"What's going on?"

"Where is the fire?"

The dull people came back to their senses and yelled.

"Master, it seems that the wedding hall is on fire!"

The people nearby were busy shouting.


Nangong Meng suddenly got up, his face was angry, and he yelled: "quick, send someone to put out the fire!"


People from Nangong aristocratic family rushed to the auditorium.

At the same time, two gray faced figures darted out of it.

That's Bizhen and Anyuan.

"Younger martial sister, hurry to take brother Lin away!"

Bi Zhen coughed and said.

The two girls were choked by the smoke.

There was a commotion at the scene, quite chaotic.

Nallantian's eyebrows moved, looked at the wedding scene, and then looked at the place where the dust was gradually falling.

When the dust is all gone, we can see that Lin Yang's figure is lying among the ruins.


Nallantian had some accidents.

He knew what kind of power his attack would be. If he changed the existence of the last ten in Tianjiao list, he would have no body, but Lin Yang was still intact.

But it doesn't matter. He believes that even if his skin and flesh are not injured, his internal organs and even his bones must be rotten!

After all, this is the ingenuity of Nalan family, which can penetrate the skin and directly attack the bone marrow and viscera!

It's a power that no one in the world can understand!

It is not easy to kill such a nobody of unknown origin.

"Brother Lin!"

Bizhen and Anyuan rushed over, Bizhen cried out in a sad voice, lying down beside Linyang, shaking Linyang, but Linyang's eyelids moved slightly, not knowing whether to die or not.

"Don't worry, elder martial sister. Let me have a look."

Anyuan stretched out her hand to check the pulse of Linyang.

A moment later, however, an yuan's pretty face turned white.

"Younger martial sister, how's brother Lin?" Bi Zhen asked urgently.

When she looks at her elder sister, she says in a low voice

Bizhen's pupils are tight.

People around him burst into laughter.

"Ha ha ha ha, this arrogant guy is dead at last!"

"Bah! Dog stuff! one 's crime deserves more than death! How dare you fight against master Nalan? Don't pee and take care of yourself

"Yes! Incompetent waste! I deserve to die! "

The crowd cursed.

Nangong Yunqiu clapped his hands and laughed: "good to die! Good death! Ha ha ha... "

" even the people in miaoshou Valley say they are dead. It seems that they are really gone... It's a pity. "

Fu Wuye looks sorry.

In his opinion, even if this man's achievement is not as good as nallantian's, it must be no less! If you are willing to bear it and grow up over time, you must be a character.


Nalan Tian shook his head and turned to walk toward Nangong yanrou.

"Miss yanrou, let's go, worship!"

"There's a fire."

Nangong smoke soft light road.

From the beginning to the end, she was an old well.

"It will soon die. Today, your father and my Nalan family are looking forward to your marriage. Don't let the two families lose hope. Besides, it's your good fortune to marry me nalantan! Don't you want to be my woman Nalan Tian said indifferently, looking at Nangong yanrou's eyes are full of pride.

It is natural for him to despise everything.

Nangong yanrou said nothing.

But it was just then.


There was a scream.

People around him looked at the sound one after another, only to find that the person making the sound was Anyuan...

"younger martial sister, what's the matter

Bizhen quietly wiped away her tears from the corner of her eyes and whispered: "brother Lin is dead. We can't stay here. We must leave quickly!"

"No... elder martial sister, he... He suddenly has a pulse!" Anyuan some incoherent words, a look of hesitation.

"What? Is there a pulse again

Bizhen is in a daze.

"Cough, cough, cough..."

at this time, a violent cough sounded.

Then he saw Lin Yang lying on the ground suddenly opened his eyes and stood up again.


There was an uproar all around.

Nangong Yunqiu is stupid.

He was wide eyed.

"Fake corpse?"

Nangong Mofei suddenly gets up and stares.

At the moment, even if it is Nalan Tian, he looks at Lin Yang in amazement.But after Lin Yang got up, he shook his head, patted the dust on his body and murmured: "is this clever power? It's really wonderful... It's really wonderful... "

" how can it be? "

Nalantan gazed at Lin Yang and said hoarsely, "you are not dead yet? You've eaten my strength! If you want to be an ordinary person, you don't even have a whole body. Why can you stand up? "

"Maybe it's because you're not very clever."

Lin Yang looked at him and asked calmly.

When people heard it, they gasped.

Dare to say such words to the peerless Tianjiao nalantan......

nalantan's face is very unnatural, and people stare at Lin Yang.

At this moment, he realized that it was wrong.

So far, I think of you as bad as flesh! In this world, there is no other body that can resist my skillful power except the supreme body of the body. Can you become a supreme body

"Supreme flesh? I don't understand. I don't know which one is stronger, the supreme flesh body or the congenital vigorous body? " Lin Yang asked without expression.

"Congenitally vigorous body?"

Nalan Tian subconsciously stepped back and his eyes were shocked.

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