"It seems that you have made a choice!"

The voice of situ Jing was getting colder.

"Come here!" Lin Yang ignored situ Jing's words and looked at him.

"Lin Yang, what do you want to do? Do you want to move master situ? " Luobeiming refused.

If something happens to situ Jing here, his Luo family will suffer.

"My patience is limited, I repeat for the last time, you, come here!" Lin Yang shouts again.

The sound is clear and cool.

"What do you want me to do if I don't go there?" Situ Jing said with a smile.

"Then I'll go there!"

Lin Yang strides toward it.

But at this time, a large number of figures appeared on both sides of situ mirror.

These are the Luo family and the southerners.

"Hit me to death!" Situ Jing squinted and laughed.

A group of people flocked to Linyang.

But before they got close, Xu Tian here waved his hand: "go up!"

All the people behind him rushed to fight with the Luo family and the southerners.

Xu Tian's people are good at wandering in the gray area. They fight fiercely. Most of the Luo family and the southern school are involved in traditional Chinese medicine. Which group of people is the opponent? After a while, he was beaten and crawled on the ground, unable to move.

"Pull it all out, break one arm and one leg."

Lin Yang said again.

"Yes, Mr. Lin!"

Xu Tian said and waved again.

All of them were dragged out of the hall.

A moment later, there were countless miserable shouts outside, and the people who listened to it felt numb and creepy.

The Luo family was shocked.

Luobeiming's old face is green, too.

"Linyang, you..."

"call the police, call the police!"


People screamed.

Everyone can feel the ferocity of Lin Yang at the moment.

However, situ Jing still did not panic at all, but stood there with light clouds and gentle breeze, and did not take all this seriously.

In front of him, Maibu reaches for the mirror.

But at this time, the side suddenly stretched out a palm, mercilessly toward the chest of Lin Yang.

Lin Yang's eyes were cold and he raised his arm to block it.


There was a dull noise.

Lin Yang's body was shaken back several meters.


People exclaimed.

Then I saw a middle-aged man in black clothes beside situ mirror.

"Practice family son?"

Here Xu Tian frowned, and then drank: "big Biao, take people on!"

"Good uncle!"

A strong man who was close to two meters with an inch in his head yelled and led several younger brothers to rush towards the middle-aged man.

Young brothers with machetes, the strong man unarmed, just holding the big fist of the casserole, smashed at the middle-aged man.

However, in the face of these people's offensive, the middle-aged man seemed to be in no hurry. He attached his hands and twisted his shoulders to avoid the machetes of the younger brothers. Then his eyes were cold, and he suddenly put out his palms. His palms and arms were integrated into a snake and wrapped around Dabiao.

"Snake boxing?" Big Biao is shocked, and it's too late to find out that the other party is extraordinary.


The opponent's fist accurately hit the big Biao's chest, straight will this close to two meters of man shock fly out.

Big Biao vomited blood and fell on the ground. It was extremely difficult to get up again.

All around again in an uproar, looking at the middle-aged man inconceivably.

No wonder situ Jing is so calm and arrogant! Feelings he has such a powerful bodyguard ah!

"Mr. Lin, it seems that these people are more difficult." Xu Tian said solemnly, spinning and walking forward.

It looks like he's going to do it himself.

Xu Tian is also a practitioner. He served as a soldier when he was young, and then went to Shaolin Temple to learn martial arts for several years. In fact, his foreign martial arts attainments are not low.

"Xu Tian?" The middle-aged man nodded calmly: "I have long wanted to fight with you, the most outstanding layman of Shaolin Temple. I don't know what Kung Fu you have learned in Shaolin Temple."

"My talent is not good, just some tricks and embroidered legs!"

"Let me have a try." The middle-aged man's eyes are full of fighting spirit.

Xu Tian also quietly clenched his fist.

The people around were swallowing.

But at this time, Lin Yang suddenly said, "Xu Tian, you back down."

"Eh? Mr. Lin... "Xu Tian looks at Lin Yang strangely.

"This man, I'll do it." Lin Yang road.

Xu Tian is a little confused.

