With the command of Nangong dream, the master of Nangong aristocratic family immediately went to Lin Yangwei.

The situation on the scene was immediately reversed.

If there are experts from Nangong aristocratic family to join in, even if the surname of Lin is strong, he can't resist!

After all, it's hard to beat four hands with two fists!

"Brother Lin!" Bizhen almost screamed.

"It's over, it's all over, we're going to die here!" Anyuan is also a frightened bird.

"Master! Isn't that too bold? "

A senior member of Nangong aristocratic family approached Nangong dream and said in a low voice: "this man is a member of Donghuang cult! If we suppress him together with the people of Nalan family, won't it offend the eastern cult? I'm afraid it will be very troublesome then

"You think too much! My attitude towards Donghuang religion is to make friends if you can. If you want to tear your face, you don't have to worry too much! " Nangong dream light smile, eyes dew confidence way.

"Master, what do you mean..."

"you have to make clear that the present Donghuang cult is still in a state of fragmentation. Even though he has extraordinary skills, he can't stand up to death in the Eastern Emperor cult! What can you care about just one entrance of the Eastern Emperor religion? Do I have to look at the face of a Tangkou member of the Donghuang cult? " Nangong dream said with a smile.

The crowd nodded in silence.

"Compared with the Eastern Emperor, the Nalan family is much better. Today's marriage recruitment meeting was prepared for nalantan! How can we change the ending? "

"But... Master, Nalan Tian is defeated..." the man next to him whispered.

"It doesn't matter as long as we don't admit his failure! Then he is still the tenth day pride! What we want is not nallantian's personal strength, but the whole family behind him. Go! Take down the man of the eastern cult! Don't kill him. Lock him up first. I think this person may become an opportunity for us to enter the Eastern Emperor religion in the future. " Nangong dream narrowed his eyes.

"Yes, master!"

The people of Nangong family have made up their minds to stand by nalantan.

The guests retreated one after another, and no one dared to intervene.

After all, no one dares to offend these two families.

"Brother Lin, we have to get out of here! Come with me Bi Zhen rushes to Lin Yang's front and drags him by the arm.

Lin Yang did not move.

"Don't worry." He said faintly.


Bizhen was in a hurry and wanted to persuade her again.

However, the experts of Nangong family and Nalan aristocratic family all came here.

If you don't go, it's too late.

"Elm head!"

Bi Zhen secretly scolded, and simply did not care about Lin Yang. She turned and rushed to Anyuan. She took Anyuan's hand and rushed out.

If they don't go, none of them will leave.

Bizhen doesn't want to put herself in for this elm head.

But they just moved.


A rapid shadow passed, and then two slaps were slapped on their shoulders.

It's almost a split in the shoulder.

At first glance, it was Nangong Yunqiu who stopped them.

"Burning down our Nangong house, where else do you want to go?" Nangong Yunqiu said with a sneer.

Bizhen and Anyuan's faces turn pale.

In fact, their martial arts skills are not high. They are just doctors. They do not know how difficult it is to deal with Nangong Yunqiu.

"What do you want to do?" Bi Zhen gritted her teeth.

"What are you doing? Dare to be wild again in Nangong family! Hum! You're welcome! Take it! Lock it up first, and I'll settle the account with you! " Nangong Yunqiu squints and laughs.

The master of Nangong aristocratic family immediately grabbed the two girls and put them in custody.

At the same time, Lin Yang was surrounded by a large number of experts.

But at this critical moment, a big drink rang out.

"Stop it!"

One of them was stunned, and Qi looked at the sound source.

However, a group of people came out of the crowd, led by an old man with white hair and a golden border red robe.

The old man's breath is calm and hidden, and a pair of sunken old eyes seem to be able to see through everything.

The guests were shocked!

When Nangong dream saw the master of the voice, she frowned and raised her hand immediately.

The Nangong family stopped.

Even those who want to take Bizhen and Anyuan have stopped.

"Jin Shiming?" Nalan Tian looked at the other side of the eye, and his face became heavy. He also drank and was ready to move the master of Nalan family in Linyang.

"Isn't this the owner of Jinshi mountain villa? He's here, too? "

"Why haven't you seen them before?"

"May have been standing in the back, ignored?"

There was constant discussion.

Nangong Meng looked at Jin Shiming and said without expression: "when did the Lord of Jin come? Why don't you hear it? ""I'm just here to join in the fun! Why bother the Nangong master? " Jin Shiming stroked his beard and said with a faint smile.

Nangong dream is naturally the purpose of knowing Jin Shiming.

He should have previously disguised his identity and entered the Nangong family in the name of any young descendant of Jinshi mountain villa.

He didn't want to disturb Nangong Meng.

Because in this way, it is convenient for him to do anything.

"Then why does the Lord Jin come to interfere with his private affairs?" Nangong Meng asked without expression.

"I really can't stand what the Nangong master and master Nalan have done! Are you bullying people like this Jin Shi Mingyi said.

"Master Jin! Are you going to help this man? "

Nallantian stepped forward and asked with a cold face.

"Childe Nalan, I just don't want such excellent talents to be destroyed like this!"

Jin Shiming said, then looked at Lin Yang: "young man, your strength is very good! It's a pity that you are too impulsive! At the same time, he offended Nalan family and Nangong family! It's hard for you to leave here safe and sound! Otherwise, young man, you will join me in Jinshi villa! Jin Shiming will protect you today! What do you think? "

After this, everyone suddenly realized.

Feeling Jin Shiming stands out and wants to win over Lin Yang?

But also!

Who can defeat Nalan Tian's Tianjiao demon, and which powerful clan clan doesn't want to win over?

Even if this will offend the two powerful families, Jin Shiming can't wait.

"Brother Lin! Promise Seeing this, Bizhen was ecstatic and cried out in a hurry.

"Yes, brother Lin, please promise to master Jin! As long as you take refuge in the gold manor, everyone will be fine! " Anyuan is also shouting, full of longing.

At present, it seems that this is the only way for Linyang to survive!

Otherwise, if you annoy Jin Shiming, there will be no one in the world to save him!

All the people looked at Lin Yang.

Jin Shiming is watching him.

"Lord Jin, what do you mean?" Nangong dream is angry.

But Jin Shiming ignored him and waited for Lin Yang's reply.

However, at this time, Lin Yang finally opened his mouth.

"I don't need anyone to protect me! They can't help me

The words fell to the ground, and the audience was stupefied www.readwn.com , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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