
Nangong dream looks at the sound source.

Here Nangong Yunqiu and Nangong Mofei are also eye-catching.

"The boy again?"

"Ah, if you don't have a common sense with him, will he kick his nose and face? How dare you behave

"I don't think the boy knows the height of heaven and earth."

"If you don't take a lesson, he'll just keep going crazy!"

"Don't worry. Mr. Nangong is here this time. How can he continue to connive at him? Watch it. This time I'll take care of this boy

The guests whispered to each other, staring at Lin Yang's incessant comments and ridicule.

"Are you finished? Do you really think our Nangong family is afraid of you? " Nangong Yunqiu is the most angry.

Lin Yang's successive provocations and previous events have made her tolerance limit reach the limit.

Even Nangong Mofei, who is as calm as Nangong Mofei, feels insulted at the moment.

"What did you just say?"

He stopped the furious Nangong Yunqiu and went to the front, staring at Lin Yang.

"I said," you Nangong family is just like this! Do you have abnormal ears

Lin Yang sat on the chair and said casually.

This word falls, south palace Mo flies instantly raise hand, mercilessly fan to Lin Yang's face.

We should teach Linyang as well as Anyuan!

But this time, his slap did not fall on Lin Yang's face.


A hand suddenly pinched Nangong Mofei's wrist and contained the slap in the air.


Many people exclaimed.

Nangong Mofei coldly stares at the master of that hand, Liu Ma!


"What are you doing?"

"Let go, young master!"

People from Nangong aristocratic family rushed in one after another.

If you dare to hurt my family! We're going to break you to pieces! There is no dead body

Nangong housekeeper stares at Liu Ma Dao coldly.

"Ah, a small Nangong family, how powerful! Yes! I'm standing here, and I want to see how you guys teach us to die without a corpse Liu Ma was unafraid and laughed. He looked at the people around him with pride.

This completely angered the people in the Nangong aristocratic family.

Nangong Mo flies his eyes to show his ferocity. He clenches his fist and is ready to make trouble.

But at this time, Nangong dream suddenly got up.

"Stop it all!"

There was an earthquake at the scene.

"Master of the house!"

The housekeeper was busy standing up.

"Father, with so many distinguished guests watching, we can't lose face." Nangong murmured.

In fact, he hated him more than Nangong Yunqiu. In the end, Qi Sheng died in this man's hands.

Nangong dream didn't look at him, just staring at Lin Yang, who was sitting on the chair.

Everyone can see that Liu Ma is just a follower, and this is the master.

At this moment, all the talents are looking at the person who is arranged in the last seat.

Nangong Meng looked very carefully, but the man was wearing a mask, and he did not know his identity.

All of a sudden, Nangong dream seems to see something, eyes a coagulation, directly staring at Lin Yang's fingers.

There's a ring there!

The ring is simple and charming, low-key and bright, and the texture on the top can be called a superb craftsmanship!

This kind of ring, by no means, can be worn by ordinary people.

In addition, Liu Ma's arrogant attitude made him suspicious.

These two people are extremely human.

"Where are you from Nangong Meng asked.


Liu Ma is not polite again, report directly to the home.

"What? Donghuangjiao? "

The guests at the scene burst into a pot, one by one stunned and cried out.

Nangong Mofei and Nangong Yunqiu are also stunned.

Of course, the most shocking are Bizhen and Anyuan.

"Is he a member of the Eastern Church?"

"Does the teacher have any contact with the people of Donghuang cult? Why haven't you heard of it before? "

The two girls are full of mist.

The civil strife of the Eastern Emperor cult is well known in the world, but even so, no one dares to look down on it. After all, the camel is bigger than the horse, and no one is willing to provoke it.

"How can the people of Donghuang cult come here?"

"Do they also want to attend the meeting and marry Nangong family?"

"Very likely! At present, there are many conflicts in the Eastern Emperor's religion. People from all walks of life want to sit on the throne of the leader and unify the Eastern Emperor religion! I think these two people want to marry Nangong, fight for foreign aid, and use the power of Nangong aristocratic family to pacify the people in the sect! "

"It makes sense!"

Said the guests.

The dream of Nangong is that his eyes are bright.If so, he is very interested!

"It turns out to be a friend of the eastern cult! Ha ha ha, neglect, neglect Nangong dream faintly smiles, then looks toward the housekeeper.

The housekeeper is busy to let the people of Nangong aristocratic family move away.

"Mo Fei, let go! I apologize to the two adults? "


Nangong Mofei immediately bowed: "Mo Fei is not sensible. He has offended two adults of the Eastern Emperor cult. Please forgive me."

Liu Ma saw the situation and just stopped.

Lin Yang didn't say a word, but looked at Anyuan and Bizhen over there.

"Go and get a Jue Ming flower and give it to the two lovers of the old man with wonderful hands." Nangong waved his hand very well.

The housekeeper called at once.

When Bizhen and Anyuan heard the sound, they were suddenly overjoyed and thought they were dreaming.

"Thank you very much, Mr. Nangong." Bi Zhen was so excited that she said.

"You're welcome."

Nangong Meng shook his head.

"Now we have got Jue Ming Hua. We need to return to miaoshou Valley as soon as possible. We will cook medicine for master and cure master. We will stay soon. When master recovers in the future, we will go to the door to thank you." Bi Zhen thanks way, finish saying, then want to take an yuan to leave.

"Don't rush to leave, you two. You come from a long way. Take a rest and leave! Otherwise, isn't it that the old man with clever hands should blame us for our poor hospitality and our ignorance of hospitality? " Nangong dream said lightly.

The south palace housekeeper stopped the second daughter directly.

Bizhen breathed.

She is not a fool. How can she not know the mind of Nangong dream?

The reason why Nangong Meng gave her Jue Ming flower was to please Lin Yang.

Naturally, he had to ask Lin Yang for an attitude.

In the case of Lin Yang's uncertain attitude, it is impossible for him to let her go. After all, there may be spiritual blood on her!

"Then... That's ok..."

Bizhen bit her silver teeth and subconsciously leaned towards Linyang.

"Who is the name of this friend? Why did you come to my Nangong family this time? " Nangong dream is not wordy, but directly to Linyang.

"My name is Lin. I'm here to ask the Nangong master for something!" Lin Yang said quietly.

"Oh? What does Mr. Lin need? " Nangong Meng asked.

"The antidote of jueshenghua poison!" Lin Yang Congsheng Dao.

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