Liu Ma was used to the Eastern Emperor's education, and rarely went out of the mountain.

He was the deacon of the Eastern Emperor, and even in the time of the internal turmoil of the Eastern Emperor, he also had a very high voice.

The sound rolled, and the voice was all fierce.

A group of people were immediately deterred.

They looked at Liu Ma, their eyes were full of anger, and they were shaking all over the body.

But there are so many people who are in the way of the Eastern Emperor education around. They can only turn around and leave with their heads low.

Liu Ma saw the appearance and turned to the floor.

"Godmaster, they're gone."

Liu Ma came to Linyang's room and said respectfully.

"I see."

Lin Yang returned to a sentence, from the bathroom to the basin water to the bed.

At this moment, Bizhen is staying by the bed, nervously looking at the girl who is lying in bed weak to the extreme.

"Sister, you must hold on, and you will deal with the wound immediately!"

Bizhen said anxiously, and she took a bag of needle from her arms and spread it out.

Linyang was stunned.

"Please, brother. Put the water next to you. Then can I leave. I will deal with the wound for my younger sister!" Bizhen wiped away tears from her eyes.

"You deal with the wound for your sister?"

"Is there a question?" Bizhen asked at Linyang.

"No, no problem. After all, it's a senior master of the old man! It's no problem, "he said Linyang smiled, put down the basin and walked out of the room.

After about half an hour, the door was opened.

"Brother, it's all right. Come in."

I got into the house.

"What's the matter with your sister?" Lin Yang looked at the figure that had already slept in the eye bed, and asked.

"Her wound has stabilized. I'll go outside the drugstore later to buy some medicine. The problem is not big!" Bizhen called her mouth.

"That's fine."

"Thank you very much, brother."

"It's OK. The tutor has a good face with me. We are friends." Lin Yang smiled: "are you hungry? I'll get something for you. "

"No, we can't stay here too long. When I give my sister some medicine, we will take her away. If I stay here for too long, it will only bring you trouble! Since you have some origins with your tutor, we can't get in touch with you! " Bizhen shook her head.

"You look like you can't go with your younger sister. Just stay here. It doesn't matter."

"But..." br >

it's OK. " Lin Yang laughs.

Lin Yang is especially grateful for the old man who solved a big problem for him. He is grateful for it. Now, Lin Yang will not slow down when he meets the people in miaozhou valley.

"Now that's the case, thank you! I don't think the group came up. I don't know which room we hid in. I will stay here with my younger sister for a while... "Sighed Bizhen.

"That's right. What are those people? Why do you chase you in the light of the sun? " Linyang can't help asking.

"They are from the Naran family." Bizhen road.

"Naran family?" Linyang was in a fog: "forgive me to smell nothing."

"You don't even know the Naran family?" Bizhen looks at Linyang unexpectedly.

"I don't know."

"What are you doing when you come to Nanchuan? Is it because of the conscription meeting? "

"Of course, it's hard for both of you girls to run for this?" Asked Lin Yang curiously.

"We are not here, we are just for the absolute life of Nangong family!"

"The flower of life?"

"Yes, but we met people of Naran family in a restaurant in the south of the city. As everyone knows, my master master has a drop of Lingxue in her hand. She is old enough to hand down the blood to the following high-level disciples. Recently, master is seriously ill. The Naran family thinks that her old man has handed down the blood to us. But actually I am We have no blood in our hands. If the people of Naran family don't believe it, they will take us. Even if we don't, they can use us to force master to hand over the blood. We can't help but fight with them and then flee in a hurry. " Bizhen said bitterly.

"That's what it was."

Lin Yang showed a sudden look.

"I don't know what your name is, brother. You say you are a friend of master. If so, master should have mentioned you."

"My name is Linyang."

"Linyang? I never heard of it. "

"I've heard that this time."

"OK... No more. I have to go shopping for medicine."

"I'll go. You stay and take care of your younger sister. Tell me something."

"That's it... It's too much trouble for you!"

Bizhen is busy to thank you. She quietly looks at the man's face with a cap on it, and finds that there is a delicate and beautiful face like God.Bizhen breathed and trembled, and her cheeks were flushed.

She had never seen such a handsome man.

Although she didn't see it all, it made her heart tremble.

But I don't know why, Bizhen feels that this person is a little familiar.

I don't know where I've seen...

but it's a pity that Lin Yang turns around and walks away and doesn't give Bizhen a chance to continue to look at her.

Ten minutes later, Lin Yang sent the medicine into the room and left.

"Order to go down, protect these two people, what they want, try to satisfy." Lin Yang is aiming at Liu Ma Dao.

"Yes, Lord!" Liu Ma saluted respectfully.

Lin Yang nodded and went back to the room.

He glanced at the door of the room.

There was a figure shaking in the shadow.

Lin Yang shook his head, sat on the sofa, took out a few secret classics, and read them carefully.


At this time, a slight noise came out.

Then the window of the guest room was opened and a man jumped in from outside.

Lin Yang looked at his watch and glanced at the man and said, "it's time for dinner. Where's your miss?"

"My young lady doesn't like to be invited to dinner. She only likes to invite others to dinner. She has already reserved a private room in the hotel next door, serves the dishes, and only waits for me to invite you to dinner." Men's indifference.

"Yes, I'll go now." Lin Yang closed the book.

"You don't have to go there in person, you just have to head over there!"

The man said without expression, he pulled out a dagger from his waist and walked towards Linyang.

But as soon as he walked, he stopped.

But beside Lin Yang, I don't know when standing a figure in black armor holding a long sword.

The figure was wrapped up and down tightly, and even his toes were not exposed. He could only see a pair of cold eyes under his helmet, just like two cold moons in the sky at night.

His breath was particularly somber and shocking.

The man's brow is tight and the pressure is doubled.

"This should be my guard!"

Lin Yang opened the book again and said calmly, "if you want to take my head away, you should defeat him first."


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