Chang Bo was completely pulled up, and... Just by Lin Yang's hand.

All the people around him glared at the scene in an incredible way.

Is Lin Yang so strong? How could you lift a fat man with one hand?

How amazing!

I don't know how powerful the hand that pinches Chang Bo's neck is. Chang Bo's whole neck is sunken and his face is extremely red. It seems that Lin Yang can strangle him to death with a little more force...

"Chang Bo!"

His men screamed in terror and rushed away.

Xu Tian immediately takes people to stop him.

"No moving! Otherwise, if you see blood, don't blame me for being merciless Big Biao is full of ferocious looking at the people in front of him.

Chang Bo's men were immediately shocked.

"Uncle Jian!" Situ Jing drank.

"Yes, young master!" Uncle Jian will see, eyes dew frost, step quickly toward Linyang, a palm to Linyang's forehead.

But just as the slap was about to approach, Lin Yang suddenly moved his arms and directly held Chang Bo to block him.

Jian uncle slightly a Leng, busy to close the palm, but some too late.


This slap hit Chang Bo hard on the back.


Chang Bo made a scream, and the whole person was shaking.

Fortunately, he had a lot of fat, otherwise this slap would not be broken by his spine.

"Uncle Jian, what are you doing?" Situ Jing was angry.

Uncle Jian breathes a tight, want to attack again, but see Lin Yang take advantage of the situation to kick in the past.

There was no fancy action, but it was extremely fast and fierce, which caught people off guard.


Uncle Jian's palms sank alternately to resist. When he collided with his feet, he felt a terrible force passing through, which directly shocked his arms.

Then Lin Yang threw the Chang Bo directly at him.

Not good!

Uncle Jian was shocked, but he didn't have time to dodge.


They collided into a ball.

Uncle Lin opened his chest as if he was going to crush his chest.

Uncle Jian is defeated!

There was an uproar.

Xu Tian here is astonished.

Such a practitioner who has practiced Kung Fu for decades has been cleaned up by Lin Yang?

How could it be?

Xu Tiangen didn't believe it.

What's more, Lin Yang didn't have any moves just now, just a simple kick.

This is the only way to defeat uncle Jian?

Is this uncle Jian just a fancy?

Xu Tian was thinking.

Uncle Jian and Chang Bo were subdued directly.

Chang Bo's men and horses rushed to this place at once when they received the news. In a blink of an eye, they surrounded the whole hall of the Luo family.

Xu Tian's people are in a hurry to protect Lin Yang and Xu Tian, but in terms of the number of people, Xu Tian here is too few.

"Mr. Lin, it will take at least half a day for my men to get here." Xu Tian's face was heavy.

"What's the use of your men when they arrive?"


"the situation is not as bad as you think. Don't worry too much." Lin Yang said faintly.

"Does Mr. Lin have any tricks?"

"I'm not scheming here."

Lin Yang said and went to the situ mirror over there.

"What do you want to do?"

Situ Jing's confident face finally showed a flurry.

"I warn you, you'd better not mess around. I'm from the southern school, and I'm from the situ family. If you hurt me a hair, I'll kill your whole family!"

But as soon as these words were finished, Lin Yang directly kicked on situ Jing's knee.


A crisp sound came out.


Situ Jing gave out a shrill cry, and the whole person fell to the ground.

When people saw that his knee was smashed and broken...

and just after he fell to the ground, one foot of Lin Yang had trampled on his palm and crushed it.

"Ah!! Ah... "

the sad cry of situ Jing became louder and louder, as if to pierce the eardrum of the world.

The voice of pain cry, listen to the person is scalp numb, shivering.

"Stop it!" Luo Beiming was in a great hurry and quickly stood up and called out: "Lin Yang, if you don't want to get into big trouble, stop it! Otherwise, the southerners will not let you go! Stop it

"Oh? Is the southern school so powerful? " Lin Yang raised his eyebrows.

"Only better than you think." Luo Beiming is serious.Luobei minning is willing to sacrifice his granddaughter and dare not offend the southern faction, which shows how terrifying the southern faction is.

Lin Yang kept silent, but continued to coagulate his eyes, raised his feet again, and trampled on the other hand of situ mirror.



The sad cry of situ Jing rang out again.

The pain was so intense that he almost fainted.

The scene was cruel.

"You..." Luo Beiming blows his beard and stares.

"Qian'er, come here!" Lin Yang called out to Luo Qian in a daze over there.

Luo Qian shivered all over, some nervous toward this.

There was only one question in her mind at the moment.

Is this man really Su Yan's useless husband?

Is this cruel and mysterious guy really the loser who has been in the Su family?

But Lin Yang pulled out a silver needle from his waist needle bag.

"Take it."

Luo Qian was at a loss, but he did as he did.

After holding the silver needle, Lin Yang immediately grasped her little hand.

Luo Qian's cheeks were red and his eyes were full of shyness.

Lin Yang moved her hand to situ Jing's eyebrow and pointed the needle there.

"There is a hidden acupoint, which many people don't know. There is a nerve on the hidden acupoint that links the human brain. Luoqian, if you just prick this needle and destroy this nerve, then situ Jing will be completely paralyzed, and you can only spend the rest of your life in bed!" Lin Yang said.

When Luo Qian heard the sound, his face changed.

All the people around were shocked.

"You can't do that!"

The subdued uncle screamed.

"Lin Yang, dare you!" Cried Chamberlain.

"Lin Yang, if you do, you will never be able to turn back!" Luo Beiming urgently advised.

Lin Yang ignored him.

Luo Beiming quickly looked at Luo Qian: "Qian son, stop! Do you want to kill our Luo family? "

"Grandfather, I don't want to harm the Luo family, but I don't want to be the victim of the Luo family either!"

"OK, OK, as long as you stop, my grandfather will not force you to marry to Nanpai again, never!" Luobei Mingji road.

Luo Qian stammered her lower lip, and her teeth clenched, showing hesitation.

"He may not keep his promise." Lin Yang warned.

"But if you do, you will have a lot of trouble." Luo Qian worried said.

"Don't worry, I'll fix it." Lin Yang road.

Luo Qian did not speak, but the little hand holding the silver needle was shaking gently.

Situ Jing howled bitterly, and stared at the silver needle hanging on his forehead.

All around hold their breath, staring at Luo Qian.

It's just how Si Qian Luo decides to see the mirror.

She was really happy when she went down the needle, but the consequences were unprecedented terror!

Everyone's heart is hanging.


Luo qian can't bear the pressure.

She rose abruptly, gasping heavily.

"No... no..." Luo Qian shook his head and said: "Lin Yang, if you really do this, the situation will be irreparable, I can't give you any more trouble."

"This is your choice. I just want to help you out. Since you choose not to move him, I respect your choice. However, you know the character and status of this person. He will never let you go. Even if you don't move him at this time, he will still retaliate against you and the Luo family. I just want to ask you, when he retaliates next time, will you regret letting him go today Horses Lin Yang asked.

Luo Qian's eyes immediately lost consciousness.


With situ Jing's temperament, how could he let her go?

In this case, it will not do two endless!

Think of this, Luo Qian heart also made a decision.

But just then, the noise came again from the gate.

"Stop it all!"

A roar of fury rang through the hall.

Luo Qian's fingers trembled.

Lin Yang looks at the side of his head.

A middle-aged man with thick eyebrows and big eyes in a white shirt came in.

Seeing this man, Xu Tian's face was shocked: "how did he come?"

"Luo Qian, do it." Lin Yang urged.


Do not wait for that person to shout, Xu Tian then rushed over to say eagerly.

"Well?" Lin Yang's brow sank. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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