Lin Yang raised one hand, elbow slightly bent, one hand forward, stretching straight.

If you look at this posture at first, you can't see anything different, but now it's particularly shocking!

Because the audience just now saw this posture in nalantan's body!

This is clearly the skill of Nalan family!

"What? Do you know the ingenuity of my Nalan family? It's impossible. It's a unique skill of Nalan family. Not to mention you. Even the people of Nalan family may not be able to learn it! How could you? " Nallantian shook his head.

Lin Yang did not speak.

"Well, let me try you!"

After saying that, nalantan was drinking and shouting again and rushed to Linyang.

It is still the ethereal body method just like ghosts.

After getting close to Linyang, nalantan's palms came out together and patted all joints of Linyang.

It was like a sharp knife attached to the palm of his hand.

However, if touched by it, it is bound to shatter and crack, and it is difficult to survive.

But Lin Yang is not afraid, the same drive arms, toward the two palms of nalantan.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang...

two people hit each other with their palms, making a violent muffling sound.

The audience can only see that the whole body of the two is full of palm shadows, which is so dense that they can't tell which is whose.

The scalp is numb.

However, Lin Yang's resistance speed was a little slower. After four or five seconds of parry, Lin Yang couldn't resist. He ate Nalan Tiantian palm one after another, and was shocked back more than ten steps before he stopped.


The crowd broke out again.

"I thought it was something. You are learning and selling now! Imitate my moves Nallantian shook his head again: "should I say you are stupid or are you stupid? I won't say how bad your imitation is. I'll just ask you, even if your imitation is perfect, do you think you can beat me with my moves? No one knows naranga's skill better than me! To defeat me with it is not a fool's tale? "

"You can beat me first." Lin Yang did not get angry and replied directly.

Nalan Tian congealed his eyes and stopped speaking. He rushed to Linyang again.

This time, he didn't have any hands left. His arms were waving like dragons, and his cleverness was surging like a flood.

This time, he was holding the attitude of killing Lin Yang.

In an instant, the arena was turbulent and the wind was blowing around. Even the clouds in the sky were somehow scattered.

All the audience around were startled and stepped back again.

Even the masters beside Nalan dream are a little bit unstoppable, but he is still sitting on the seat.

"A thousand armies are broken by skillful force!"

There was a yell.

Nalan Tian hit and killed him with one hand, turning into a thousand palm shadows in his palm. He was like a big mouth swallowing Lin Yang.

Lin Yang couldn't resist. He was in the middle of his hand all over the body. He couldn't help retreating.

But nalantan did not stop at this point, and the other hand turned into claws, buckled to the joints of Linyang.




when the hands and claws exert force, the joints make strange sounds, as if the bones are broken, and the people who listen to them are horrified.

But that's not the end.

He raised his palms again and frantically attacked Lin Yang's chest.

At the moment, Lin Yang has been completely unable to defend nalantan's attack. The whole thing is one-sided beating, and his chest is shaking wildly. A force of ingenuity is constantly penetrated by nalantan.

Perhaps nalantan's moves are not as destructive as others, giving people a strong visual impact, but his destructive power is stronger than everyone else.

It's like these palms.

If ordinary people eat a palm, they will immediately be the palm of the clever force into the body, tearing up the internal organs, and even bone vessels.

Usually, the person who died in nalantan's hands can't see any injury on the outside. Only by digging it open can we see that the inside has turned into paste.

"Big momentum day!"

At this time, nalantan was drinking again, his palms were facing the sky, and then he took a pat across the air toward Linyang.


A terrible air current actually fell from the sky and hit Linyang.


Burst into the air!

The air current directly suppressed Linyang, and the whole arena burst suddenly. The stones and wooden blocks splashed around, and a large amount of dust was floating.

The people in the distance took a step back and looked at the challenge arena carefully.

At this time, the arena has been completely broken.

Even the ground under the challenge arena, there are a lot of cracks!

What terror!

What a shock!

This is the power of Nalan's wonderful power!

This is the strength of the tenth day pride!

Countless people gasped and looked.

At present, even Nangong Yunqiu did not immediately enter into the joy of Lin Yang's death, but was immersed in the power of Nalan Tian, unable to extricate herself."Elder martial sister!"

Anyuan, who is close to the wedding site, is anxious and sad, and shouts at her side.

"Do it!"

Bizhen drinks, regardless of those, directly turns to the wedding scene to rush.

"What do you two do?"

Wedding banquet only a few servants in the preparation of food and wine, see rushed in the second daughter, all confused.

But Bizhen doesn't care. She picks up the candle on the candlestick and lights the curtains, tables and chairs on the spot.

After a while, a big fire broke out in the wedding banquet hall.

"There's a fire!"

The cry resounded in all directions. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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