
The sound of exultation resounded again.

All the people under the stage clapped their hands and cheered for nallantian's blow.

No one can understand what nallantian's hand is.

Lin Yang is also included.

No matter how fierce his fist is, as long as he is touched by nallantian, he will surely be counterattacked.

Is this what ingenuity can achieve?

If so, it would be too terrible to be clever...

in the end, Tianjiao ranked tenth, with extraordinary strength.

Lin Yang took a deep breath and got up again with a serious look.

"Oh, I don't know the height of the earth. Do you understand the strength of my brother-in-law now? I advise you to surrender and kneel down to beg my brother-in-law not to kill you. Otherwise, my brother-in-law will be merciless later, for fear that he will accidentally kill you here! " He is shouting at Lin Yunyang.

She finally waited for this moment.

Before Lin Yang was invincible in the arena, she was too oppressed.

Now it's comfortable and comfortable to the bone...

"hum, I don't want to see where this is. People who rely on themselves as the Eastern Emperor's religion are in lawlessness? It's ridiculous The former Qin family leader, who pleaded for Sen wolf, also spoke coldly.

"What's the present Donghuang religion? The river is falling apart! If Nangong aristocratic family can get married with Nalan aristocratic family this time, an Eastern Emperor religion will not be regarded by them at all! " Others said with a smile.

"But I heard that recently, the Eastern Emperor's church held a meeting of the Eastern Emperor in order to elect the leader of the sect! If there is a new leader of the eastern cult, the situation will be different... "I don't know who called carefully.

But this fall, still is disdain and sneer.

"Hum, even if we really have a leader? The current problems of donghuangjiao can not be solved by an inexplicable assembly! There are too many people who want to be the leader of the sect. In addition to speaking with strength, there is no way to unify donghuangjiao! "

Someone came forward to refute.

People at the scene were talking.

But more people still focus on Lin Yang.

He didn't pay attention to the gossips around him. His eyes under the mask were especially solemn. He only stared at Nalan Tian and went forward again with firm steps.

"It seems that I'm light handed!" Nalan Tian looked at Lin Yang who came back up again and shook his head: "maybe I should be more serious and finish this boring duel quickly!"

With that, nalantan took the initiative to attack.

His feet are facing the ground a little bit.


the whole arena suddenly shakes.

It's like a boat in the rough sea, swaying violently.

This is the ingenious work of nallantian.

Because of the shaking of the challenge arena, Lin Yang was a little unstable.

But he was particularly shocked.

Because in such a clever force, although the arena shakes badly, it is not broken!

What kind of power is this?

Lin Yang couldn't think.

While shaking God, Nalan sky has appeared in front of him.

"You are still distracted from me. Do you look down on me, or do you think you are invincible? So arrogant and arrogant, do not kill you! My heart is hard to calm

Nalan Tian's indifferent voice came, along with a kind of illusory and ethereal hand.

That hand is too fast and too mysterious, the power above has been unable to use words to describe!

Lin Yang believes that even if it is a tall building in the mountains, it will turn into dust, let alone people.


The hand beat hard on Lin Yang's chest.

The palm of the palm burst out a circle of thick and startling air lines, like blue ripples, spread around and swing to the distance.

Some close to the audience were directly knocked down by the air stripe. Some people were in a coma on the spot, others were crying out in pain.

The rest of the people were scared out of their wits and pulled back.

As for Lin Yang, he couldn't help falling back from the ring.

This one! How amazing!

Perhaps it has no earth shaking power, no momentum of breaking the sea, but its destructive power is absolutely beyond the imagination of ordinary people.

After this blow, nallantian also stopped.

"It's over!" Someone realized something and went straight ahead.

"Every time the other party loses, he will accept it!"

"This guy, it seems that he is really vulnerable!"

"Lost a little fast."

"Enough! After all, he took several moves from master Nalan! Is there anything unsatisfied to be able to fight like this with the tenth person in Tianjiao list? " Nangong Mofei said with a light hum.

Many people do not know that he only took a move on nallantian's hand.

It's enough to brag about nallantian's hand.It took Lin Yang a while to stabilize himself.

He took a breath and looked at his chest. He felt that there was a force in his chest like an electric current, tearing him crazy.

"If you have any last words, just say it quickly, because in 10 seconds, this clever force will tear you apart! I'm sorry I didn't leave you a whole body. " Nalan Tiandan road.

However, Lin Yang did not speak, just staring at his chest, as if feeling something.

A moment later, he closed his eyes directly, motionless, like a statue.

This can make the people below the stage stunned.

"What's the boy doing?"

"Isn't it frightening?"

"I think he wants to understand. Ken will wait until he dies!"

There was constant discussion.

Nalan Tian was too lazy to pay attention to it, and said to the Nangong dream over there: "Nangong master, I think the wedding between me and your daughter should be held now?"

"Ha ha ha ha, of course, no problem!"

Nangong Meng laughs.

Since nalantan said that Lin Yang was dead, he must be dead, so he got up straight and walked to the challenge arena and said, "ladies and gentlemen, I now announce that the winner of the marriage convention is Nalan..."

"why? Did I lose? "

Without waiting for Nangong Meng to finish speaking, Lin Yang over there suddenly opens his mouth and interrupts his voice.

Nangong dream was stunned.


Nalan Tian also looked at Lin Yang, and saw that it was intact, and her eyebrows were not changed.

"It seems that our duel is not over yet? Nangong master, why are you so anxious to announce the result? Is nallantian going to throw in the towel Lin Yang said again.

Nangong dream looks to Nalan.

"Nangong master, you go back first, and then wait. It seems that there is a little accident, but it doesn't matter. It won't take long."

Nallantian's eyes were slightly impatient and strange.

Obviously, Lin Yang was not torn up by that clever force, which made him particularly unhappy.

He doesn't care about Lin Yang's strength. He just thinks that Lin Yang doesn't die in ten seconds, he's beating him in the face!

"You're tough!" Nalan's sinking road.

"I don't think it's time for me to fight back." Lin Yang hoarse way, suddenly, his hands open, put out a strange posture.

Nallantian's pupils shrank and looked at him in amazement.

"This position..."

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