Lin Yang made many people hesitant.

Although Lin Yang only used one move and did not show the mountain water leakage, but everyone can see that this man is not easy to deal with.

Even those who think they can beat Lin Yang dare not.

They thought that even if they defeated Linyang, they would certainly consume a lot of strength.

In this way, it is difficult to deal with the strong behind, so everyone once again chose silence.

Lin Yang also expected these people to be like this.

But he was not in a hurry.

Because at this time, he was very close to Nangong yanrou.

In any sense...

"what? Don't any of your friends want to try it out? " Nangong dream also opened a tune.

People, you look at me, I look at you, they don't say a word.

The atmosphere is strange again.

Until then, a strong man suddenly walked to the challenge arena.

"Grandma, they are all cowards! You want to get a wife like this? Pooh

He was up and down the stage, yelling at him.

Lin Yang looked at him. He was nearly two meters tall. He looked very strong. He gave people a strong visual sense. However, the most important thing was not his muscles, but the calluses on his ten finger joints.

These calluses are difficult to form without decades of accumulation.

It seems that this man is a boxing master! And I practiced boxing when I was young.

Nangong Meng's eyes were slightly bright and said with a smile, "is this friend?"

"Tiger fist flows Zhang Feng!" The strong man twisted his neck.

"Zhang Feng? Is this the first disciple of Renhu? "

"My God, it's the first disciple of Renhu!"


"No wonder he has the guts to go up!"

"It must be a wonderful match."

There was a lot of discussion on the spot.

"Son of God, we can have a good look at this guy's strength this time?" Nallantian said with a smile a man with shoulder length hair on the opposite seat.

"It's just some mediocre fists and vulgar feet. What's the use of probing into it?" Nalan Tiandan road.

"Oh, on the tenth day, pride has confidence to speak!" The man squinted, full of deep meaning: "I really want to learn!"

"You'll have a chance later!" Nalan said quietly.

The man's fist clenched at once, but soon loosened again.

Zhang Feng, a tiger boxing, is obviously famous in these people's ears.

Lin Yang has never heard of it.

"Let's go." Lin Yang light road.

"Let's go? Hum, boy, I've been wandering in the world for so many years, and no one dares to ask me to do it first! You are the first! It's bold! " Zhang Feng repeatedly nodded and said, "but I don't want to kill you with one punch! So, I'll give you a hand! I'll fight you with my right hand

Finish saying, then stride toward Lin Yang.

"Do you use only one hand? Then I'll use a finger! " Lin Yang pointed out a way.

"What are you talking about? You only have one finger? Asshole! Do you look down on me

Zhang Feng was furious and roared. His speed increased several times in vain. In an instant, he approached Lin Yang and shot him in the face.


It's a sound barrier!

How terrible!

I'm afraid steel can be pierced in an instant.

Many people stare at the punch with wide eyes.

Some people couldn't help screaming.

No matter who it was, he felt that this blow was enough to blow Lin Yang's head like a watermelon.

"Brother Lin!" Bizhen lost her voice.

"It's over." Anyuan murmured.

But at this time, Lin Yang's finger suddenly moved slightly and moved to the front of the fist.


A strange voice sounded.

He saw that the blow to the fist suddenly fixed in front of Lin Yang, can't move forward any more.

Zhang Feng was surprised, busy is looking.

Only then discovered own fist unexpectedly is by Lin Yang's finger to resist.


The whole place was boiling.

One finger against the human tiger disciple with all his strength?

It's a little exaggerated...


Zhang Fengxin is unwilling, roaring again, want to break the finger with his fist.

But the finger is very hard, just like King Kong. No matter how hard he exerts force, the finger will not move, nor will it bend at all.

"How could that happen?"

Zhang Feng is stupid.

But I saw the finger suddenly face forward gently.


Zhang Feng seems to have been hit by some kind of clever force. The whole person retreats crazily. Then he stumbles and falls on the edge of the challenge arena. When he gets up, his fist is already gurgling with blood.At first glance, the fist was actually a blood hole punched by Linyang's finger...

Zhang Feng was shocked.

The people on the scene also stared at each other.

"I said, I only use one finger, but I allow you to hand me with two fists!"

Lin Yang one hand attached, the other hand out a finger, toward Zhang Feng.

Zhang Feng looked at Lin Yang, who was walking, and his heart was not rising from the strong fear.

He was eager to roar up and fight with the man.

But not much reason conquered temperament at this moment.

"You can deal with me with any finger. If you want to kill me, you should have done it just now!"

Zhang Feng holds his wrist, and he stands up with his teeth, and whispers, "if I still fight with you, I don't know how to raise it, so... Mr. Lin, I conceded!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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