Naturally, they did not dare to disobey Lin Yang's meaning. They immediately clasped hands and turned back to the hotel.

"Liu Ma, is it necessary to make such a publicity? Do you have to let the people of Nanchuan know that the people of Donghuang religion are coming? "

Lin Yang was a little angry, made a phone call and severely reprimanded Liu ma.

Liu Ma was very aggrieved and could only withdraw the forces deployed outside.

There are no cigarettes in the hotel, so Lin Yang goes to the roadside stall to buy them.

Just point on a, see a few people wearing windbreaker from the side in a hurry.

He couldn't help but look at it.

Those several people also all looked at the eye Lin Yang, then bowed his head and walked away quickly.

These are all martial arts people.

Lin Yang recognized them, and they recognized Lin Yang.

Since the news of the meeting spread, more and more people poured into Nanchuan.

You know, this is the Nangong family's wedding party!

If anyone can marry the Nangong family leader's daughter, he will be the son-in-law of the Nangong family, and he will naturally get close to the tree of Nangong family. He will not worry about food and clothing all his life, but he will have the power to know everything!

Who will give up such a chance? Who doesn't care?

Therefore, the people who came to Nanchuan were not martial Taoists one by one, but groups.

In groups, even the whole family, clan door out.

Lin Yang took a hard puff, ready to return to the hotel.

At this moment, however, a rush of footsteps came.

He looked back slightly, the person has not yet responded, then saw a delicate body mercilessly bumped into Lin Yang's bosom.

Lin Yang was shocked.

It's a woman.

At this time, the woman's waist is red, blood gurgling overflow.

"Anyuan! Are you all right? "

Another woman with short hair and casual clothes came running quickly.

The woman's dress is also very fashionable, and she is wearing light make-up. What makes people feel out of place is that she holds a long sword in her hand...

"Bizhen, I'm ok... Let's go..." the girl named Anyuan said weakly, and she had to cover her abdomen and move on.

But before she stood up straight, she fell into Lin Yang's arms.

If the injury is like this, even walking is a problem, let alone running.

"Anyuan! How are you doing? Anyuan Bizhen yelled, but it was hard for her to respond.

At this time, there was a rush of footsteps from the rear.

Bi Zhen suddenly looked back at the road behind her eyes.

A group of people clattered towards this.

Catch up!

Bi Zhen bit her teeth and said to Lin Yang, "little brother, can you take my younger sister to the hospital? Please

Finish saying, Bi Zhen does not know where to take out a stack of banknotes, put into Lin Yang's hand.

And her action, also let Lin Yang inadvertently see her wrist wearing a bracelet.

"Is this a magic hand ring? Are you from miaoshou Valley? " Lin Yang couldn't help saying.

"Does this friend know our wonderful hand Valley?" Bizhen was quite surprised.

"Of course, when I was studying medicine on the spot, I occasionally got some advice from the old man, so we met once in a while." Lin Yang road.

"That's great, friend. Please help my younger martial sister. Please take her to the hospital right away." Bi Zhen was overjoyed and said quickly.

"What will you do if I take her to the hospital? You can't beat so many people on your own. "

Lin Yang took a look at the gang. She was a girl named Bizhen. She wanted to stay. It was a dead end.

"If you can't fight, you have to fight. You can't run away! My friend, you take the younger martial sister immediately, I will buy you time! "

"For time? That's not necessary! Come with me, miss

Lin Yang said, directly supporting an yuan to run to the Huafeng hotel nearby.

Bi Zhen saw this, secretly gritted her teeth, and immediately followed in.

The three quickly rushed into the gate and got on the elevator.

Those individuals saw that, of course, they rushed in madly.

"Ah ah? You... What are you doing? "

The lobby manager is going to stop the gang at once.

Can see the other side with a knife and a sword, on the spot in the same place, dare not say more.

"Elder martial brother, they went up to the 32nd floor!" One man looked at the elevator way.

"Well, since they are hiding here, there is no escape! Divide people into four groups. One group takes the stairs, two goes up the elevator and the other stays here! I'll have to get that whore for me today, no matter what

"Yes, elder martial brother!"

The crowd cried out, and they would act.

But as soon as they moved, they suddenly stopped and were stunned.

The elder martial brother could not help but look around.

Just found that a large number of figures appeared in all directions, and surrounded these people directly."Who are you? Who sent you here to be wild? "

Liu Ma went through the crowd, went to these people, asked lightly.

"No offense, gentlemen! It's the person we're looking for who's hiding in this hotel. You can rest assured that once we catch that person, we'll leave immediately. Please do me a favor! " The elder martial brother sees the situation is not very right, immediately clasps the fist, politely flushes Liu Ma Dao.

"Get out of here

Liu Ma's face was expressionless, staring at the elder martial brother, and his mouth sent out three words of senleng. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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