Whether it is situ Jing or Luo Beiming, they are both masters of medical ethics. They know the most clearly what kind of injury will not cause death.

Although the scissors into Luo Qian's abdomen, blood flow is not enough, but not enough to kill.

Seeing the scene, luobeiming finally moved.

He frowned and said, "master situ, is this too much?"

"Hehe, what is that? It's just skin trauma. My Nanpai's medical skills, life and death, human flesh and bones are nothing to worry about. Don't worry, she can't die. She just teaches her a lesson. If she doesn't have to use extraordinary means, she will only make more things happen. Once she annoys the Southern faction, you Luo family will suffer. Master Luo, I'm good for your Luo family! " Situ Jing said with a smile.

Luo Beiming was silent for a moment and waved his big hand: "take miss to bandage."

"Yes, sir

"Forget about dressing. How can you have so much time?"

Unexpectedly, Si Qian Luo took out the scissors directly from the mirror.


Fresh blood spattered out.

Luo Qian pain of the direct curl on the ground, blood spilled, people almost fainted.

The servants around were indignant.

But he saw that situ Jing took out a long and thin silver needle from the bone of the folding fan and stabbed it in luoqian's abdomen. In an instant, the bleeding was stopped, but the pain was still there.

Not even bandaging?

"Go back to Nanpai first, luoqian, and go with me now!" Situ Jing said with a smile.

He actually wants luoqian to leave Jiangcheng with him in this state of severe pain!

How vicious!

This is worse than killing luoqian.


LUO Qian was full of pain and looked toward luobeiming.

Luobeiming is to look aside, directly ignored luoqian that is full of help in the eyes.

"Grandfather, do you really want me to die?"

"With master situ, you can't die, but if you are so willful, you will suffer a lot like this!" Luobei said without expression.

Luo Qian was completely desperate.

Now she wants to die, and she wants to die with situ Jing.

Even if you want to obey situ Jing and get up and leave for the Southern Sect, it is extremely difficult at the moment.

What to do now?

Luo Qian closed his eyes.

At this time, the housekeeper suddenly ran over in a hurry.

"Sir, something happened!"


Luo Beiming frowned: "what's so flustered?"

"Just received a phone call, all the medical centers and pharmacies in our province were raided and ordered to close down. We should cooperate with the investigation. It said that we were suspected of selling fake drugs!" The housekeeper said eagerly.

"Such a thing?"

Luo Beiming's face was stiff.

Situ Jing was also slightly stunned.

At this time, another person rushed outside and yelled:

"master, it's a disaster, it's a disaster, someone is breaking in from outside!"

"Who is so lawless? Even my Luo family dare to break in? Do you want to die? "

"Do you want to call the police?"

The Luo family were angry and angry.

Luo Beiming is frowning, pondering and whispering: "something is wrong. Give me a call there and let others go out with me."


"Master situ, you can do what you want. I will deal with the affairs here."

"Oh, don't worry. I also want to see who is so bold and dare to make trouble in the Luo family. After today, the Luo family and the situ family are in laws. If they come to annoy you, they come to provoke us. If I don't pay attention to it, I don't think it's appropriate?" Situ Jing said with a smile.

"Good!" Lorbeiming nodded.

"Bitch, you'll have a good reflection here. I hope you can figure it out when I come back later."

Situ Jing swept Luo Qian's cold way and then turned to go.

But at this time, there was a loud noise outside, and then a group of people came in with great strides.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm going to sue you for trespassing on the house!"

"Get out of here

Angry shouts rang out.

A dozen Luo family members rushed to the front to stop the uninvited guests, but soon they were pushed away.

After a while, a group of people in suits rushed to the hall.

Luo Beiming and situ Jingqi looked at these people, but they saw that the leader was Lin Yang.

"Oh? Has your lover come to the door? "

Situ Jing squinted and laughed.

Lin Yang didn't speak and didn't even go to see situ mirror. Instead, he looked at Luo Qian over there.

At the moment, her face was pale, but the blood was on the ground.He picked up Lin Qianyang and strode forward.


LUO Qian was surprised, happy and afraid.

She shivered and said, "you shouldn't have come here. Go quickly... You have to get out of here."

If Luo Beiming is so worried, then the power of this situ mirror will only be much greater than she imagined.

It is not a wise choice for Lin Yang to come here.

But Lin Yang is deaf, but to check the wound under luoqian, she will pull out the silver needle in her abdomen, find a new point to stab in.

In an instant, Luo Qian only felt his abdominal pain disappeared, very comfortable.

Lin Yang looks at Luo Qian's hands again.

His face was cold, and he stretched out his hand a little bit to untie the tangled gauze.

"Lin Yang, don't..." Luo Qian is painful pour to take a cool breath, anxious ha.

But it's useless.

The bandage on her hand was untied little by little, exposing ten bloody fingers.

"Who did it?"

Lin Yang asked softly.

Luoqian eyes red, tears in the eye socket around, did not speak.

"It was the situ mirror who did it!"

At this time, a relatively young Luo family girl nearby couldn't help crying out.

She couldn't read it anymore.

She couldn't stand it.

Since the lady doesn't want to say it, she says it!

"Qinghe! You shut up. How can you talk here Luo Beiming was furious.

"But... But, master..." the girl named Qinghe still wanted to speak.

At this time, a southerner rushed up and slapped him in the face.

However, before his slap arrived, one hand of Lin Yang had already clasped his wrist.

"What are you doing?" The man glared at Lin Yang.

"Xu Tian!"

Lin Yang called lightly.

"Mr. Lin."

"Give it to you!" Lin Yang made a sudden effort.

The man was caught off guard and was pushed out and fell to the ground.

"Drag him out!" Xu Tian waves his hand.

The man behind him ran into the hall.

"What are you doing?"

"Presumptuous! Stop it all

"Do you know who we are? If you dare to move around again, I want you to die without a burial place! "

Southerners rushed out one after another, pointing to Xu Tian's people and yelling.

"It's interesting!"

Situjing squinted at Lin Yang and said with a smile, "boy, are you going to fight against me

"You don't deserve it." Lin Yang shook his head.

"Crazy!! Ha ha ha, it's the first time I've seen such a arrogant guy as you. It's interesting! But you have to think about it clearly, and you have to think about it. Are you good enough to move me? "

"Then I'll try and let you see if I can move you enough, OK?" Lin Yang road.

Situ Jing squinted and said with a smile, "Lin Yang, don't be too arrogant. I know your identity, the president of Jiangcheng Medical Association. I also know that you are the famous doctor Lin. moreover, I know that Yanghua group may have a great connection with you. I know everything about you."

Luo Qian hears the sound, shocks peerless, looks at Lin Yang inconceivably.

She knows that Lin Yang is a miracle doctor, but Lin Dong of Yanghua group is also him?

Isn't it amazing?

Situ Jing shook his head again: "but... You can't move our Southern Sect just by your energy. You don't know how wide our southern sect is. Even Luo Beiming has to bow down in front of our Southern Sect. By you? Move me? Are you serious? "

The reason why situ Jing is confident is that he has a strong southern school behind him.

But he didn't know that Lin Yang would never take care of this!

"Just south school!"

Lin Yang shook his head and raised his hand again: "drag it out!"


Xu Tian nods and pulls the man out of the door directly.

Soon, there was a sad cry outside the door.

Situ Jing was not angry, but the smile on his face gradually converged www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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