"Brother Lin?"

"What are you... What are you doing?"

Bizhen and Anyuan were immediately stunned and were busy shouting.


Liu Ma also looked stunned and immediately got up and called.

He knew that Lin Yang was going to be on stage.

But he didn't expect Lin Yang to be the first one to take the stage...

is this a bit urgent?

"Master, let those people do it first! In my opinion, besides Nalan Tianjiao, there are also many terrible forces on the scene. If you take the stage first, you will only suffer losses. " Liu Ma advised.

If Nangong dream wants to choose a man who can fight to the last as Nangong yanrou's husband, then the last one is always the most advantageous.

Anyone who has a little brain will choose to sit on the mountain to watch the tiger fight at this moment. When everyone is exhausted, they will go up and pick it up.

This is how Liu Ma thinks.

However, Lin Yang did not think so.

He took out a token and handed it to Liu ma.

"It's almost time to act!"

A few simple words fell out, and then looking at the token in his hand, Liu Ma suddenly trembled, and his expression suddenly solidified a lot.

"Master, you mean..."

"from this moment on, we have already started!"

Lin Yang calmed down and turned to the challenge arena.

Liu Ma's eyes flashed heavy, immediately took out the mobile phone, pressed a few buttons.

"Deacon Liu!"

There was a husky voice over the phone.

"Preacher orders, act now!"


The scene was boiling.

With the fall of Nangong dream's words, many young talents are eager to move.

But as soon as they were about to appear on the stage, they were stopped by the elders accompanying them.

These people all mean the same thing. They can't get on the stage now. To get on the stage, we have to wait for most of the experts to come on the stage.

People who attended the meeting were all in such a state of mind that no one appeared on the stage.

Within five or six minutes of Nangong dream calling out this word, no one got up.

It's embarrassing for the Nangong family.


One of the attendants next to nalantan called out in a low voice.

"Don't worry. Don't you see all of them coming? If they are interested in Nangong family, let them do it first. " Nalan sky light way.

"Yes, sir." The retinue nodded.

The Nangong family is very anxious.

Nangong Yunqiu is the autumn eyes burning staring at Nalan Tian.

In her mind, nalantan is her ideal brother-in-law.

Looking handsome, not to say, but also the tenth day of terror!

Such an identity, such strength, is simply impeccable! What's more, Nalan family and Nangong family are well matched. Who can be better than him?

Nangong Yunqiu can't be found.

Therefore, after the conference began, Nangong Yunqiu has been looking forward to Nalan Tian's direct hand.

There are a lot of Nangong family members who think like this.

Conalantian always sat at a high position and did not move like a mountain. He didn't seem to be in a hurry at all.

This makes Nangong Yunqiu unable to hold back. He stands up from his chair and tries to persuade Nalan Tian.

However, at this time, the boiling scene suddenly became quite quiet.

Then everyone's eyes looked to the right side of the ring.

Nangong Yunqiu can't help looking at that end.

However, just a glance, she was stunned.

However, the masked man, who was making a big noise in the hall, walked out of the seat and walked up the steps beside the challenge arena.

In the middle of the ring.

His hands were attached to his back, and his luxurious robe swung gently with the wind. His mask was shining in the sunlight, which was very powerful.

The scene was quiet for seven or eight seconds, and then there was another buzz.

"Who is this man?"


"I haven't seen such a stupid person, the first to go up? Does he think he's good at it? "

"Stupid pig, watch him perform!"

Many people secretly smile and look at Lin Yang with contempt.

"Oh? It's Mr. Lin

Nangong Meng looked at Lin Yang, his eyes twinkled with a strange light, and with a slight smile, he opened his mouth to the people below: "dare to ask who would like to step on the stage and challenge Mr. Lin?"

People, you look at me, I look at you, nobody comes out.

"If no one is willing to challenge Mr. Lin, then according to the rules, I will marry Mr. Lin!" Nangong dream secretly glanced at nalantan and others, and then announced the result.

But at this time, someone could not hold on, and called out directly: "wait a minute!"

Crash.A burst of air breaking sound sounded, and then saw a tall man with some beards jumping on the challenge arena, standing in front of Lin Yang, standing in front of Lin Yang, said coldly, "in the lower Xichun City, Mao Shuangying! I haven't done it yet! How can miss yanrou marry this man? Nangong master! Today, I'm married to miss yanrou. Who dares to stop me! I'll take care of them! "


The next small poke immediately stood up and applauded.

They are all the people of maoshuangying in Xichun.

Nangong Meng nodded and said with a smile: "in this case, Mao Shuangying! Mr. Lin, you can do it! Challenge in the arena, please call it a day

With that, he stepped aside.

Mao Shuangying didn't rush to start his work. He just stared at Lin Yang coldly: "boy, you are not my opponent! If you get out of the challenge arena, you can suffer less! "

"Can you go down?" Lin Yang looked at him and asked.

"You don't hear what I'm talking about? I want you to go down! " Mao Shuangying was angry and seemed unwilling to waste time. He took a few strides and dashed to Lin Yang's face.

He just raised his arm, Lin Yang's body suddenly shook, his arm also raised like lightning, the palm of his hand accurately pinched Mao Shuangying's neck.



Mao Shuangying is not breathing well.

But people did not respond, Lin Yang again, but pinched his whole person toward the ground outside the arena.


Mao Shuangying's body immediately flew out like a shell, hit the ground heavily, rolled for a few circles, and fell to the ground soft and motionless, just like a dead dog.


The audience was shocked.

The relatives and friends of Mao Shuangying over there are all dumbfounded.

A move to clean up Mao Shuangying?

Many people are busy staring at Lin Yang.

There is no change in Nangong Meng's face.

Nangong yanrou here pays a little attention to Linyang.

She had no interest in this man before. Although he was wearing a mask, she could see that he was very young.

The strength of such a young man must not be so high, unless he is the same evil genius as nallantian.

But such a genius is hard to come up with in a thousand years.

It's only a matter of time before this kind of stupid guy is screened out.

After all, nalantan hasn't made a move yet.

"Childe, what do you think?" Asked the man next to him carefully.

"Native chicken and dog." Nallantian looked at Lin Yang contemptuously and shook his head.

"Who else will come up?"

Lin Yang put down his hand, looked at the people under the stage, and opened his mouth lightly.

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