"There is a Jue Ming flower garden in the headquarters of Nangong aristocratic family. This flower bed is planted with Jue Ming flower, which is the unique poison flower of Nangong aristocratic family. Jue Ming Dan is refined from Jue Ming poisonous flower." The Nangong family member was trembling and said in a hurry.


Lin Yang was overjoyed and immediately asked, "you have Jue Ming Dan! There must be an antidote, too

"There are antidotes, but..."

"but what?" Lin Yang asked again.

The man hesitated and whispered, "but there is only one antidote, and it is in our master's hand."

"What? Only one? " Lin Yang was shocked.

"Lin Dong, your medical skills are so good. If we can get Jue Ming poisonous flower, can you analyze the toxic components in it and then extract the antidote?" Xu Tian asked.

Lin Yang shook his head: "to extract the antidote is not difficult, but time does not allow, if you use poisonous flowers to refine, I'm afraid Xiaoyan can't wait for me to make the antidote."

"This..." Xu Tian was dumb.

"Our Nangong aristocratic family has spent decades refining the antidote of Jueming poisonous flower, and so far, the success rate of the antidote refining is only 10%, and the cost of refining the antidote is astronomical! Dr. Lin, although your medical skills are unparalleled, I think you want to refine the antidote in a short period of ten days and a half months. That's impossible... Even with your medical skills, it will take at least a year and a half? " Nangong humanity.

"So, I can only ask you Nangong family for this antidote." Lin Yang took a deep breath.


the Nangong man bowed his head and his voice became smaller.

Lin Yang looked at him and felt that he had cheated himself. So he asked, "do you know where the only antidote was put by Nangong master?"

"I don't know, Lin Dong, how can I know such a thing?" The man shook his head.

"Really don't know?"

Lin Yang put the knife against his heart and made a slight force. The blade had already cut his skin.

The man was so scared that his face was covered with sweat. Thinking of what he should have said before, he didn't want to hide anything, so he called out in a trembling voice: "Doctor Lin! I don't know the exact location of the pill, but I know that in two days, it will definitely not be in our Nangong family again! "

As soon as he said this, everyone was shocked.

"What do you mean?" Lin Yang asked coldly.

"Dr. Lin, you don't know. In two days' time, Nangong family will hold a marriage ceremony. Many people will ask for medicine from the door. Among them, there are some great people with great strength and status. Most of the pills will be sent out on the day of marriage recruitment." And the man said, trembling.

Lin Yang looks serious.

"Lin Dong, in this way, time is very urgent." Xu Tianchen said.

Lin Yang nodded in silence, looked at these people, and said in a low voice, "first lock them up, ask several people to guard, and at the same time, I will call them if I have any questions, and now I will leave for the home of Nangong aristocratic family! Take back the antidote

"Mr. Lin, I'm going to prepare the staff right away!" Xu Tian is busy.

"No, your people don't move. Stay and guard the city! That's the ancient Wu family. You don't have enough people to deal with. "

"But, Lin Dong, how can you go alone? If there is any mistake, we can't explain it

"Don't worry, I have help!"

Lin Yang calm way, then took out the mobile phone, made a phone call.

After a moment, he side head way: "Xu Tian, you arrange a flight for me, immediately take me to Nanchuan City."

"Good, Lin Dong."

Xu Tian nodded and whispered a few words to his subordinates, who immediately ran out of the room.

"There should be some Nangong family members in Jiangcheng. For example, there is a fire in the medicine store. Most of them are so-called Nangong family members. Find them out this time! And then do it your way. " Lin Yang said without expression.

Xu Tianxin startled flesh jump, looking at Lin Yang's face, suddenly understand what.

This time, Lin Dong is going to kill!

After all, the other party has touched his weakness...

"don't worry, I know what to do!"

"If you have any questions, please inform Qilin gate and they will cooperate with you."

After that, Lin Yang got up and walked out of the room.

Gong Xiyun personally drove Linyang to the airport.

Along the way, her face is very pale, eyes have fear, from time to time peek into the rearview mirror, want to talk.

"Say what you want to say, it doesn't matter." Lin Yang opened his mouth while keeping his eyes closed.

Gong Xiyun was startled and said in a low voice: "Lin Dong, i... what I want to say is... About Miss Su Yan's incident... I...

Gong Xiyun stammered and trembled, and his teeth were shaking.

"Let's talk about it when it's over." Without waiting for Gong Xiyun to finish speaking, Lin Yang interrupts her.Gong Xiyun's heart beat violently and said in a low voice, "yes, Lin Dong."

In the past, Mr. Lin would not care.

But this time the matter is too serious, Lin Yang can't just let it go.

Now Gong Xiyun can only pray that Lin Yang's business will be smooth and smooth, otherwise Lin Dong's fire will be terrible.

Soon the train arrived at the airport.

Lin Yang boarded the plane and headed straight for Nanchuan.

Nanchuan is the place where Nangong family is located www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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