Isn't Lin Yang a doctor? You have no strength to tie a chicken. How can you fight with this man? He's not looking for death?The opponent is a practitioner who has practiced martial arts for decades. One punch is enough to crack the stone. Lin Yang's body and bone are afraid to be beaten twice by the other party.

"Mr. Lin, this is not an ordinary gangster. You'd better have a rest and let me come." Xu Tian smiles.

"If you do it, you may not win, and it is too slow!"

"Mr. Lin, you..."

Xu Tianyu stopped and his face was a little unnatural.

Is he despised by this Doctor Lin?

Xu Tian is a little angry.

If this person was not Doctor Lin, he would have taught people.

"It's interesting!" Situ Jing nodded his head and said with a smile, "since this man wants to die, let him be, uncle Jian! Break his legs for me. I want him to spend the rest of his life in a wheelchair

"Good!" Ask Uncle Jian to nod.

Lin Yang, with his hands behind him, stood where he was.

"Let's do it first." Lin Yang light road.

"Young people don't know the height of heaven and earth." Uncle Jian shook his head and said, his eyes were awe inspiring, and he would take a move to directly abolish this man.

But at this time, there was a burst of noise and noise outside.

Then a large number of figures rushed into the Luo family.

The Luo family shivered.

Luo Qian looks stunned.

Xu Tian also suddenly turned around and looked around. Suddenly, he saw a familiar figure. A face was hard to see.

"Well, Xu Tian, it seems that our last warning to you has no effect at all! You stayed well in Nancheng and made trouble in Jiangcheng city many times. What do you mean? Xu Tian, do you want to come to Jiangcheng to grab food with us? "

A cold voice came out, followed by a man with long hair and long beard, but a chubby figure came in.

"Chang Bo!"

"Chang Bo!"

"Chang Bo!"

Many people greet the visitors.

Changbo, a big man in the gray area of Jiangcheng, is as important as Xu Tian in Nancheng...

the man nodded slightly, his hands attached, and his face like frost came in, standing between Lin Yang and uncle Jian.

Xu Tian approached Lin Yang and said in a low voice, "Mr. Lin, Chang Bo has brought people to surround us. The number of them is at least three times that of us."

"Are you prepared?"

"Mostly, what should we do now?"

"Give it to me."

Lin Yang light road.

Xu Tian is a little desperate.

Give it to Lin Yang?

What does Lin Yang take to solve these people? He?

How could it be? Other people don't eat it.

Does it depend on Lin Yang's needle? That's the most important thing in the world.

"Are you the Doctor Lin? I've heard of you

Chang Bo stepped forward, looked up and down at Lin Yang with his eyes, and nodded gently: "it's really a hero out of youth, not bad!"

"Are you in touch with the Luo family?" Lin Yang asked.

"Even if there is no contact, I will show up today!" Chang Bo said coldly, "did you bring Xu Tian here? I tell you, you've crossed the line! "

"What do you want?" Lin Yang asked lightly.

"Tell Xu Tiankun to return to Nancheng immediately! You, kneel down and kowtow immediately. If you make any mistake, you will recognize it to me! " Chang Bo stepped forward directly, almost sticking to Lin Yang's body. His face, which was originally kind, suddenly became ferocious.

That atmosphere is not what ordinary people can bear at all.

In the end, it is different.

But... Lin Yang's performance is incomparably calm.

"Lao Chang, there's no need to make such a scene?" Xu Tian said with an ugly face.

"I don't want to make a scene like this, so I just warned you last time and didn't do it to you! However, you don't cherish the opportunity that elder brother gave you. This time, I've brought so many people to Jiangcheng to move me. Xu, if this matter spreads out, where should I put my old face? " Changbo cold road.

Xu Tian clenches his teeth secretly and doesn't know what to say.

It was really his fault.

But at this moment, a voice suddenly came out.

"Since there is no place to put it, would it be better not to have this face?"

"What do you say?" Chang Bo turned his head in anger.

But as soon as he turned his head, a hand suddenly stretched out and grabbed Chang Bo's neck in an instant.

As soon as Chang Bo breathed tight, a powerful force at his neck suddenly lifted him up...

and he was suddenly lifted up www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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