"The antidote of Jueming pill?"

"It's true!"

All around frowned.

Nangong Meng is laughing.

"What am I saying! Is this why Mr. Lin is here? Good! Good! no problem! Ha ha ha... "

Lin Yang is confused and can't understand why Nangong Meng laughs like this.

But soon, the words of Nangong dream let Lin Yang suddenly realize.

"Mr. Lin, since you come for my antidote, you should know that there is only one antidote left, and it will be taken as my daughter's dowry to be married together! If you want an antidote, you should be the first to win the matrimony Nangong dream said with a smile.

Lin Yang was silent.

"Nangong family leader, we are just here to ask for antidote, but we are not here to attend any matrimony meeting!" Liu Ma was a little out of breath and spoke straight.


Nangong dream frowns.

"If you don't attend the conference, I'm afraid there will be no antidote! After all, it has been used as a dowry and will not be taken out alone. If Mr. Lin only comes for pills, I'm afraid you will be disappointed this time. Please leave. "

If you can't make an alliance with the people of Donghuang sect, Nangong Meng has no interest in these people, and the antidote can't be given to Lin Yang.

Nangong Meng didn't want to have a grudge with the Eastern Emperor religion, so he had to drive them away.

Lin Yang knows the rule.

After hesitating, he said faintly: "since the meeting of recruiting parents, it's natural to follow the rules. Lin is also interested in it."

"Oh? Do you really mean that

"It's my deputy who said there was a problem. I always meant it. Otherwise, why would I choose to visit at this node?"

"If so, the two are naturally guests of Nangong family." Nangong Meng, with a faint smile, waved: "immediately arrange for the two adults of donghuangjiao to sit in front of them! Tea is a good treat

"Yes, master!"

Housekeeper nodded, busy is to greet.

"No, I'll sit here with a bunch of flatterers. I'm not used to it." Lin Yang said.

"What do you say?"

"You are... Too presumptuous

The guests in the front row were angry and got up to blame Lin Yang.

Lin Yang turned a deaf ear.

Nangong dream lightly looked at Linyang a circle, side head light way: "send someone to check the background identity of these two people."

"Yes, master." The man next to him nodded and left immediately.

At this time, the housekeeper seemed to have received some news, and almost whispered in his ear.

Nangong Meng immediately looked up and looked out of the gate.

"Don't fly!"

"Father! What can I do for you? "

"When you arrive, please go to meet us on behalf of Nangong family." Nangong dream said with a smile.

Nangong Mofei heard this, trembling all over, excited: "yes, father!"

With that, he hurried out of the hall.

The guests were boiling at the sight.

"That one?"

"Can we say..."

some people have guessed who Nangong Meng refers to.

About a minute later, a group of people walked into the lobby.

The leader was a handsome young man with his back and head and a white robe.

This young man is very beautiful. His face is like a knife and an axe. His edges are divided. His eyes are bright. He seems to be able to see through everything. Of course, the most remarkable is his temperament.

Domineering, especially strong.

No matter who is standing beside him, he can't help but bow his head.

However, if you are an ordinary person, how can you be qualified to stand beside him?

I saw the men and women beside him, one by one, with a proud face and elegant clothes, which were different from ordinary people.

Nangong Mofei is also among them.

But his steps were a little shaky, and there was dust on his body. He looked rather embarrassed.

"Second brother, what's the matter with you?" Nangong Yunqiu looks stunned and asks.

"It's nothing. It's just that we've just missed a move with the sky." Nangong Mofei looks embarrassed and says in a low voice.

The words fell to the ground, and the people on the scene were breathing heavily.


Did Nangong Mofei fight with nalantan?

But what does that mean?

Nangong Mofei can only take a move in nalantan's hand?

For a moment, countless people gasped.

A move to defeat Nangong Mofei?

Is this Tianjiao?

You know, Nangong Mofei is also a rare martial arts genius in Nangong family...

"nalantan has met the Nangong master!" The handsome man stepped forward and said faintly.

Although he is making ceremony, his words and deeds are still incomparably arrogant.

Nangong dream burning looking at this Nalan day, is envious and complex.How he hoped that such a peerless Tianjiao could belong to Nangong family.

It's a pity that the weather is not as good as expected.

"My nephew, how is your father?"

"Thank you for your concern. My father is all right."

"That's all right. Come on, seat up!" Nangong dream road.

Nalan Tian was not polite, nodded his head gently and went up.

But when passing by Linyang, he looked at Linyang deeply, and Linyang also looked up.

What he saw was the pride and war spirit in Nalan's eyes.

This makes Lin Yang quite confused.

Is it difficult for this person to know himself?

Nallantian arrived, and the scene was boiling again.

Numerous guests flocked to it, chatting or echoing.

The hall is very lively.

Only Linyang here is extremely cold, nobody pays attention to.

At this time, the housekeeper stepped in quickly and called respectfully.

"Sir, it's time!"

The voice fell to the ground, and the scene was a little quiet.


Nangong Meng suddenly got up and said with a smile, "everybody, follow me to the challenge arena! The meeting is about to start! "

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