Nangong family is not famous in Nanchuan!

Not even many people have heard of it.

Because they have a face-to-face spokesperson, they just need to operate behind the scenes.

The most terrifying force is that which is often not exposed to the public view.

This is the case with Nangong family.

After driving away Nangong Yunqiu, Liu Ma began to arrange for the Donghuang followers who arrived in Nanchuan.

A hotel is obviously not enough to arrange their stay. Liu Ma asked the manager to contact the five hotels and hotels nearby, which forced them to stay.

At the same time.

In Nangong aristocratic family.

"Sad life! Do you dare not listen to miss Ben? How dare you! You're just a dog my second brother keeps! How dare you disobey Miss Ben? " Nangong Yunqiu stares at the man standing in front of the bamboo garden and yells at him.

"Miss, Qiaosheng has already said that he will not take any action without the orders of two young people." The man called Qisheng said without expression.

"You... Asshole! Miss Ben cut you off with one knife! "

Nangong Yunqiu is completely angry, and directly pulls out a delicate and short sharp knife from his waist to chop at the man's head.

Men are towering and immovable, like statues, not afraid at all.

Nangong Yunqiu is also merciless, hands up and down.

But at this critical moment, a voice came.

"Little sister, what makes you so angry?"

Nangong Yun Qiu Jiao shudders and suddenly turns back.

I saw a man in a brown robe dressed in ancient style came over.

The man's hands were attached behind him, and his expression was cold. Behind him were two maids dressed up, full of style.

"Two little!" Sad life busy is to kneel down on one knee.

"Get up."

Second, the road is light.

"Second brother! This dog slave you keep is so hateful! Don't even listen to me! You have to decide for me Nangong Yunqiu busy is to go forward, holding Nangong Mofei's hand angry strange way.

"Is it? What are you going to do with your life? " Two little light said.

"Help me kill someone."

"Murder? Little sister, is there anyone else you can't kill in this world? Why do you have to do something about it? " Two little shook his head.

"Second brother, you don't understand! That's a lot of people! And they are all martial arts. This person around me can't deal with him! You can only send experts! " Nangong Yunqiu secretly gnaws her teeth.

"Is it?" The second youth was quite surprised: "is there a large number of people? That is a powerful clan! Now which potential clan dares to fight against our Nangong family? Didn't you give him a name? "

"Yes, but the other party doesn't care about my identity at all!"

Two Shao heard the voice and was silent for a moment, then opened his mouth: "if the other party is not afraid of my Nangong, I'm afraid it's something to rely on. You can't kill people indiscriminately! Leave a line. "

"Second brother, what do you mean..."

"Qisheng, go with the young lady and abolish those who provoke her. If those people resist... Kill them!"

"Yes, young master!" Ask Qiaosheng to nod.

"Second brother, thank you!" Nangong Yunqiu immediately said with a smile.

"Your eldest sister's marriage meeting is about to begin. Now Nanchuan City is full of good and bad people. Many martial arts people and powerful people have settled in. Don't make trouble again! It's bad for the family. "

"Second brother, what are you talking about? I'm also working for the family, so I'm in trouble! "

"For the family?"

"Don't you remember? My father told me to prepare for the reception of those people! I'm not going to Nanchuan to arrange accommodation for them! " Nangong Yunqiu murmured, some of her breath was raw.

"Oh? Are those people here? " The second little boy's eyes lit up and asked, "has that person arrived? Where is he? "

"Second brother, do you want to compete with others? How many times have you lost! That's the man of heaven! It's a matchless monster! You can't be an opponent! You don't want to think about the other party's ranking on the list of pride. " South palace Yun autumn white his one eye, have no good airway.

Two Shao shook his head, a faint smile: "it doesn't matter if you lose, at least I can know how much the gap is with the other side! Little sister, since your father asked you to deal with this matter, you should do a favor for the second brother. If that person arrives, you must inform the second brother! "

"Yes! But these people who provoke me... "

" you can kill whoever you want! Second brother, help you Two little smile, the words are full of domineering and ferocious.

"Yes! Sad life, let's go

Nangong Yun hums and laughs, and leads her to go out.

Huafeng Hotel.

"See the Lord!"

Just about to leave the hotel to buy a pack of cigarettes, Lin Yang was suddenly scared by the sound.

He stopped suddenly, only to find a person standing on the left and right of the hotel gate.

They are all members of the Eastern Emperor.

"What are you doing here?" Lin Yang frowned.

"Report back to the leader, we are the guards stationed in the East Palace, and our duty is to protect the safety of the place where he lives! Naturally, we will stand guard here! " One of them said out loud."What post? Still on guard? What I want now is a low profile! "

Lin Yang said in a angry voice, "all go back to me!"


they looked at each other.

"What? Do you want me to repeat it? " Lin Yang's brow was slanted and he drank coldly. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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