matter how fast it is, I'm afraid Hua Tuo will be able to do it only if he is alive!

However, before she went to see it, there were shouts of surprise in her ear.

"My God

"He... What is he doing?"

It's the voice of the disciples of Guling hall.

Hyacinth a Zheng, busy is to follow the voice to see a few eyes.

However, only a few eyes, hyacinth also muddled.

But I saw Lin Yang over there... I didn't have a doctor.

No injection, no medication.

He left the clinic and followed the long dragon.

He didn't open his mouth. When he passed by a disciple, he checked him a little. Some people even looked at him without touching or asking, and looked directly at the next person.

It's like looking at the flowers.

"What is he doing?" The next disciple asked.

Hyacinth did not answer.

Because she didn't know what it was doing.

Is there such a cure?

"Master, is he playing some tricks?" A disciple came forward and asked carefully.

"Well, no matter what tricks he plays, I'll treat me. I'll have a test at that time. In public, with so many people watching, I don't believe he can make up any flowers!"

Hyacinth hummed coldly and continued to treat the wounded people in front of him.

However, when she diagnosed and treated 37 people...


There was another cry of surprise, like a wave.

Then there was a sound of boiling.

Hyacinth turned quickly and looked over there.

However, just at a glance, hyacinth suddenly stood up from the chair, as if struck by lightning, frozen in place.

"It's... Impossible!"

She uttered a cry of surprise. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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