Lin Yang moved.

After walking to the 100th disciple, he moved.

According to his previous explanation, several disciples came over with a long piece of cotton cloth, which was covered with silver needles.

At a glance, it looks like the stars of the Milky way. It's hard to count how many silver needles there are.

However, Lin Yang's body leaped forward like a feather toward the cotton cloth, sliding forward along the cotton cloth from the left side. His arms went out together and covered the cotton cloth. Every time he slid, a bright silver light was emitted from the cotton cloth, and it was directly tied on these people.

Whew! Whew! Whew! Chi...

the silver needle flies like a meteor.

A moment later, all the 100 disciples were covered with these silver needles.

The world was shocked.

"What is this for? Is it a cure? "

"Well, I think it's juggling! How can silver needles be used like this? How careless

"Shhh, you may be mistaken. I heard that this is to use Qi to control the needle. It's the legendary flying needling technique. People who use silver needles well use it like this. I've seen elder Feng do the same before."

"Have you ever seen elder Feng use thousands of silver needles in one breath?"

"This... I haven't seen it."

"Yes, how can you use a needle like this? This is nonsense! The needle needs to be punctured! Can he tell the acupoints of these people? What's more, it's still so much. I'm afraid it's the God of medicine that can do it? "

"That's right..."

"it's too messy!"

Many people have been talking about it, one by one sniffing.

Lin Yang walked along the cotton cloth and applied most of the silver needles on the cotton cloth to the disciples. Then he went to the front clinic to get a large amount of Chinese medicine, which he skillfully prepared and wrapped, and then distributed them to these disciples one by one.

However, Lin Yang has already dealt with 100 injured followers with less than half of Zhu Xiang's Kung Fu.

"Well, you go and have a rest, next batch!"

Lin Yang waved and began to prepare the silver needle.

Previously, the 100 members of the church were in a fog, and did not know what happened.

"What are you doing? Take a rest over there. Don't get in the way Lin Yang glanced at the stupefied people and frowned.

"This... Lord, we are... Over?"

"What else do you want?"

"But don't you give us a pulse? Don't ask where we got hurt? How many needles do you put on us? Is this... Is this a bit too hasty? "

A member of the congregation took a deep breath and ventured to say.

Many people nodded in succession, apparently in support of the preacher's words.

But at this time, Lin Yang suddenly asked.

"Do you have any pain?"

The congregation was about to answer, but the words came to a halt.

After looking at his injured abdomen, he found that there was no bleeding, and he could not feel any pain. After a few careful eyes, he found that there were several silver needles in his abdomen...

people around him saw that they were busy checking his wound.

"My God, my feet... Can walk."

"My wound doesn't hurt any more, but it's crispy and numb, so comfortable..."

"I feel that my consciousness has recovered a lot. I felt like I was about to die before, but now my spirit is much better."

"Yes, I found that I was much better."

These members of the congregation seemed to have come back to their senses and examined their bodies one by one, and they were filled with emotion.

"At present, your injury is only stable and not cured. I have prepared the medicine for you. You still need to have the decoction to recuperate, so that you can be cured. OK, now all of you can sit there. Don't delay any more. There are many injured believers to be treated." Lin Yang light road.

Busy is to leave the crowd.

Lin Yang, on the other hand, did the same to cure the believers.

In this way, he can cure at least 400 people with a small half of incense, which is very fast.

On the contrary, the efficiency of hyacinth is close to 100.

People were gaping with astonishment.

"Is there another way?"

"This... Is that too exaggerated?"

"Master, what should we do this time?"

The disciples of the ancient spirit hall were all flustered and looked at hyacinth one after another.

Hyacinth immediately quit, and directly threw the silver needle in his hand and pointed to Linyang to drink: "what are you doing?"

"What are you doing?" Lin Yang swept the wind letter son, light said: "cure the patient, can't see?"

"Cure the sick? How can it be in this way? "

"What's wrong with this approach?" Lin Yang asked.

"This..."Hyacinth is a little speechless.

Lin continued to treat her.

"Stop it! Didn't you hear me? Stop it Hyacinth couldn't see, and then rushed forward to stop Lin Yang.

"Elder Feng! What are you doing? Are you trying to destroy the competition? "

Lin Yang said with a cold face.

"Breaking the competition rules? Are you competing with me? You are making a fool of yourself! You are making fun of the lives of these disciples! I've never seen you do this before! You... You're just putting on airs! " Hyacinth drinks. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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