Su Yan's foolish behavior made Lin Yang very angry.

He was not only angry with Nangong family, but also at the innocent behavior of this stupid woman.

Suicide can solve everything?

It's just an escape!

Lin Yang wants to curse, but what's the use of cursing now?

Su Yan was sent to the sterile ward. The most advanced instruments and Lin Yang's needling method controlled the toxins in her body, so as not to let them spread too quickly.

However, the toxicity of the poison was too strong. Even if it was too fierce to contain them and prevent them from eroding Su Yan's body, it would eventually cure the symptoms rather than the root causes. The toxin is still nibbling at her.

Lin Yang uses the strange flowers and herbs from the Qilin gate to heal his wounds. At most, he can only live for seven days. After seven days, Su Yan will be completely destroyed due to all the functions of his body.

Lin Yang held a meeting, but all afternoon there was no result.

This poison is so strange that many people have never heard of it.

After thinking about it, Lin Yang decided to get some tongues.

in the evening, several Nangong families were placed in Jiangcheng's eyeliner.

Originally, Lin Yang did not intend to move them.

because it will act rashly and alert the enemy. The family of Nangong will surely be aware of its eye liner being detected by Lin Yang at the first time.

But the situation is so critical that we can't care so much.

In Lin Yang's office.

"Go in!"

A deep drink rings, then see Xu Tian push several men into the office.

These people are from Nangong aristocratic family. At the moment, they are pushed against by a dark gun. They dare not resist at all.

Lin Yang was sitting at his desk smoking, his face expressionless.

"Lin Dong, everyone has brought them." Xu Tian said respectfully.

"Bring me a knife."

Lin Yang opened his mouth.

"OK." Xu Tian immediately took out a knife from the bodyguard beside him and put it on the table.

The people of Nangong aristocratic family all breathed and trembled and their faces were pale.

"What are you doing?"

"I warn you, if you dare to hurt us, we Nangong family will not let you go!"

Several people trembled, afraid of tight, one of them to tight teeth, staring at Lin Yang road.

Lin Yang looked at him and said, "pull it down, chop it up and feed the dog!"

"Yes, Mr. Lin!"

Xu Tian nodded and raised his hand.

Next to the bodyguard immediately forward, pulling the man, will drag him down.


Nangong aristocratic family was shocked.

The man was in a crazy struggle.

"What are you doing? Let me go! Let me go!! help! Help me

The cry of sorrow continued.

These Nangong aristocratic family members were all frightened, and no one dared to stop them.

In the end, the man could not resist these three big five thick bodyguards and was directly dragged out of the room.

The rest of them turned pale and scared.

"Don't be afraid. This Doctor Lin is just scaring us. As long as we don't say anything, we'll be fine." There was a whisper of comfort.

Others nodded.

So far, they can only think so.

But before long, a few fingers were sent to Lin Yang's desk.

When they saw it, they almost collapsed.

"Lin Dong, you've done everything. The dogs are very full." Xu Tian murmured.


Lin Yang nodded and looked at the remaining Nangong family members: "now let's talk about business! Can you tell me what kind of poison you sent to Su Yan


"Lin Dong, i... we don't know..."

people are so scared that their teeth chatter.

"I have no patience. I don't want to ask the same question twice. I'm counting down three times now. If no one says it, I'll have to deal with you. "

Lin Yang just put out the cigarette end and spat out smoke. He said faintly, "three!"

Several people quiver, each eye is full of fear, cold sweat.

"Two." Lin Yang said again.

The legs of the crowd began to swing.

One of them is even more wet crotch, a Sao filled.


Lin Yang got up and picked up the knife on the table.

"Mr. Lin! Lin Dong! Are you... Are you trying to stab us to death? "

All the people of Nangong aristocratic family retreated and asked with wide eyes.

"Stab you to death? You're naive. I'm a doctor! This knife is just a scalpel in my eyes. " Lin Yang road.


"Have you ever heard of lingchi?" Lin Yang asked again."Ah?"

The shrieks sounded, and the Nangong aristocratic family almost collapsed.

"Let's start with you."

Lin Yang light way, a grasp of the front of a man's shoulder, is to move the knife.

"Doctor Lin! No! No! I said! I'll tell you all I know! As long as you don't kill me! I'll tell you anything you want to know! " The man broke down completely, shaking and screaming.

"What is the poison?" Lin Yang asked.

"Jue Ming Dan... It's a special poison pill made by Nangong family!"

The man cried with a mourning face.

"Jue Ming Dan?"

Lin Yang was stunned: "what is that?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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